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38 Cards in this Set

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_______ tissue covers the body, line body cavities, and form glands.
Skin is a type of _____ tissue.
_______ tissue provide support & protection, fill up spaces in the body & attach organs to each other
connective tissue
Name 4 main types of tissue
_____ tissues are responsible for movement
______ tissue has the ability to carry messages from one part of the body to another, coordinating various vital functions.
Name 5 types of epithelial tissue
simple squamous
simple cuboidal
simple columnar
pseudostratified ciliated columnar
stratified squamous
one layer of cells attached to the basement membrane
consisting of 2 or more layers of cells
scale like
cube like
column shaped
simple columnar epithelium (one layer of cells) but because its cells vary in height & the nuclie lie at different levels above the basement membrane, it gives the false appearance of being stratified; often ciliated
pseudostratified epithelium
rather peculiar stratified squamous epithelium from of rounded or "plum" cells with the ability to slide over one another to allow the organ to be stretched
tranitional epithelium
the urinary system (Bladder) has what type of cells
transitional epithelium
If tissue is avascular what does it mean?
does not have its own blood supply
Integumentary System function
*protects deeper organs from mechanical, chemical, & bacterial injury and desiccation (drying out)
*excretes salts & urea
*aids in regulation of body temperature
*produces vitamin D
Integumentary System Organs
epidermal & dermal regions; cutaneous sense organs & glands; skin
Skeletal System Function
*body support & protection of internal organs
*provides levers for muscular action
*cavities provide a site for blood cell formation
Skeletal System Organs
bones, cartilages, tendons, ligaments,& joints
Muscular System Function
*primary function is to contract or shorten; in doing so, skeletal muscles allow locomotion (running/walking), grasping & manipulation of the environment, & facial expressions
*generates heat
Muscular System Organs
muslces attach to the skeleton
Nervous System Function
*allows body to detect changes in its internal & external environment & to respond to such information by activating appropriate uslces or glands
*helps maintain homeostasis of the body via rapid transmission of electrical signals
Nervous System Organs
brain, spinal cord, nerves, & sensory receptors
Endocrine System Function
*helps maintain body homeostasis, promotes growth & development; produces chemical "messengers" (hormones) that travel in the blood to exert their effect(s) on various "target organs" of the body
Endocrine System Organs
pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal & pineal glands; ovaries, testes & pancreas
Cardiovascular System Function
*Primary a transport system that carries blood containing oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, ions, hormones, & other substances to & from the tissue cells where exhanges are made; blood is propelled trhough the blood vessels by the pumping action of the heart
*antibodies & other proteins molecules in the blood act to protect the body
Cardiovascular System Organs
Heart, blood vessels & blood
Lymphatic/Immunity System Function
*picks up fluid leaked from the blood vessels & returns it to the blood
*cleanses the blood of pathogens & other debris
*houses lymphocytes that act via the immune response to protect the body from foreign susbtances (antigens)
Lymphatic/Immunity System Organs
lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, & scattered collections of lymphoid tissue
Respiratory System Function
*keeps the blood continuously suppliled with oxygen while removing carbon dioxide
*contributes to the acid-base balance of the blood via its carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system
Respiratory System Organs
nasal passages, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, & lungs
Digestive System Function
*breaks down ingested foods to minute particles, which can be absorbed into the blood for delivery to the body cells
*undigested residue removed from the body as feces
Digestive System Organs
oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small & large intestines, & accessory structures (teeth, salivary glands, liver & pancreas)
Urinary System Function
*rids the body of nitrogen-containing wastes (urea, uric acid, & ammonia) which result from the breakdown of proteins & nucleic acids by body cells
Urinary System Organs
kidneys, ureters, bladder & urethra
Reproductive System Function
*(male)provides germ cells (sperm) for perpetuation of the speicies
*(female)provides germ cells (eggs); the female uterus houses the developing fetus until birth; mammary glands provide nutrients for the infant
Reproductive System Organs
Male: testes, prostate gland, scrotum, penis, & duct system, which carries sperm to the body exterior