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96 Cards in this Set

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Major Cardiovascular Functions
- delivery
- removal
- transportation
- maintenance
- prevention
Thickness of Myocardium in the Heart
- thickness varies directly with stress placed on chamber walls
- left ventricle is the largest, pumps the most blood
- vigorous exercise can increase ventricle size
Name the Disks that Help with Impulse Transportation
intercalated disks - allow muscles to contract as one
Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Activity in the Heart
Parasympathetic - comes in through the vagus nerve - decreases HR
Sympathetic - stimulated by stress - increases HR
Role of Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
released due to sympathetic stimulation - increases HR
Normal Resting Heart Rates in Adults
60-85 beats per minute
HR can decrease to 35 beats per minute with endurance training
Cardiac Cycle Components: Diastolic/Systolic
- events that occur between to consecutive heart beats
- Diastole - relaxation when chambers fill with blood
- Systole - contraction when chambers expel blood
Stroke Volume
volume of blood in ventricle before contraction per beat
End-diastolic Volume & End-systolic Volume
End-diastolic - volume of blood in ventricle before contraction
End-systolic - volume of blood in ventricle after contraction
Cardiac Output
total volume of blood pumped by ventricle per minute
Q = HR x SV
Ejection Fraction
proportion of blood pumped out of the left ventricle each beat
EF = (SV/EDV) x 100%
Averages at 60% at rest
How Much Cardiac Output is Pumped Out in 1 Minute?
5 L/min
Vascular System: Arteries/Veins/Capillaries?
- arteries/arterioles - carry oxygenated blood away from the heart with help of breathing
- veins/venules - carry deoxygenated blood to the heart
- capillaries
The Muscle Pump
- muscle contraction helps with venous control
- use of valves to close to prevent back flow of blood
- varicose veins - rupturing of valves
arterioles within organs or tissues dilate in response to the local chemical environment
Extrinsic Neural Control
sympathetic nerves within walls of vessels are stimulated causing vessels to constrict
Where is Most of the Blood at Rest Stored?
64% of blood is in the veins
Systolic & Diastolic Definitions
systolic - highest blood pressure
diastolic - lowest blood pressure
vessel constriction increases blood pressure
Function of Blood
- transports gas, nutrients, and waste
- regulates temperature
- buffers and balances acid base
Composition of Total Blood Volume
55% plasma = 90% H2O
45% formed elements = 99% RBC
Blood Viscosity
- thickness of blood
- more viscous,more resistant to flow
- higher hematocrits result in higher blood viscosity
Sinoatrial Node & Atrioventricular Node
SA - origin of the electrical impulse
AV - conducts signal from artium to ventricles
- P wave
- T wave
P - atrial depolarization
QRS - ventricle depolarization
T - ventricle reploarization
Resting Heart Rate Average/Range
- Effects from age/altitude/temperature
Average = 60 to 80 beats per minute
Range = 28 to >100 beats per minute
Decreases with age, increases with temperature, increases with altitude
Determining HRmax
HRmax = 220 - age in years
HR/SV/Cardiac Output and Intensity
increase in intensity:
increase HR x increase SV = increase Q
Steady-State HR
when the rate of work is held constant at a submaximal intensity, HR increases fairly rapidly until it plateaus
The Level of Steady-State HR that Physically Fit People Have
lower steady-state HR = better efficiency
Stroke Volume Plateau Level
Stroke Volume in Relation to Position
- untrained: in up right, it increases from 60-70 ml/beats at rest to 110-130 ml/beats during exercise
- trained: in up right, increases from 80-110 ml/beats to 160-200 ml/beats
- supine only increases by 20-40%
- more SV in supine then in up right
*SV in supine is higher in resting (due to absent gravitational forces on blood) but up right has a higher increase in volume
Stroke Volume in Relation to Exercise and the Differences Among Trained/Untrained
- stroke volume increases with increasing intensity
- trained have higher stroke volume levels than untrained because they are more efficient at loading/unloading blood because their heart is "bigger"
Frank Starling Mechanism
more blood is pumped into the ventricle causing it to stretch and have more surface area to increase force production via contraction
Resting Value of Cardiac Output
5 L/min
How Much Does Cardiac Output Increase with Exercise?
increases from 20-40 L/min and varies with body size and endurance conditioning
What is the Primary Cause of an Increase in Cardiac Output Once it Reaches 40-60% VO2max?
SV plateaus at 40-60% so most of the increase is due to an increase in HR as intensity rises
Cardiac Output for Sedentary and Active Person
Sedentary: 20
Active: 40
Redistribution of Blood Flow:
1. during increased activities
2. during increased temperatures
3. mechanism for redistribution
1. increasing activity causes the muscles to require more oxygen so blood is redirected to skeletal muscle
2. blood flow is redistributed to skin to help with cooling
3. autoregulation helps with vasodilation and ease of blood flow traveling through vessels
Cardiovascular Exercises and BP: Changes Among Systolic & Diastolic
- systolic increases with intensity
- diastolic changes little
Resistance Exercises and BP
- exaggerated response: 480/350 mm Hg
- partially due to Valsalva Maneuver
BP and Extremity Responses
upper extremities have a more advanced response to exercise and increase at a higher rate
Arterial-Venous Oxygen Difference & Define Fick's Equation
- amount of oxygen extracted from the blood as it travels through the body
- calculated as the difference between the oxygen content of the arterial blood and venous blood
- Fick's equation: VO2 = (SV x HR) x avo2
Effects of Exercise on AVO2: arteries & veins
- arterial content changes little from rest to max
- venous content decreases because of increased need for oxygen due to intensity levels
Effects of Exercise on Blood Plasma Volume
- reduced with onset of exercise considering it leaks into interstitial fluid
- sweating causes even more to be lost
- excessive loss can impair performance
- hemoconcentration that can increase oxygen carrying capacity due to RBC
Prevalence of Exercise Induced Asthma (EIA)
12-15% of athletes
12% of the general population
90% of asthmatics
40% of children with allergic rhinitis
Factors Precipitating EIA
- cold/dry environments
- nasal obstruction
- hyperventilation
- long, continuous exercise
- short term high intensity exercise
- allergens
- air pollution
- ingestion of certain foods
- volatile chlorination
Physiological Characteristics (cellular) of EIA
- hyperosmolarity and mast cell infiltration
- increased adrenergic B2-receptor
- stimulation of irritant receptors
Chemical Response During Exercise on EIA
- normally, catecholamines produce relaxation of bronchial muscle
- in EIA, bronchodilation is followed by bronchoconstriction within the first 10 minutes
Recovery After EIA Attack
- usually occurs between 30-90 minutes
- sometimes occurs 3-6 hours later
Symptoms of EIA
- chest tightness
- dry cough
- wheezing
- difficulty breathing
- dyspnea
- indentation in the notch below Adam's Apple
- hunched over posture
- excessive mucous
- fatigue
- nausea
- lightheadedness
Management of EIA: - Medications 15 Minutes Before
- albuterol
- cromolyn sodium
- corticosteriods
- ipratropium
Management of EIA: Medications 1 hr Before Orally
- beta2-agonists
- antihistamines
- theophylline
- corticosteroids
Management of EIA: Nonpharmalogical
- warm-up and cool down
- training/conditioning
- breathing warm, moist air
- change environment
- type/intensity of exercise
- breathing exercises
- rest periods
Pulmonary Function in relation to FEV
- FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 sec = 85%
- FEV3: forced expiratory volume in 3 sec = 98%
- FEV1 is less then 70% in obstructive lung disease
Diagnosis of EIA
- submaximal exercise test (10-15 mins)
- FEV1 > 15% reduction
- PEFR > 15-20% reduction
*These are representative of Asthmatic attack
Definition of Respiration, External Respiration, Internal Respiration
R - delivery of oxygen to an removal of carbon dioxide from the tissue
ER - ventilation and exchange of gases in the lung
IR - exchange of gases at the tissue level (between blood and tissues)
External Respiration: Pulmonary Ventilation & Pulmonary Diffusion
Ventilation: movement of air into and out of lungs - inspiration & expiration
Diffusion: exchange of carbon dioxide between lungs and blood
Pulmonary Diffusion: Gas exchange occurs at the _____
Inspiration & Expiration
Inspiration - active process where the pleural cavity/diaphragm expand to allow more volume available in the lung for air to enter
Expiration - the pleural cavity/diaphragm decrease lung volume which increases intrapleural pressure and forces air out passively
Dalton's Law
the total pressure of a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases in the mixture
Henry's Law
gases dissolve in liquids in proportion to their partial pressures, depending on their solubilities in the specific fluids and depending on the temperatures (CO2 is 2x more then O2)
Values of Standard Atmospheric Pressure, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide
Standard: 760 mmHg
Nitrogen: 79.04%
Oxygen: 20.93%
Carbon Dioxide: .03%
Values of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Alveoli
Oxygen: 14.5% = 100 mmHg
Carbon Dioxide: 5.5% = 40 mmHg
Mechanism of Gas Exchange
Partial pressure of gases in the alveoli and in the blood creates a pressure gradiant
PO2 and PCO2 of Blood and the Distribution Values
ALVEOLI: PO2 = 100/PCO2 = 40
ARTERIAL: PO2 = 100/PCO2 = 40
MUSCLE/VEINS: PO2 = 40/PCO2 = 46
*Pressure gradient is formed that allows exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
What are the 2 Elements that Don't Diffuse into the Blood?
- nitrogen
- H2O
*only diffuse when you are below sea level
Pulmonary Diffusion: the ______ the gradient, the more rapid the diffusion.
*diffusion increases as you move from rest to exercise
*remember CO2 is 20x more soluble then O2
Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- as you increase PO2, you increase hemoglobin saturation
- PO2 at 40 mm Hg is representative of the veins at rest which only allows 5 mL of O2 to be distributed
- PO2 at 100 mm Hg is representative of arterial pressure which means 0 mL of O2 has been distributed (it hasn't reached the tissues yet)
Oxygen-Hemoglobin DIssociation Curve in Relation to pH and Temperature
pH: increase in pH, strengthens the bond and decreases unloading/decrease in pH, weakens the bond and increases unloading
Temperature: increase in temperature, weakens the bond and increases unloading/decrease in temperature, strengthens the bond and decreases unloading
3 Ways Carbon Dioxide is Transported in the Blood
- dissolved in blood plasma (10%)
- bound to hemoglobin as carbaminohemoglobin (20%)
- converted to bicarbonate ions (70%)
Formula for Formation of Bicarbonate
CO2 + H2O =(broken down by carbonic anhydrase)= H2CO3/carbonic acid= H + HCO3
When Does the Reversal of the Formula for Bicarbonate Production Happen?
happens when respiration occurs and CO2 production happens
H2CO3 = CO2 + H2O
1 mL of Hb carries ______ molecules of O2.
Normal Levels of Hb in Men & Women
Men: 14-16 g
Women: 12-14 g
Normal Levels of Oxygen in Arterial Blood in Men & Women
Men: 20 mL of O2 per 100 mL
Women: 16 mL of O2 per 100 mL
Effects of Low Iron Levels on Hemoglobin
results in iron-deficiency anemia which reduces the carrying capacity to transport oxygen (more common in women then men)
A-VO2 Difference Distribution Across Muscle During Rest & Exercise
Rest: starts off with 20 mL O2 in the arteries and drops to 15-16 mL in the veins
Exercise: starts off with 20 mL in arteries to 5 mL in the veins
A-VO2 Difference During Strenuous Exercise: Increased or Decreased?
increased because the muscles use more oxygen when they are exercised
Factors of Oxygen Uptake and Delivery
- oxygen amount
- amount of blood flow, capillary size, and density redistribution blood flow
- local conditions within the muscle: aerobic enzymes, myoglobin, mitochondria (temp/pH)
Hemoglobin Saturation Decreases Based on 3 Factors:
- decreasing PO2
- decreasing pH
- increasing temperature
Hemoglobin is _______ saturated with oxygen.
Oxygen is mainly transported via ______ with small amounts dissolving in the _______.
Carbon Dioxide is mainly transported via ______ with small amounts dissolving in the ________ or transported by _______.
A-VO2 Difference reflects________.
the amount of oxygen taken up by the tissues
External Inspiration & Internal Inspiration
External: involves moving gases from outside of the body into the lungs and blood
Internal: involves moving gases from the blood to the tissue/muscle
Factors that Control Respiratory Regulation
- central/peripheral chemoreceptors (PO2, PCOx, pH - increasing levels of CO2 cause increased ventilation)
- external intercostals and diaphragm muscles that increase lung volume for inspiration
- lung stretch receptors for expiration
Central Control Center for Respiratory Regulation
- pons
- medulla oblongata
- cerebral cortex
VE Formula
VE = TV x f
VA Formula
VA = (TV - DS) x f
Residual Volume
amount of gas left in the lungs after a maximal expiration
*COPD pts can't get out as much air and takes longer to get air out
Total Lung Capacity
amount of gas in the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration
Tidal Volume
the volume of gas inspired or expired during an unforced respiratory cycle
Ventilatory Response to Exercise
- as you increase exercise, you increase ventilation
- ventilation does not limit exercise
- O2 delivery to the tissue is what limits exercise!
Definitions of Dyspnea & Hyperventilation
D: shortness of breath (increase in H & CO2)
H: increase in ventilation that exceeds metabolic demand similar to voluntary hyperventilation before swimming to blow off CO2 which decreases PCO2 and pH levels
Respiratory Limitations to Performance
- respiratory muscles using up to 15% of oxygen
- pulmonary ventilation in not a limiting factor
- airway resistance and gas diffusion is not a limit factor
Response to Increases in Acid in Relation to Respiration
- excess H+ impairs muscular performance
- increased H+ levels, increase ventilation to blow off CO2
- Bicarbonate ions buffer the increased acidity
Recovery and Blood Lactate Levels