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86 Cards in this Set

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3 ways to create Azure VMs

Management Portal


Cross platform tools

2 methods of provisioning VMs

Image = from Azure gallery

Disk = VHD (My Disks)

Only Images supported for this command (not disks)


Command supporting AD join, admin passwords, new or attach data disks, configureendpoints, disable Windows update, set time zone, set static IP address andcloud service name

Name disk typical IOPS

Basic =300 IOPS

Standard= 500 IOPS


Can Location can bechanged after VM creation

How to set static IP address
onlyin Preview Portal or PowerShell

Windows images require local administratorusername and password


Linux images require a password

2 tools to create SSL cert for Linux VM



Type of Certificates used by VMs


(.cer or .pem)

Name the Stop states for Azure VMs

Stopped = compute billingstill occurs

Stopped (Deallocated) = maylose VIP

Keep VIP of Cloud Service
Default endpoints created for a VM

RDP 3389

PowerShell (WinRM) 5986

Default VM domain name

Linux endpoint
TCP 22 (public & private, enabled by default)
Linux VM provisioning: Authentication options


Certificiate (X.509)



Name the VM Extension Names for both Windows and Linux
VMAccessAgent (Windows)

VMAccessForLinux (Linux)

Azure Virtual Machine Monitoring : Azure Diagnostics Extension name
What does the VMAccess extension provide
The VMAccess extension enables you to reset Remote Desktop Access or Secure Shell (SSH) settings on a Virtual Machine and to reset the password for the account that has administrator or sudo authority.
How to connect to Linux VM

Putty session


Ssh -p -l

If certificate used:

Ssh -I -p -l

Windows Temp disk drive letter
Data disk max
OS disk HA
When Azure creates anoperating system disk, three copies of the diskare created for high durability.
VHDX support
Convert Disks from Dynamic to Fixed

Add-AzureVHD converts Dynamic to Fixed automatically (or do it manually first withHyper-V Manager or PowerShell)

Save-AzureVHD does not convert Dynamic to Fixed - ensureenough free space!

VM Image types (3)

Legacy OS image




How to create a Generalized Image

Windows - Sysprep

Linux - waagent -deprovision

Save-AzureVMImage -OSState Generalized

Then 'Capture' from Azure portal

Deploy from 'My Images'

Specialized Images

NotOOBE Generalized prior to Capture

Customizations- username, passwords, domain-join information stay the same

VMdoes not need to be in a Stopped state - could lead to dirty state capture

Donot select the check box for Sysprep has been run on Capture wizard

Save-AzureVMImage -OSState Specialized

Azure boot disk options

-OS "Windows"

-OS "Linux"

Add-AzureDataDisk options

-CreateNew (Blank vhd)

-Import (from My Images)

-ImportFrom (from Storage location)

Copy Blobs between StorageAccounts

Deleting a VM options

Delete the attached disks

Keep the attached disks

Install VM Agent to a VM already running

Download and install MSI package



$name $vm.VM.ProvisionGuestAgent =$TRUE Update-AzureVM

Reset VM password
Set-AzureVMAccessExtension –UserName –Password | Update-AzureVM
Fix RDP settings

Calling Set-AzureVMAccessExtension with no parametersfixes any broken RDP settings.

Enable BGInfo

Set-AzureVMBGInfoExtension | Update-AzureVM

How to enable VM Agent and Extensions on VMs createdfrom Disks

Create VM On-Premise

Install VM Agent (msi)

Upload to Azure (Add-AzureVHD)

Provision VM from 'Disks'

Ensure VM Agent ticked

Deploy scripts during VM provisioning

Create and upload script to Azure Storage account

Set-AzureVMCustomScriptExtension -Fileurl

to run script after VM is provisioned use

Set-AzureVMCustomScriptExtension -Fileurl | Update-AzureVM

Describe the Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) feature

Fixes config drift

Enable / disable server roles and features

Start, Stop services

Discover actual config state

(uses Push or Pull methods)


MOF files

Enable Puppet
Select 'Puppet Enterprise Agent' from Configuration Extensions and enter Puppet Master Server name
Puppet endpoints created

TCP 8140

Https 443

MCollective 61613

Enable Chef configuration

No PowerShell commands

Select 'Chef' from Configuration Extensions

Describe DIP

A DIP is an internal IP address assigned by the Azure DHCP to the Virtual Machine.Once a compute resource within the cloud service has leased a DIP, it will notbe dropped until the compute resource is stopped or deallocated.

Describe PIP
A PIP is a public IP addressused for direct communicationto your compute resources (instances). As of right now each Azuresubscription can assign up to 5 PIPs. There’s also billing charges associatedwith PIPs. Use-case Passive FTP.
Describe VIP

The VIP is a public IP address that can be used to access your compute resourcesexternally.

Every worker role/web role/virtualmachine is contained within a cloud service – and upon the creation of the cloud service, it is assigned aVIP. The VIP comes from an IP address pool managed by Microsoft.

Describe Reserved IP

At this point, you can’t assign a reserved IP addressto an existing cloud service. Instead you should create a new cloudservice with the reserved IP address, re-provision the virtual machine usingthe same disks or redeploy the cloud service package and configuration(for worker roles and web roles) in the new cloud service.

A reserved VIP is useful whenever your service isexpected to always respond at the same IP address.

How to set a VM DIP static IP


Get-AzureVM -ServiceName vnetvmsvc1 -Name vnetvm1 |
Set-AzureStaticVNetIP -IPAddress "" |

Set Static VNET IP at creation time

New-AzureVMConfig ...

Set-AzureStaticVNetIP -IPAddress ""

Domain name of internal VNET
Maximum VMs in Cloud Service
Maximum endpoints per Cloud Service
Load Balanced Set types



Two levels of load balancing available for Azure infrastructure services

1. DNS (traffic manager, round robin)

2. Network (LBSet)

Max ACLs per endpoint


(set by CIDR notation)

Set-AzureAclConfig action types

Action Permit

Action Deny

Specific IP -RemoteSubnet ""

Retainsthe VIP of the Cloud Service when all VMsare stopped(Deallocated)
Existing Cloud Service VIP can be reserved
Describe Availability Sets

Avoids single pointof failure and physical downtime

At least 2 VMs to ensure 99.95% SLA

100 VMs per Set

Describe Fault Domain (FD)

A FaultDomain (FD) is essentially a rack of servers. It consumes subsystems likenetwork, power, cooling etc. So 2 VMs in the same availability set means Azurewill provision them in to 2 different racks so that if say, the network or thepower failed, only one rack would be affected.

VM FD 0,1,0,1,0,1 etc

Describe Update Domains (UD)

Protectagainst Host (not guest OS) updates

VMs placed in 5 of (UD 0,1,2,3,4.. repeated)

VM Scaling: disks

Scaling down - samenumber of data disks rule

VM Scaling: In & Out

VMs must be in sameAV set and be the same size (Standard_A1 etc.) or Autoscale wont work / be enabled

Name the Autoscale schedules

1. Different for: Day & Night

2. Different for Weekdays & Weekends

3. Set for Specific dates

Where are the Autoscale logs found

Azure >Management Services > Type = Autoscale

VM Autoscale metrics

1. None

2. CPU

3. Queue

Disk caching defaults

OS = ReadWrite

Data = None (off)

OS & Data disk caching can be set while VM is running
Change OS disk caching

Set-AzureOSDisk -HostCaching ReadOnly |

note - 'OSdisk'

Change data disk caching

Set-AzureDataDisk -LUN 0 -HostCaching ReadOnly

note - 'Datadisk'

Can do while VM running

-HostCaching types (3)




Storage account IOPS max


(500TB limit)

Valid OS Caching types (2)



Valid Data caching types (3)




Name the Storage Replication types (4)




Read Access (RA-GRS)

Describe LRS

Locallyredundant storage (LRS) replicates your data within the same region in which you created your storage account. To maximize durability, everyrequest made against data in your storage account is replicated three times. These three replicas each reside inseparate fault domains and upgrade domains.

No. of copies =3

Describe ZRS

Zone-redundantstorage (ZRS) replicates your data acrosstwo to three facilities, either within a singleregion or across two regions, providing higherdurability than LRS.

ZRS iscurrently available only for block blobs.

No. of copies = 3

Describe GRS

Geo-redundant storage(GRS) replicates your data to a secondaryregion that is hundreds of miles awayfrom the primary region. If your storage account has GRS enabled, then yourdata is durable even in the case of a complete regional outage or a disaster inwhich the primary region is not recoverable. 3 times pri, 3 times secondary.

No. of copies = 6

Describe RA-GRS

Read-accessgeo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) maximizes availability for your storageaccount, by providing read-only access tothe data in the secondary location.

secondary endpoint is myaccount-secondary.blob.core.windows.net.

Name two ways to improve Azure disk performance

Add RAID0 (up to 16TB)

Create Storage Pool in Storage Spaces (256 KB)

More IOPS - more spindles (up to 16 disks)

Limit per Storage Account IOPS
Describe Premium Storage

Only Azure PAGE BLOBS - which are used to hold persistent disks for Azure Virtual Machines.

high-performance, low-latency disk support forI/O intensive workloads

Only for DS-series or GS-series of VMs.

6TB, 80,000 IOPS

Requirements to setup Azure Files (SMB 2.1)

1. Storage account NAME

Get-AzureStorageAccount (-Label)

2. Storage account primary KEY:


VM monitoring metrics (5)


Disk Read

Disk Write

Network In

Network Out

VM chart types (2)



Support for Bitlocker

Boot / OS volumes - no, needs 3rd party tool

Data disks - yes