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113 Cards in this Set

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What order are ferrets?

Order carnivora, other members include:





Mustela putorious furo is...

The domestic ferret

Mustela nigripes is...

The black foot ferret, native from North America

-In danger of extinction

What did the black foot ferret ate?

90% prairie dogs

What were ferrets initially used for?


-fur industry


They were domesticated around 300 years ago, how many ferrets are pets (estimated)?

7 million ferrets in the US

Anywhere where their head can fit, they can fit. why?

They have elongated bodies

What is a male ferret called?

A hob

Average size for a male ferret?

1-2 kilograms

What is a female ferret called?

A jill

Average size for a jill?

600-900 grams

Their flexible spine allows them to turn 180 degrees in narrow spaces, true or false?


How many pairs of ribs?

14-15, the last ones are the costal arch

How many non-retractable claws in each foot?


What shape is the os penis?

J shaped

How many teeth do they have?

34 teeth

How many heart chambers do they have?

4: to atria, 2 ventricles

Which lung has 4 lobes?

The right lung

the left lung has 2 lobes only

Whats is the GI transit time?

Very short: 3-4 hours

What do their GI tract lack of?

NO cecum or ileocolic valve

DO they have anal glands?


DO ferrets have sweat glands?


When do they molt?

In spring and fall

What is a ferret's life span?

5-8 years

When do they reach sexual maturity?

6-12 months

Gestation period, how many days?

42-44 days

Average litter size is...


weaning age is...

6-8 weeks

Use glass tanks for housing ferrets, true or false?

False! they have poor ventilation. Instead use big tall cages and provide hamocks and shelves.

Ferrets are strict carnivorous and have a high metabolic rate of 4-6 hours, true or false?


Give them a lot of sugary treats, true or false?


Dry food is preferred over canned food, true or false?


Ferrets may overturn their water dish, then...

Make sure is secure

Some ways to distract a ferret during a physical examination are...

-dangle the ferret, feet do not touch the table

-Offer Nutrical or ferretone

-ferret burrito


Their jugular vein is more lateral than the ones found in dogs and cats...true or false?


Anterior vena cava and jugular vein are preferred to collect large amounts of blood, true or false?


Cephalic and saphenous veins are used to collect small amounts of blood.


How often do they need physical exams?

once a year until they are 4-5 years old, then twice a year.

when ferrets are over 4 years old, what additional test do they need?

Blood glucose twice a year

What vaccines do ferrets get?

Rabies and distemper

At what age do they get distemper?

When they are kits

Distemper vaccine must be derived from a non-ferret line

True, if is not there is a possibility of vaccine induced disease.

Rabies vaccine must be a killed virus or inactivated virus


Although uncommon compared to dogs and cats, what endoparasites can they get?

-Coccidiosis (isospora)


Should ferrets get hearworm preventative monthly?

Yes, ivermectin.

What ectoparasites can ferrets get?

-ear mites


-sarcoptic mange

-fleas (ptenocephalides felis)


What products can ferrets have to prevent fleas?

Revolution, frontline, program (feline)

Foreign bodies and hairballs are common in ferrets, what is a symptom that it has not commonly reported?

Vomiting, this is uncommon in ferrets

What is the treatment when they have a GI foreign body?

Surgery, they do not pass foreign body without assistance.

What is the most common cardiovascular disease?

Dilated cardiomyopathy

What is cardiomyopathy?

Dilation of atria and ventricles, the cause for this is unknown.

Is profound sinus arrhythmia common in ferrets?


What tests can be done to diagnose cardiovascular disease?


-Thoracic radiographs



Hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy is common in ferrets, is this secondary to hypertension or hyperthyroidism like in cats?

No, is not secondary to them. Ferrets just get hyperthrophic cardiomyopathy.

Cardiovascular disease secondary to toxoplasmosis is...


Do ferrets have any congenital heart diseases?

No, none of them have been reported.

How are cardiovascular diseases treated?

-Oxygen therapy

-cardiac medications


They are based on canine regimens

Mention some cardiac medications used in ferrets

Digoxin, enalapril, furosemide, atenolol, diltiazem.

Malignant tumors of the pancreatic islet cells (beta cells) cause what disease?


Insulinoma causes excess of insuline production leading to


Insulinoma sometimes have no clinical signs, true or false?


Clinical signs of insulinoma are

weakness, lethargy, collapse, nausea, hypersalivation.

Is this the reason why ferrets get their blood glucose tested periodically?


How low does the glucose test need to be in order to suspect insulinoma?

less than 70 mg/dL

Are radiographs and ultrasound useful when diagnosing insulinoma?

No due to the small size.

how long is medical treatment for insulinoma good for?

6-18 months

What drugs are used to treat insulinoma?

prednisone and diazoxide.

also avoid feeding simple sugars.

Is surgical intervention a cure for insulinoma?

Removing pancreatic nodules is not curative, it may only slow the progression of the disease.

Is surgery recommended on ferrets that are 6 years old or less?

Not recommended

Adrenal glands disease is commonly seen in females ferrets, true or false?


Underlying cause for adrenal glands disease is not known, but what is suspected in males?

early castration

Adrenal glands disease can cause HYPERSECRETION of sex hormones


Signs of adrenal glands disease are



-Vulvar enlargement

-partial or complete urinary blockage in males

Is bloodwork unremarkable when testing for adrenal glands disease?


What is the treatment?

Adrenalectomy, good prognosis.

What medication can be useful to control adrenal glands disease?

Mitotane, but clinical signs will return when discontinued.

Is ketoconazole useful in ferrets?


What is the most common neoplasias in ferrets?


Clinical signs of lymphoma

anorexia, weight loss, wasting.

Signs of lymphoma upon physical exam are...

Lymph nodes enlarged, abdominal mass, organ enlargement.

What is remarkable on the CBC to diagnose lymphoma?

leukocytosis and lymphocytosis.

Lymphoma treatment include...

chemotherapy, steroids, vitamin c.

Remission can last for how long?

From 3 months to 5 years.

What are some adverse effects of chemotherapy?

lethargy, vomiting, anorexia, necrosis of the tail.

Mast cell tumors, hemangiomas, and sebaceous glands adenomas are...

cutaneous neoplasms.

What type of crystal usually causes urolithiasis?


Suspected factors that may cause urolithiasis include...

Diet, urine pH, infection.

Long term management of urolithiasis include...

antibiotic therapy, diet change, perineal urethrostomy.

When catheterization is unsucessful to relieve urinary obstruction, what options are left?

Emergency cystotomy and cystocentesis.

Is pyometra common?

Is not common, because before they can get it they can die from estrogen toxicity.

Female ferrets are induced ovulators and will not ovulate unless bred or artifically estimulated


petechiae, ecchymoses, and vulvar enargement are signs of...

estrogen toxicity

What is remarkable on CBC to diagnose estrogen toxicity?

anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia

Treatment for estrogen toxicity

Spay, hormonal estimulation, supportive care.

Are there any recognized blood groups in ferrets?


Infectious disease caused by parvovirus is called...

Aleutian disease, there is at least one ferret specific strain.

Minks get worse Aleutian disease than ferrets, true or false?

True. but ferrets can be seropositives with no signs.

What are some clinical signs of Aleutian disease?

Wasting disease, MELENA, lethargy, rear leg or generalized weakness.

How is Aleutian disease transmmited?

aerosolization, fomites, direct contact with body fluids.

What is done to diagnose Aleutian disease?

Electroporesis, Immunofluorescent antibody tests, clinical signs.

Is there a vaccine or treatment for Aleutian disease?

No vaccine, no treatment. Supportive care only.

What is a fatal disease caused by a paramixovirus? hint: also common in dogs, is a RNA virus

Canine distemper virus

How is distemper transmitted?

-Aerosolization, direct contact, fomites.

Ferrets also show vomiting and diarrhea as a sign of distemper, true or false?


Signs of distemper in ferrets are...

hyperkeratosis of feet, photophobia, rash on chin, ocular and nasal discharge, anorexia.

What is the mortality rate for distemper?


How is distemper prevented?

With vaccinations, modified vaccines are better than killed vaccines.

Common disease from the family orthomyxoviridae is called...


How is influenza transmmited?

Ferret to ferret; human to ferret; ferret to human.

Signs of influenza include...

sneezing, mucopurolent eye and nasal discharge, lethargy, inappetance.

How is influenza diagnosed?

Based on clinical signs and history of exposure.

How long does influenza take to go away?

7-14 days

Is vaccination recommended to prevent influenza?
