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25 Cards in this Set

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Define: Counter Example

An example that contradicts a solution

Define: Hypothesis

An educated guess that attempts to explain or answer a question.

Define: Theory

A hypothesis that has been tested with a significant amount of data

Define: Scientific Law

A theory that has been tested with enough data that can be concluded.

When someone tells you that "science has proven" something, what should you say?

Science cannot prove anything, it can only theorize and create laws.

Does a scientific theory have to make sense?

No, it does not.

You saw that in experiments 2.1 and 2.2. After all, the idea that heavier Things Fall faster than lighter things makes sense. Nevertheless, it is wrong!

A feather and a penny are dropped from the top of a building. Which will hit the ground first?

The penny will hit the ground first.Remember, the fact that All Things fall at the same rate is only true when there is no air. Air resistance will slow the feather down more than the penny.

A feather and a penny are dropped down a long tube that has no air in it. Which will hit the bottom of the tube first.

Neither will hit the bottom of the tube first, because they will both fall at the same rate. Since there is no air in the tube, objects will fall at the same rate, regardless of their weight.

What does it take to destroy a scientific law?

To destroy a scientific law, you need only one counter example. Remember, a scientific law is established simply because the theory has been confirmed by an enormous amount of experimentation. If a single experiment can be demonstrated to contradict the law, it is no longer a law!

What was the experiment that confirmed Halley's hypothesis?

The experiment was to confirm the presence of the Comet again in 1758.

What are the steps of the scientific method in proper order?

1: Make observations

2: Form a hypothesis

3: Perform experiments to confirm the hypothesis

4: Hypothesis is now a Theory

5: Perform many experiments over several years

6: Theory is now a law

What was the observation that Halley made to form his hypothesis?

The observation was that the object similar to the one he was studying had been seen before by other scientists at regular intervals in history.

If a hypothesis does not agree with the experiment designed to confirm it, what two choices do you have?

You can either discard the hypothesis or modified to become consistent with the data.

Why was the discovery of high-temperature superconductors so startling to scientist?

The discovery of high-temperature superconductors was startling because a generally accepted scientific theory (BCS Theory) said it was impossible to have high-temperature superconductors.

What was Halley's hypothesis?

His hypothesis was that the object he was studying was the same thing that the other scientist had seen before.

Regular appearances of Halley's Comet have been found in history as far back as 2,000 years ago. Is the existence of Halley's Comet a theory or a scientific law?

Since the appearance of the comet has been noted many times throughout history by many different scientists, the existence of Halley's comet is now a scientific law.

In the text, you were told about Lowell's belief that there were canals on Mars. Name the observations that led to his hypothesis and the experiments used to confirm it

The observation that led to Lowell's hypothesis was the fact that there were faint lines on the surface of Mars. The experiments used to confirm the hypothesis were Lowell's detailed studies of Mars' surface, which he thought showed more details about the lines, providing more evidence that his hypothesis was true.

Can science be used to study events that will never, ever happen again?

Yes, it can. As long as the scientific method is followed, science can be used to study anything!

When I applied the scientific method to Christianity, what were the observations I used to form a hypothesis about the Bible?

The observations were that many people draw strength, hope, and encouragement from the Bible.

If a theory does not agree with the experiment designed to test it, what two choices do you have?

You can either discard the theory or modify it to become consistent with the data.

What was my hypothesis from when I applied the scientific method to Christianity?

I hypothesized that the Bible is the Word of God.

What were the experiments I designed to confirm the hypothesis from when I applied the scientific method to Christianity?

I search the Bible for knowledge of future events. This would indicate that the Creator of time had inspired the book.

Did I prove my hypothesis from when I applied the scientific method to Christianity?

Of course not! Science cannot prove anything. I did confirm the hypothesis, however. Thus, I provided evidence for its validity.

Can science be used to study religious ideas?

Yes, it can. As long as the scientific method is followed, science can be used to study anything!

What are the three limitations of science?

A. It cannot prove anything.B. It is not 100% reliable.C. It must conform to the scientific method.