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32 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following body, actively use calories

all of these activities use calories

People that tend to store body fat in the ________ are increased for chronic disease.


If I have a great amount of muscle mass, I have a _______ metabolism.


What protects against weight gain & essential to maintaining weight?

physical activity

How many chambers does the heart contain?


What do the two upper chambers do?

& where does blood collects?

1.Right and left atria, receive incoming blood

2. NOT valve & ventricle

Venules collects blood

What does the aorta do & which side ventricle?

Main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. Passes over the heart from the left ventricle and runs down in front of the backbone.

Definition of Diastole?



*Systole is contraction

Out of all cardiovascular disease, which factor can not be changed?

Family history of CVD.

What is a heart attack?

What artery becomes blocked?

1.Coronary artery in heart becomes blocked

2. coronary

What is false about cancer?

cancer is characterized by controlled growth of cells.

A benign tumor is?

mass of cells enclosed in membrane & prevents spreading

Common cause of cancer death in U.S.

Lung cancer

Common cause of cancer in women?

breast cancer

HPV means?

What does it put women at risk for?

Human Papillomavirus

-is a viral infection that is passed between people through skin-to-skin contact.

cervix cell changes, cervical cancer

Defintion of Melanoma?

Dangerous?Skin cancer?

1. Most dangerous; spreads rapidly

2. Yes skin cancer.

Characteristics of Melanoma?

What is NOT one?

1. Appear over existing moles

2. Invade surrounding tissue

3. bleed easily

NOT most common on face

Highest rate of skin cancer in workforce?

Truck drivers left arm

What is not a step to avoid skin cancer?

Using tanning salons

Definition of a Pathogen

Organism that causes disease

Portal of entry for a pathogen?

All are correct

What is the body's 1st line of defense against invasion of organisms?


Defintion of cilia

Could be in lungs, fine hairline structure

Defintion of vaccine

active immunity killed/ weakened pathogen stimulates body to produce antibodies

What is false about STD's?

STD's can not be transmitted unless an infected person has symptoms

Which country has highest STD's rate?

United States

Transmission of HIV occurs in ________________

unprotected sexual intercourse w/ someone w/ HIV

What type of STD is chlamydia?

Most prevalent bacterial STD in US

PID is?

Pelvic Inflammatory disease

infection progresses from the vagina and cervix to infect the pelvic cavity and fallopian tubes-harms women's reproductive system

Family of viruses that causes genital warts?

HPV -Human Papillomavirus

Obligations of a sexually active person are?

ALL of the above

Most effective way to avoid STD's is...?
