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15 Cards in this Set

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The transfering command is responsible for ensure that the service member and family members are screened within how many days after receipt of tranfer orders?
Who notifies the transfering command if a screening period greater than 30 day is anticipated?
SSC (Suitablity Screening Coordinator)
The transfering command is required to notify who when there is a delay or the results of a screening are pending?
THE MTF will start an ongoing dialoge with which departments?
The transfering command and PSD
What are some things that the MTF should implement to assist with the screening?
1. Provide a list of service and family members who require screening (PSD or the transfering command).
2. The transfering command or PSD provides NAVMED 1300/2 Screening Checklist. 3. Set up an appointment with the MTF for preliminary screening.
4. The SSC to notify PSD or the Transfering command when appointments are missed.
The screening is valid for how many months once completed?
The service member is required to notify who of any changes of medical status?
Commanding officer or Officer in charge
Who is responsible for coordinating for the special needs of family members with civilian agencies or school systems?
The service member with SSC or EFMP Coordinator support
Type 2 and 4 duties are what type of assignments?
What should be done if a MTF during suitablity screening identifies a service member with a medical/dental condition who received orders for a stateside or overseas operational assignment (type 2 or 4)?
The screening MTF must forward a suitablity inqury for the service member to the medical officer for the operational platform to ensure that the condition will not interfere with the service's members ability to perform in the operational environment.
What should be done if a MTF during suitablity screening identifies a family member with a medical/dental condition who received orders for a stateside or overseas operational assignment (type 4)?
The screening MTF must forward a suitablity inqury for the family member to the MTF supporting the overseas location where the family member will reside
If the operational platform or gaining MTF cannot support the service member where should a service member refer for final determination?
The NAVPERSCOM (PER2-4821) Medical Officer
T or F. Family member require screening when the service member receives orders for overseas type 3,6, or 4 duty, or remote duty assignment an those orders authorize an accompanied tour?
What are some other conditions that family member require screening?
When the service member is on an unacompanied tour for 24 months or more, or if the family member plans to join ther service member later at the assignment location
Is DEERS in enrollment required prior to proceeding with screening for family members?