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33 Cards in this Set

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the cytoplasm of epidermal cells includes intermedite filaments composed of tough structural protein
the dermal matrix contains the tough structural protein
the ----------- and the ---------- of the epidermis help the skin to resist infection
relative dryness
acid mantle
the skin prevents dehydration because vesicles in the epidermal cells of the stratum---------- release a ----------- mixture that forms a water barrier
the skin contains sensory receptors for
heat, cold, touch
texture, pressure, vibration
and tissue injury
the skin functions in------------
(the homeostatic regulation of body temperature)
a decrease in blood vessel diameter is called ------------ and occurs when in dermal blood vessels when body temp gets too
when dermal blood vessels narrow in cold weather, the blood flow may be so FAST/SLOW that that the skin cells consume oxygen FASTER/SLOWER than the blood delivers it resulting in -----------
cyanosis- blueness of skin
vasodialation of dermal blood vessels INCREASES/DECREASES blood flow through the skin and results in-----
erythema- abnormal redness of skin
what microscopic organism, besides mold, feeds on exfoliated dead keratinocytes?
house dust mites
the skin functions in------------
(the homeostatic regulation of body temperature)
a decrease in blood vessel diameter is called ------------ and occurs when in dermal blood vessels when body temp gets too
when dermal blood vessels narrow in cold weather, the blood flow may be so FAST/SLOW that that the skin cells consume oxygen FASTER/SLOWER than the blood delivers it resulting in -----------
cyanosis- blueness of skin
vasodialation of dermal blood vessels INCREASES/DECREASES blood flow through the skin and results in-----
erythema- abnormal redness of skin
what microscopic organism, besides mold, feeds on exfoliated dead keratinocytes?
house dust mites
"the ability of the skin to absorb chemicals makes it possible to administer several medications transdermally." why is it possible when the epidermal water barrier prevents the absorption (as well as the loss) of water through the skin?
the chemicals absorbed through the skin are lipid soluble
the majority of epidermal cells
found in stratum basale
stem cells
tactile cells
undifferentiated, dividing cells
stem cells
synthesize a black- brown pigment
touch receptors
tactile cells
dendritic cells
the stratum corneum consists of up to 30 layers of these cells that have died
the boundary between the epidermis and the dermis is histologically conspicuous. the upward extensions of the dermis into the epidermis are called
dermal papillae
the downward extensions of the epidermis into the dermis are called
epidermal ridges
the dermis and the epidermis interlock like corrugated cardboard to resist
slippage of the epidermis over the dermis
on the figertips, the upward extensions of the dermis are called---------- and leave-------
friction ridges
fingerprints on things they touch
the superficial layer of the dermis is called the-------- and is composed of --------
papillary layer
areolar connective tissue
the deep dermal layer is the ---------- and is composed of
reticular layer
dense irregular connective tissue
the hypodermis IS/ IS NOT considered to be part of the skin. it is composed of ----------- and--------
is not
areolar and adipose tissue connective tissues
another name for the hypodermis is the
superficial fascia
hypodermis composed predominantly of adipose tissue is called
subcutaneous fat
the hypodermis functions to
-pads body
-binds skin to unerlying muscular layer
-serves as an energy resevoir (specially adipose tissue)
- provides thermal insulation (specifically the adipose tissue)