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60 Cards in this Set

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The Catholic Church's response to the Reformation is referred to as the _______

Counter Reformation

Luther's Protest against the Catholic Church was summarized is the publication named the __________

95 Theses

Prior to the Reformation, the Bible was only printed in _______


Martin Luther was _________


The council responsible for changing the church was called the ___________

Council of Trent

People who performed public Penance were referred to as ___________


The Pope who permitted the selling of Indulgences was __________

Pope Leo X

Martin Luther was born in ____________. _______________

Wittenberg, Germany

Dominican Friar who promoted selling of Indulgences...

John Tetzel

Where all repentant souls go after death to be cleansed...


The Council of Trent:

1. Banned indulgences

2. Rejected Protestant ideas of salvation

3. Implementing rules to creat a more informed and well educated clergy

People bought indulgences because they wanted to....

Garantee a passage to heaven

Martin Luther developed the theological doctrine of _________

Faith Alone

Helped restore the Carmelite order...

St Francis de Sales and St Aloysius

Martin Luther was originally _____________


Responsible for the spread of Catholicism to Japan and Eastern Europe and Japan...

The Jesuits

Priest who spread Catholicism throughout Switzerland...

Ulrich Zwingli

Found the Church of England...

King Henry VIII

Brought Protestantism to Scotland where it became the Presbyterian Church...

John Knox

Preached the doctrine of Predestination...

John Calvin

Founder of The Jesuits...

St Ignatius of Loyola

artin Luther was a professor in ____________


Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses on the Church door in _____


Condemnation of Martin Luther's theses from the Pope occurred in _____


Luther wrote to the Pope in ____


Martin Luther was given 60 days to recant his theses in the year ____


Martin was excommunicated in _____


Martin Luther married and left his religious order in ____


Germany signed the Augsburg Confession in _____


Martin Luther died in ____


Refers to the belief that the bread and wine used at mass are the body and blood of Christ...

Real Presence

Concept referring to how the appearance of bread or wine doesn't change...


Eucharist has two meanings;

1. The mass

2. Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ

The Eucharist represents Jesus ______ - ________ on the cross


In the holy mass, Jesus offers himself in __________ manner


The Mass represents what gathering?

The Last Supper

1st act in mass is _____________


2nd Act in Mass is __________


3rd act in Mass is _______________

Proclaiming the word

4th Act in Mass is ___________

Listening to the word

5th act in mass is ______________

The giving of the gifts

6th Act in Mass is ____________

Reflecting on our story

7th Act in Mass is _____________

Sharing the Meal

8th act in mass is _____________

Going out and making a difference

A Jewish ritual service occurring on the first night of Passover....

The Seder

First Passover:

One year old lamb, perfect and without blemish, was sacrificed to God.

New Passover:

Jesus, the new lamb of God, offered himself as a sacrifice on the cross.

Old Passover:

By the blood of the lamb the Israelites were freed.

New Passover:

By Jesus sacrifice on the cross Christians believe they are now free.

Old Passover:

Unleavened read and wine strengthened Israelites as they journeyed to promised lands.

New Passover:

Bread and wine become the body and blood of Chirst, offered the sacrifice to strengthen.

Old Passover:

The Passover meal is a memorial of God's saving action on behalf of Israelites.

New Passover:

The Eucharist is the memorial of the saving love of God for his people, shown in the life, death and ressurection of Jesus Christ.

Old Passover:

Moses told the Israelites to practise Passover annually.

New Passover:

Jesus told the disciples to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice in memory

Old Passover:

Through Moses, God gave the Israelites a covenant by which he made them his people.

New Passover:

Jesus is the new covenant - through his life, death and ressurection we become the people of God.

The Passover refers to...

The angel of death passing over the houses of the Israelites.

What does the Passover of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised lands symbolise?


What do the bitter veggies represent

The bitterness of slavery

What does the shank represent?

The sacrificed lamb

What does salt water represent?

Tears of the slaves

What does the Seder mean

Order or arrangment

Who hosts the Seder meal

The elders of the host

What did the second Vatican council change to the Eucharist?

1. Implemented the sign of peace

2. Moved the alter closer to the people

3. Encouraged people to give readings in the mass

4. Priest wanted to give the homily

What is a Rabi?

A Jewish priest