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37 Cards in this Set

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Fulgencio Batista
He was overthrown by FIdel Castro in 1959
Fidel Castro & the Cuban Revolution
Fidel Castro led an overthrow of Batista. At first he was praised for social reforms, and improving the economy. But castro was a cruel dictator. He suspended election, jailed his opponents, and tightly controlled the press.
Castro nationalizes Cuban economy
-took over U.S.-owned sugar mills
-Eisenhower ordered embargo on all trade with Cuba
-Castro got econ. & military aid from Soviets
Bay of Pigs
Anti-Castro Cuban exiles, trained by the CIA, invaded Cuba in April 1961, landing at the Bay of Pigs. U.S. didn't come through with air support. Castro easily defeated them - humiliating the U.S.!
Cuban Missile Crisis
When Kruschev went to Cuba to secertly build 42 missle sites. American Spy plane disocvered the sites and President John F Kennedy declared that the missles were too close to the U.S. mainland and ordered there removal.
Anastasio Somoza
Nicaraguan dictator funded by the U.S. since 1933
Daniel Ortega
leader of the Sandanistas
Communist rebels in Nicaragua who toppled the Somoza dictatorship in 1979. Received aid from U.S. and Soviets initially, but gave assistance to other Marxist rebels nearby (in El Salvador)
Nicaraguan anti-Communist forces supported by the U.S. They helped El Salvadorian gov't fight rebels (who were aided by Sandanistas).
(short for "contrarevolucionarios")
Violeta Chamorro
defeated pres oretega in first free elections in cuba
Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
-Man who was in power in Iran embraced western governments and wealthy western oil companies. iranian nationalists resented these foreign alliances and united under Muhammed Mossadeq who was only in power for a little bit. They kickde him out under the influences of Khomeini
Prime Minister Muhammed Mossadeq
Was temporoarily in power between Mossadeq and and the ayatollah
westernization in Iran
Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini
Iran Hostage Crisis
In 1979, with the ayatollah's blessing, young Islamic revolutionaries seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took more than 60 Americans hostage, demanding the U.S. send the shah to trial. Many hostages were held for 444 days and released in 1981.
war between Iran and Iraq
-1980 khomeini is encouraging muslism everywhere to overthrow their secular governments. this pisses saddam hussein who is in iraq off.
-USA secretly gave aide to both sides because it did not want the balance of power being wierd.SOviet union, gave total support to Iraw. UN negoiated a cease fier in 1988 after 1,000,000 died
Saddam Hussein
(p. 986)
U.S. Boycott of Moscow Olympics
USA boycotted olypimics in 1980 under orders from carter.
purging of the countries memory of stalin under Kruschev
Nikita Kruschchev
shrewd, tough Soviet leader after Stalin died in 1953; denounced Stalin for jailing & killing loyal Soviet citizens
Imre Nagy (Hungarian)
Hungarian Communist leader - popular, liberal; formed new gov't, promising free elections and demanding Soviet troops leave; overtaken by Krushchev's Soviet tanks, eventually executed
Leonid Brezhnev
Kruschev lost popular support as a result of the cuban missle crisis in 1962. 1964 people voted him out. Leonid Brezhnev came in. He quickly adopted repressive domestic policies. the party enforced laws to a limit such basic ruman rights as freedom of speech and worship. gov censors controlled what writers could publish. people got in big trouble for trying to go against him.
Alexander Dubcek (Czech)
Brezhnev Doctrine
Brezhnev's policy that that Soviet Union had right to prevent its satellites from rejecting communism (e.g. justification for invading & putting down revolts in countries like Czechoslovakia, Hungary, etc.)
Soviet-China Split
• China resented following in Soviet shadow; spread own brand of communism in Africa & parts of Asia.
• Soviets refused to share nuclear secrets, ended technical economic aid; fighting broke out, fragile peace
U-2 incident
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Richard Nixon
SALT I treaty
(1972) "Strategic Arms Limitation Talks" = series of meetings ending with Nixon & Brezhnev signing 5-year agreement to limit intercontinental ballistic & submarine-launched missiles for each country
Helsinki Accords
(1975) commitment to detente and cooperation, signed by 33 nations in addition to U.S. and Soviet Union
Ronald Reagan