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62 Cards in this Set

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excretory system
also called the urinary system or the genitourinary system. the major functions of the urinary system are the excretion of water, waste materials, and other substances, and the maintenance of water and electrolyte balance within the body.
pertaining to the kidneys
Means literally behind the peritoneum.
The medial concave margin of the kidney.
columns of Bertin (pronounced ber-TAN)
wedges of cortical tissue
malpighian corpuscles
microscopic filtration units
calix (plural is calices)
apex of each pyramid
The apex of each pyramid projects into a calix
renal pelvis
a funnel-shaped cavity between the calices and the ureter
The inner portion of the kidney.
transfer urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder
transitional epithelium
lining of the lumen of the ureter and the bladder
shaped like a cube
urinary bladder
a storage sac for urine
a triangular area within the bladder formed by two ureteral openings and a single urethral opening
a tubular structure that transports the urine from the bladder to outside the body.
urethral orifice
urine empties into the vestibule between the labia minora.
The process of eliminating urine from the bladder
casting out waste matter, when referring to the process of urination
tests the value of a number of chemistries to determine optimal functioning
The complete suppression of urinary secretions by the kidneys.
The uncontrollable passage of drops of urine. This is particularly a problem immediately after voiding.
Painful or difficult urination.
The presence of abnormally large quantities of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body, often due to abnormal renal function.
Involuntary discharge of urine after an age at which urinary control should have been achieved. This is usually used specifically to denote bedwetting.
Frequent micturition. Of course, frequency is a term used in everyday language. However, in medical reports this almost always refers to increased frequency in the number of times that a patient urinates throughout a 24-hour period, and is just called "frequency."
Blood in the urine. There are two different types of hematuria: gross and microscopic. Gross hematuria means that it is visible to the naked eye. Microscopic hematuria can only be detected upon laboratory examination.
Difficulty initiating urine flow. This, too, is a word which is applicable in everyday language. However, in medical reports, it is used alone and refers to this functional problem.
Inability to control excretory functions (both urination and defecation). This can occur regularly or be secondary to coughing, sneezing, laughing, or straining.
Suppression or retention of urine, either voluntary or involuntary. This can require catheterization for release of urine.
Voiding during the night.
The excretion of a diminished amount of urine relative to the fluid intake in 24 hours.
The passage of gas in the urine. This is rare and generally indicates a fistula between the urinary tract and the bowel.
Increased frequency of urination without an increase in total volume.
ncrease in the total volume of urine excreted in a 24-hour period (usually with concomitant increase in frequency).
Straining, especially ineffectual and painful straining during passage of stool or urine.
A compelling need to void. Involuntary urination may occur if voiding is not immediate.
An excess of urea or other nitrogenous compounds of the blood.
Mineral deposits that can form a blockage in the urinary system. The most common type is renal calculi (kidney stones). These are caused by salts in the urine when the urine is alkaline.
inflammation of the urinary bladder. More common in women than men because the urethra is shorter.
diabetes mellitus
An endocrine metabolic disorder resulting from an inadequate utilization of insulin. One of the most common early symptoms is excessive urination, and it can be detected by glycosuria—glucose in the urine.
diabetic nephropathy
A disease of the kidneys (nephropathy) that accompanies diabetes mellitus and ultimately leads to renal failure.
exstrophy of the bladder
A congenital deformity resulting from failure of the pelvic structures to fuse so that the bladder opens on the surface of the lower abdomen.
Fanconi syndrome
A failure of the renal tubules to absorb amino acids, glucose, and phosphorus. Osteomalacia and skeletal malformations can result.
floating kidney
A kidney which has become loosely attached to its bed of fat. This usually results when an obese patient loses a lot of weight.
Inflammation of the glomeruli (cluster of nerves or vessels) of the kidneys, usually in response to an infection. There are both acute and chronic types and it causes deterioration of renal function.
horseshoe kidney
Fusion of the kidneys across the midline, either by renal tissue or a fibrous band.
Distention of the pelves and calices of the kidneys due to obstruction of the ureters.
Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease
Occurs when rounded nodular hyaline masses form in the glomeruli of the kidneys (also called glomerulosclerosis). This disease is present in 25% of people with diabetes mellitus.
Another name for Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease.
metabolic acidosis
A disturbance of the acid-base balance that results in abnormally acidic readings.
Inflammation of the kidneys.
nephrosis/nephrotic syndrome
An abnormal condition of the kidney, characterized by marked proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema. It occurs in glomerular disease and thrombosis of a renal vein, or it may be a complication of systemic disorders such as diabetes, lupus, or multiple myeloma.
papillary necrosis
This occurs when the renal papillae become infarcted and necrotic and the apices slough into the renal pelvis (also called necrotizing papillitis).
necrotizing papillitis
Another name for papillary necrosis.
polycystic kidney disease
A hereditary condition where much of the renal tissue is replaced by clusters of cysts containing either clear or hemorrhagic fluid. Renal function is severely impaired.
Inflammation of the kidney and the renal pelvis due to bacteria; this often involves the ureters as well.
renal failure
Acute renal failure is associated with rapidly increasing azotemia and causes the kidneys to lose function. Chronic renal failure can be due to a myriad of pathologies and causes steady deterioration of the kidneys' ability to excrete and regulate normally.
The formation of calculi in the urinary tract. This can be caused by disease or alteration in the composition of urine.
urinary tract infection (UTI)
The invasion of the urinary tract by microorganisms, which can lead to a number of symptoms including nocturia, tenesmus, dysuria, etc.
Wilms tumor
A rapidly developing mixed tumor of the kidneys which occurs late in fetal life or early in infancy (also called nephroblastoma). Growth is rapid and spreads to the lungs and the brain.
Another name for Wilms tumor.