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70 Cards in this Set

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Symptoms of Overtraining Syndrome
- decline in physical performance
- decreased appetite and body weight loss
- muscle tenderness
- head, colds, allergic reactions, or both
- occasional nausea
- sleep disturbance
- elevated resting heart rate and blood pressure
- feeling of "heaviness" and loss of desire in training
- emotional instability
Possible Causes of Overtraining
- excessive training and emotional stress
- autonomic nervous system dysfunctions
- disturbances in endocrine function
- depressed immune function
Sympathetic NS Overtraining Effects
- increased resting heart rate and blood pressure
- loss of appetite and decreased body mass
- sleep disturbances
- elevated resting metabolic rate
Parasympathetic NS Overtraining Effects
- early onset of fatigue
- decreased HR and BP
- rapid HR recovery after exercise
- less common than sympathetic NS overtraining
Training and Risks of Infection
- very high activities = above average risk for infection
- moderate activities = below average risk for infection
- sedentary activities = average risk for infection
Predicting Overtraining
- increased in oxygen consumption for the same rate of work
- increased heart rate response to the same rate of work
- declines in performance
Treatment of Overtraining
- reduce training intensity for several days
- rest completely for 3-5 days
- seek counseling
- prevent overtraining by alternating easy, moderate, and hard training
- eat carbs
*rest and proper nutrition is best treatment
Detraining: What is it?
- cessation of regular training, may be due to inactivity or immobilization
- loss of muscle size, strength, power, endurance, speed, agility, and flexibility
Loss of Muscle Strength
- muscle atrophy accounts for main losses
- normal fiber recruitment by neurological means is disrupted
- muscle requires at least 10-14 days of training to retain original gains
Loss of Endurance
- decreased cardiorespiratory endurance
- oxidative enzyme activity decreases
- glycolytic enzymes remain unchanged for up to 84 days
- muscle glycogen content decreases
- acid-base balance disturbed
- muscle capillary supply/fiber type may change
Detraining and Muscle Glycogen: Trained Swimmers vs Untrained
trained decreases by 40% with in 4 wk period when compared to untrained individuals (after 4 weeks, the trained=untrained muscle glycogen levels)
Loss of Cardiorespiratory Endurance
- losses greater in trained individuals
- plasma volume decreases
- stroke volume decreases
- VO2 max decreases
- endurance performance decreases
Bed Rest Effects on Detaining Individuals: Effects on HR, VO2 max, SV after 3 weeks
3 weeks - 25 % reduction in VO2 max capability, stroke volume
- Elevation in HR/cardio respiratory
- After 3 weeks - it took 3 months to return to original position
- It takes a long time to get to peak level but it doesn’t take a long time to loose it among trained individuals
Cardiovascular Functions Among Children
- cardiac output
- A-VO2
- BP
- decreased cardiac output when compared to adults
- higher A-VO2 difference then adults
- lower blood pressure then adults
Training Children
20-30 mins 3 x week
Benefits of Training for Children
- Decrease heart disease risk factors
- Self-esteem
- Skill development
- Enhanced bone formation.
- Weight management
Cardiorespiratory and Aging
- cardiac output
- HR
- SV
- circulation
- aerobic capacity
- decreased cardiac output
- decreased maximum HR
- decreased stroke volume
- decreased circulation
- decreased in aerobic capacity (1% a year)
Aging does not necessarily decreases or increases VO2 max?
Training Effects for SV and VO2 Max in the Elderly
- when you keep intensity and volume of training high, your rate of decrease in SV and VO2 max with aging slows, especially between ages 30 and 50 and less so after age 50
How Much Does VO2 Decrease During the Aging Process
- If body composition and physical activity are kept constant, VO2max decreases only 2% to 5% per decade, rather than the 10% per decade normally attributed to aging
Training the Elderly
- 3 times per week
- Accumulated 30 minutes
- Use peak heart rate to calculate intensity (start low intensity)
- Produces greater improvement in muscle oxidative enzyme activities than in younger endurance-trained athletes
Kavonen Equation for Heart Rate Recovery
HRR = ((HR max - HR rest) x %) + HR rest
HRR for Fit and Unfit Individual
Fit - 50-85% HRR
Unfit - 40-39% HRR
Muscular Response to Varying Intensities:
- high-intensity vs low-intensity
- aerobic intervals
- continuous training
- high-intensity produces larger muscle mass then low-intensity
- aerobic intervals are repeated, fast-paced, brief exercise bouts followed by short rests
- continuous training involves one continuous, high-intensity exercise bout
Parameters Affected by Training
- heart size
- stroke volume
- heart rate
- cardiac output
- blood flow
- blood pressure
- blood volume
Effects of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Relation to Varying Exercises
- endurance trained - have highest/thickest/largest mitral valve, higher ventricle contraction forces,
- sedentary person has thin/small mitral valves
- resistance trained have moderately sized/thick mitral valves
Ventricular Hypertrophy causes an increase in _______ due to increased _________.
stroke volume/filling capacity
Differences in EDV, ESV, and EF with Endurance Training
- EDV increases because more blood is able to enter/fill the ventricle due to plasma volume expansion
- ESV is decreased because the heart grows bigger as a muscle mass and is able to contract more blood out of the heart more efficiently; therefore, less blood is left in the ventricle after systole.
- EF?
Stroke Volume Adaptations in Response to Filling Time and Force of Contraction
EDV increases causing an increased filling time/increased SV that causes a stretching mechanism on the heart tissue that increases surface area = causing a greater contractile force = forcing more blood to be pumped out of the ventricle
Effects of HR on Training
HR decreases with training
Adaptations of RHR due to Exercise
Overall, it decreases due to more blood returning to the heart due to training
- sedentary individuals can decrease HR by 1 beat/min per week during interval training
- highly trained endurance athletes may have resting heart rates of 40 beats per min or less
Heart Rate During Submaximal & Maximal Exercise
- submaximal exercise - decreases proportionately with the amount of training, as much as 20-40 beats per min after 6 months of moderate training
- maximal - remains unchanged/may decrease slightly
Heart Rate Recovery Period and its Effects Due to Exercise
- decreases in trained people
- can be influenced by heat/high altitudes that could prolong the recovery period
- not an accurate measurement to be compared among individuals due to outside factors
Cardiac Output Effects Due to Submaximal and Maximal Exercises
Submaximal - doesn't change or may decrease slightly
- could be due to increase in a-vo2 difference due to greater oxygen consumption or reduced oxygen consumption
Maximal - increases output considerably
Cardiac Output Max Values in Untrained and Trained Individuals
untrained: 14-20 L/min
trained: 25-35 L/min
large endurance athletes: 40 L/min
Mechanism of Increased Blood Flow to Muscle in Relation to Training
- increased capillarization of trained muscles
- greater opening of existing capillaries in trained muscles
- more effective blood redistribution - blood goes where it is needed
- increased blood volume
Effects of Exercise on Diastolic/Systolic
- diastolic changes little
- systolic increases changes significantly in maximum exercise
- BP can decrease with endurance training in HTN pts
- weight training can cause increases in systolic and diastolic during activity
Mechanism of Increased Blood Volume in Relation to Training
- increased plasma volume: due to increase in aldesterone/ADH that causes H2O reabsorption
- RBC concentration increases but plasma volume increases at a faster rate, thus hematocrit decreases
- increase in plasma volume causes the blood viscosity to decrease thus improving oxygen delivery
Effects of Exercise on Tidal Volume
remains unchanged at rest and during submaximal exercise but increases during maximal exertion
Effects of Exercise on Respiratory Rates
remains unchanged at rest, decreases during submaximal exercise, and increases during maximal exercise
Effects of Exercise on Pulmonary Ventilation
remains unchanged at rest but increases during maximal exercise
Effects of Exercise on Pulmonary Diffusion and A-VO2 Difference
pulmonary diffusion increases at maximal exercise and A-VO2 increases at maximal due to increase oxygen demand
Does the Respiratory System Limit Endurance Performance?
Effects of Exercise on Lactate Threshold, Respiratory Exchange Ratio, and Oxygen Consumption
- lactate threshould increases
- RER decreases for submaximal efforts but increases at maximal
- oxygen consumption is unaltered during rest, decreases at submaximal efforts, and increases up to 93% VO2 max until limited by oxygen delivery
Muscular Adaptations Due to Exercise
- increased size of ST fibers, transformation of FTa to ST
- increase in # of capillaries
- increased myoglobin content by 75-80%
- increased number of oxidative enzyme activity of mitochondria
Adaptations Affecting Energy Sources
- store glycogen and triglycerides better
- FFA are mobilized easier and more accessible
- increased ability to oxidize fat
Even if an individual reaches peak VO2 max, endurance performance can increase due to...
increase in lactate threshold
Factors Affecting VO2 Max:
1. level of conditioning
2. heredity
3. age
4. gender
5. specificity of training
1. the higher the initial state of conditioning, the smaller the relative improvement for the same program of training
2. heredity affects VO2 max less then 50%
3. decreases with age due to decreases with activity level
4. untrained women have 20-25% lower then untrained men while trained women have only 10% lower then trained men
5. closer the training is to the sport, the greater the improvement in the sport
What Actually Limits Performance?
Leading Causes of Death in the US
1. Cardiovascular Disease
2. Cancers
3. Accidents
Types of Cardiovascular Diseases
- Stroke
- Heart Failure
Leading Cause of Death From Cardiovascular Disease
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Definition of Coronary Artery Disease, Atherosclerosis, and Ischemia
CAD - involves atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries
Aterosclerosis - narrowing of the arteries due to plaque formation
Ischemia - deficiency of blood flow to the heart due to CAD
Definition of Angina Pectoris & Myocardial Infarction
Angina Pectoris - chest pain
Myocardial Infarction - heart attack due to ischemia leading to irreversible damage and necrosis
When Does Atherosclerosis Begin?
Not age specific but pathological changes are noted in the blood vessels in infancy and progress during childhood
Classifications for BP for Adults: Normal, Prehypertension, Hypertension
Normal: 120/80
Prehypertension: 120-139/80-89
Stage 1: 140-159/90-99
Stage 2: >160/>100
HTN Statistics
about one in every three adult Americans have HTN
HTN Affects the Heart How?
- causes the heart two work harder
- strains arteries and arterioles
- causes pathological hypertrophy of the heart
- can lead to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, stroke, and renal failure
Definition of Stroke
cardiovascular disease that affects the cerebral arteries
Ischemic Stroke
cerebral thrombosis - a blood clot forms in a cerebral vessel at the site of atherosclerotic damage
cerebral embolism: an undissolved mass of material breaks loose from another site in the body and lodges in a cerebral artery
Hemorrhagic Stroke
cerebral hemorrhage: rupture of one of the cerebral arteries
subarachnoid hemorrhage: surface vessel on the brain ruptures, bleeding into the space between the brain and the skull
Definition of Congestive Heart Failure and the Damage Caused
- heart muscle becomes to weak and cannot maintain adequate cardiac output
- damage to heart from HTN , atherosclerosis, viral infection, heart attack
- blood backs up in vains causing systemic and pulmonary edema = irreversible damage requiring heart transplant
3 Layers of the Artery Wall (from outer to inner)
- tunica adventitia
- tunia media
- tunica intima
Theory of the Pathophysiology of CAD
1. Local injury induces dysfunction of the endothelium
2. Blood platelets and monocytes adhere to the exposed connective tissue
3. Platelets release platelet-derived growth factor that promotes smooth muscle cell migration from the media to the intima
4. Plaque forms at the site of injury
5. Lipids are attracted to the plaque
Proposed CAD Markers
- C-reactive protein (CRP): produced in the liver and smooth muscle cells within coronary arteries in response to injury or infection
- Fibrinogen: blood protein integral in the process of blood clotting
- Homocysteine: amino acid used to make protein
- Lipoprotein(a): similar to LDL-C; may reduce the ability to dissolve blood clots
Lipoproteins Levels for Increased Risks of Heart Attack
>5 = bad news!
<3 = low risk
LDL are bad too!
What Triggers Metabolic Syndrome?
What is the Biggest Risk Factor For CAD?
physical inactivity
What Can be Done For Preventing CAD?
low intensity exercises - can do high intensity exercise if you want added health benefits but they are not required to reduce risks
Cardiac Rehabilitation Process
Phase I - inpatient
Phase II - outpatient for 12 weeks
Phase III - ECG
Phase IV - no ECG