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27 Cards in this Set

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Melanie Klein: personality is shaped by...
relatinoships with significant others
Klein: "splitting" refers to...
the splitting of objects and feelings into good and bad aspects, in an effort to retain good ones as part of the self, while getting rid of bad ones by projecting them onto others
Was Klein more interested in the "inner world" or "outer world"
Inner world
Klein's theory is known as...
Object relations theory
Object relations theory is...
how our early relationships with people, and also with nonhuman things, like toys and pets, affect personality/patterns of living
Albert Bandura studies learning that...
isnt a result of conditioning
learning by imitation
1. attending to the model
2. remembering what is seen and heard
3. reproducing the memory during imiation
4. reinforcement for an accurate performance
bandura: reinforcement for behavior...
does not strengthen a behavior directly, but a person's expectation for future responding.

an incentive to act, not a reward for past action
bandura: theory of motivation...
dependent on
1. outcome expectations: what will happen if we do it
2. efficacy expectations: what we think we are able to do
efficacy expectation is dependent on 4 influences...
performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, emotional arousal
agentic perspective:
people actively contribute to their experience
Julian Rotter: locus of control
the extent to which a person beleives that reinforcements are a result of his or her own behavior, or outside influences
internal vs external locus of control
internal: results are from his/her own behavior. generally a healthier more successful approach

external: outside forces

Rotter believes that an extreme view in either direction is unrealistic and unheatlthy
Rotter: I-E Scale
Measures internal/external locus of control
Gordon Allport: definition of personality
"the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought"

determined=structured by past, predisposing of the future
psychophysical=involves both mind and body
characteristic=unique for each individual

an actual entity
comprised of traits
Allport: procrium
original term for something like the go
Allport: traits
real, biologically rooted, shaped by enviornment
3 types of traits
Cardinal, Central, Secondary
individual vs common traits
vary from culture to culture
8 aspects of procrium development
Bodily Self
3 signs of maturity
Self extension
unified philosophy of life
Raymond Cattell: personality
trait theory
traits need to go beyond just an individual's overt behaviors
Surface traits vs Source traits
Surface: clusters of overt behavior responses that appear to go together

Source traits: the underlying variables that seem to determine the surface manifestation
16 Basic Source Traits as the building blocks of personality
outgoing - reserved
more intelligent- less intelligent
high ego strength- low ego strength
assertive- humble
happy go lucky - sober
strong conscience - lack of internal standards
adventuresome- shy
tough minded - tender minded
trusting - suspicious
imaginative- practical
shrewd - forthright
apprehensive - self-assured
experimental - conservative
group dependent - self sufficient
casual - controlled
relaxed - tense
Cattell's primary research tool was...
factor analysis
The Big Five Personality Traits

The Big Five vs The Five Factor Model
FFM is an interpretation and expansion of TBF