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27 Cards in this Set

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What are the 6 questions you should address to determine the effectiveness of any exercise?

Determine the motion. Determine the direction of resistance. Determine the starting position. Monitor joint position stabilization continually. Monitor the path of motion continually. Determine and monitor the range of motion.

What do the trunk muscles consist of?

Back extensors that bend the trunk backward, lateral flexors that bend it sideways and anterior abdominals that bend it forward.

Movement from the extremities originate and emanate from?

The Core

How should a client position themselves for the supine pelvic hold level 1?

Lying with back arched naturally. Feet portioned as close to buttocks as possible.

What percentage of the adult population will experience low back pain?


What is the starting position for the back extension machine?

Seated in ideal alignment with arms crossed, line up hip joint with axis of machine.

What are the mechanical points for the reverse crunch?

Do not throw the legs, placing arms above head will help with balance, do not move legs passed the point of full abdominal contraction, as this strains the neck.

What is considered to be normal ROM in horizontal abduction?

30-45 degrees

Wat is the motion in a seated cable row? Direction of resistance?

Shoulder extension concentrically. Outward.

How can you make the dumbbell pullover a safer exercise?

Decline bench makes a better shoulder position, alter speed, bend elbows, or apply resistance via a cable crossover.

What is the risk/ benefit of the butt blaster machine?

Risk: body weight plus resistance is resting on one knee, really tough to stabilize spine, room in hip extension beyond neutral= 10-30 degrees, limited range to work flutes. Benefit: minimal gluteus stimulation.

What is a Q angle?

Is formed by the longitudinal axis of the femur and the line of pull of the patellar ligament.

An individual's mechanical ability to perform multiple joint movements simultaneously under load is primarily based upon what?

The length of the levers or segments connecting these joints.

When performing a prone leg curl the pivot point of the machine should be lined up with the:

Axis of rotation of the knee

List two machines that train the latissimus dorsi?

Pull up bar, lat-pulldown machine or a row machine

What is a carrying angle?

The angle formed between the humerus and the forearms

What are the prime movers in a squat?

Quadraceps at the knee and the Gluteus maximus at the hip

What muscles are antagonists at the hip in hip extension?

Hip Flexors

What are agonists in a preacher curl?

Biceps brachii, brachioradialis and brachialis.

How much does the intradiscal pressure increase when we are in a seated flexed position?


What is the normal range of motion in shoulder flexion?

160-180 degrees

In a seated position, intradiscal pressure increases:


What are some of the risks when performing an upright row?

Excessive internal rotation during abduction.

When a multi-joint compound exercise is executed immediately after a single joint exercise, what type of training is this an example of?


What muscles must be stretched when a client has a protracted shoulder girdle?

Pectoralis major, pertoralis minor, subscapularis and anterior deltoid.

A squat, bench press, barbell curl and a leg press are examples of:

A closed kinetic chain exercise

What are the prime movers in a leg press?

Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris.