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118 Cards in this Set

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Maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate.
Muscular Strength
Capacity to perform repeated muscle contractions.
Rate of performing work (Aerobic-rate of energy by oxygen-dependant processes)
Muscular power(aerobic)
Rate of energy release by oxygen-independent processes.
Not all athletes are created equal, except for indentical twins.
Principle of Individuality
Exercise adaptations are specific to mode and intensity of training
Use it or lose it
Must increase the demands on the body to make further improvements; muscle overload-muscles overloaded beyond normal loading for improvement.
Pros/Cons: free weights (3)
-tax muscle extremes but not midrange
-recruit supporting and stabilizing muscles
-better for advanced weight lifters
Pros/Cons: machines (2)
-safer, easier, more stable, better for novice weightlifters
-limit recruitment to targeted muscle groups
emphasizes eccentric phase of contraction. Muscles ability to resist force is greater than concentric, produces greater strength gains than concentric.
Eccentric Training
Resistance decreases in weakest ROM, increases in strongest ROM. Muscle works against higher % of its capacity at each ROM.
Variable Resistance Training
Bridge gap between speed and strength training, stores energy during eccentric and releases energy during concentric.
Vary the pace from sprint to job; continuous training and interval elements. Primarily used by distance runners.
Fartlek Training
Energy Systems: utilized at 100, 200 and 400 m. (anaerobic)
Energy Systems: utilized at 800, 1500 and 3000 m. distances. (anaerobic)
Energy Systemes: utilized at 5000, 10000 and marathon distances. (aerobic)
Process by which the thermoregulatory center readjusts body temperature in response to small deviations from the set point
Short-term adaptation to environmental stressor
Long-term adaptation to environmental stressor
25% from ATP breakdown to create body heat.
Metabolic work
75% from ATP breakdown to create body heat.
metabolic heat
heat transfer from one solid material to another; sitting on hot or cold bleachers
Heat transfer by movement of a gas or a liquid across a surface; major daily thermoregulatory control, 26x greater in water
Heat loss in form of infrared rays; body can give off and receive radiation, major daily thermoregulatory control
Heat loss via phase change from liquid to gas; primary heat loss during exercise (80%).
The avenues of dry heat exchange.
Conduction, Convection and Radiation
Get rid of heat at rest.
Radiation and Convection
Relationship between Humidity and Evaporation.
Increased Humidity inhibits heat loss by evaporation
Preoptic-Anterior Hypothalamus-body's thermostat
POAH effectors
Thermoregulatory effector
POAH activates
Sweat glands to cool skin surface when body temp deviates.
POAH (SNS response)
Signals SNS effectors.
SNS Vasoconstriction minimizes heat loss.
SNS Vasodilation increases heat loss.
(main sweat glands) and skin arterioles are more responsive to changes in core temperature.
Eccrine Sweat Gland Effectors
SNS stimulation of sweating=
Evaporation heat loss. Strictly vasodilate to cool down blood
Vasoconstriction or Vasodilation
Skin Arterioles
help generate additional heat when it is too cold, shivering, involuntary.
Skeletal Muscle Effectors
increase metabolism, increases heat production; cooling=release of thyroxine, catecholamines.
Endocrine Glad Effectors
Endocrine gland kicks in
Non-shivering thermogenesis
when skeletal muscle shivering kicks in
Shivering thermogenesis
Brains shuts down at 40-41 degrees C
Helps explain limitations in trained, well-acclimated athletes
Critical Temp Theory
Body fluid balance and sweating (tie in acclimation and it's benefits)
sweating-hot environment temps>skin and core temps
Evaporation is only avenue for heat loss, eccrine sweat glands controlled by POAH
Light sweating-very dilute sweat
Heavy Sweating-less dilute sweat (loss of NA and Cl)
Loss of water and electrolytes triggers release of aldosterone and ADH. ADH retains water, Aldosterone retains Na at kidneys.
Hormonal control of fluid balance
Eccrine gland innervated directly by the nerve, sodium and chloride are affected if your body is more conditioned or less conditioned. Nerve activates more quickly for trained people.
How sweat is affected.
Retains water at kidneys
Anti-Diuretic Hormone(ADH)
Retains Na at kidneys
Metabolic heat production, air temp, ambient water vapor pressure (humidity), air velocity, radiant heat sources, clothing
Factors taken into account exercising in the heat
How heat stress is typically measured
Wet-bulb globe temperature
Least serious of heat illnesses
Severe, painful cramping
Triggered by Na loss and dehydration
Heat cramps
Accompanied by: fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting, weak, rapid pulse
Caused by severe dehydration from sweating
Thermoregulatory mechanisms functional, but overwhelmed
Heat Exhaustion
Life threatening
Thermoregulatory mechanisms fail
If untreated results in coma and death, core temp>40 C
Heat Stroke
HR decreases, Cardiac output increases
Decrease in Core Temperature
Physiological changes with heat acclimation
Occurs after repeated cold exposures without significant heat loss
Cold Habituation
Occurs after repeated cold exposures with heat loss
Metabolic Acclimation
When increase metabolism cannot prevent heat loss
Insulative Acclimation
Increase in C heat loss
Increase in Windchill
Heat loss increases in moving water
Heat loss 4x faster in water
As fatigue increases...
meatbolic heat production decreases
remove individual from the cold, provide blankets, gradual rewarming, if sever, may require hospital
Treated with steroid inhalers
Sea level-Barometric Pressure (Pb)
760 mmHG
Regardless of Pb, PO2 always=
20.93% of Pb, 159 mmHg
(percentage never changes but Pb does)
Reduced barometric pressure at altitude
Low PO2 in the air
temperature decrease 1 degree C per...
150 m ascent
Humidity through altitude
Cold air holds very little water, air at altitude is very cold and very dry
Dry air=quick dehydration
Increases at high altitude, UV rays travel through less atmosphere
Solar Radiation
Pb and PO2 decrease
As elevation increases
Increases immediately at rest and submaximal exercise
Pulmonary Ventilation
hyperventilation, blowing off CO2=respiratory alkalosis; oxyhemoglobin curve shifts to the left preventing further hypoxia driven hyperventilation
Increase in Ventilation
At altitude, alveolar PO2=capillary PO2
Pulmonary diffusion
Oxygen transport-Decrease in Alveolar PO2...
Decrease of O2 hemoglobin saturation, only 80% of hemoglobin sites are saturated with O2
Gas exchange at muscle-Decreases; PO2 gradient at muscle...
decreases, decrease of PO2 gradient at muscle = decrease ion exercise capacity
Plasma Volume at altitude
Decreases within a few hours, respiratory water loss=increase in urine production
RBC count at altitude
increases after weeks/months, hypoxemia triggers release of EPO from kidney
Cardiac output at altitude
Increases, despite decrease in plasma volume and stroke volume, increase due to increase in HR
Decreases as altitude increases past 1500m, due to reduced arterial PO2 at altitude
VO2 max drops 8-11% per...
1000m ascent
Heart rate Increases due to decrease in Stroke volume...
to make up for Cardiac Output
Stroke volume decreases due to...
decrease in plasma volume
Cardiac output increases slightly because...
HR increases
Plasma Volume decreases due to respiratory water loss...
and increased urine production
increases for 2 to 3 days, stimulates increases in RBC count, elevated ROB count for 3+ months
Decrease in muscle mass due to weight loss, protein gets used as energy source; oxidative muscle capacity decreases
Muscle function at altitude
Live high, train low
maintain highest possible VO2max, improving aerobic performance
Training low makes...
it much easier to breath, increasing VO2max
When living high...
more RBC's and hematocrit concentration goes up, but you can effectively consume as much oxygen
Acute mountain sickness duration
onset 6 to 48 hours after arrival, most severe 2-3
Acute mountain sickness symptoms
Headache (worse in the morning or after exercise)
Vomiting, Dyspnea, insomnia
Women have higher incidence than men
Breathing Mechanism which prevents sleep
Treatment of AMS
gradual descent to lower altitude, artifical O2
High-altitude Pulmonary edema
related to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
HAPE symptoms
Shortness of breath, cough, tightness, fatigue
HAPE physiology
decrease in blood O2, cyanosis, confusion, unconsciousness
HAPE treatment
decent to lower altitude, supplemental O2
High-altitude cerebral edema
HACE cause
results from a complication of HACE
HACE symptoms
confusion, lethargy, ataxia, unconsciousness, death
HACE treatment
supplemental O2, immediate descent to lower altitude
work producing
work breaking
inactive substance that looks like the real thing
Placebo Effect
expectations affect psychological response, come from double blind experimental design
pharmacological agent
drugs suggested to have ergogenic properties
Amphetamines (Sympathomimetic)
central nervous system stimulates; their activity mimics the SNS
ergogenic aid
Amphertamines (Sympathomimetic) benefits
increase state of arousal, energy, self-cofidence
Decrease fatigue
Increase HR, blood pressure, blood flow, blood glucose, and FFA's
Increase weightloss
Improve REaction time, speed, and focus
INcrease strength and power
Amphetamines risks
Death, toxicity, heatstroke, cardiac stress, addiction
B-Blockers Benefits
Decrease resting, submaximal, and maximal HR
Increase hand stability
Fatigue, cardiac failure, hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, bronchospasms
Caffeine Benefits
Increases alertness, concentration, and mood
Decreases fatigue, improves reaction time
Increases fat metabolism and performance
Caffeine risks
Nervousness, termors, GI problems, insomnia, headache
Diuretics benefits
Increased urine production=temporary weight loss, resulting in dehydration
Rids banned substances from the body
Decrease in plasma volume=decrease in cardiac output and VO2max
Diuretics risks
Impaired thermoregulation, electrolyte balance, death
Research limits on ergogenic aids
Technique, equipment inaccuracy, research methodology, testing situations (lab vs. field)
Anabolic steroids (androgenic)
meaning similar to testosterone a male hormone, enhances anabolic function (building bone, muscle)
AAS benefits
increases body mass and FFM, increases muscle size and strength
Decreases fat mass
Must be large dosages
Increase protein synthesis
AAS risks
moral ethical issues
liver and prostate cancer
heart attack
increases aggression and violence, drug dependence
Decreases life span