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160 Cards in this Set

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What is compliance
how readily the lung accepts a change in volume
Formula for compliance
change in volume (L) / change in pressure (cc H20)
Compliance example: negative intrathoracic pressure of 5 cm H20 on inspiration, and the lungs accepted 0.75 L of air - what is the compliance
0.15L/cmH20 or 150ml/cmH20
What is total lung compliance in normal adult
200ml, so for every 1cm H20 pressure change - the lung volume increases or decreases 200ml
Is compliance better or worse with natural ventilation vs ventilator
Neither - they are the same
Compliance of lung is divided into two parts
1. elastic forces on the lung tissue
2. elastic forces caused by surface tension of the fluid that lines the alveoli
Elastic forces are determined by what
elastin and collagen fibers between the lung parenchyma
When the lung is deflated
the fibers are in a kinked (spring) state
When the lung expands
the fibers stretch
For every 1cmH20 of transpulmonary pressure change
the lung will expand 100-200ml over 10-20 sec
As lung compliance increases
more volume is accepted
As lung compliance decreases
less volume is accepted
Will a compliant lung receive more volume than a non-compliant lung if the pressure stays the same
not sure how to answer this one
Explain surface tension
The thin layer of fluid (that interfaces with the air) and creates a skin that is difficult to break
The larger the surface area
the larger the surface tension
Surface tension explains why
a meniscus can form, a raindrop doesn't fall apart and why a bug can walk on water
Water coating the inside a balloon
makes the balloon more difficult to expand because of the attractive forces of the water
Alveoli filled with saline is ___________ than water coated with surfactant
more compliant
What reduces the compliance of the lung
the air:water interface
Surface tension accounts for ______ total lung compliance
What is opening pressure
if an alveoli collapses - the force needed to expand the alveoli and overcome the attractive force of the fluid
Explain Law of Laplace
describes that the distending pressure of a liquid bubble (not alveoli) is influenced by the surface tension and the radius
Law of Laplace equation
pressure = (2)(surface tension)/radius

distending (inflating) or collapsing (recoil) pressure is directly related to surface tension of the air:fluid interface and inversely related to the radius of the sphere
Distending pressure in a sphere is
directly proportional to the surface tension - P=2T/
Which means... as surface tension increases - the pressure required to hold it open
Law of Laplace - explain relationship between pressure and radius
distending pressure is indirectly related to the radius of a sphere
Which means... as size of the bubble increases, the pressure required to hold it open
Law of Laplace does not come into play until
critical opening pressure has been reached because a great deal of pressure may be required to break the fluid interface and begin alveolar expansion
What phenomenon occurs
distending pressure in small alveoli > than distending pressure in large alveoli - so air will travel from small to large alveoli (and small will collapse)
What prevents the small alveoli from collapsing
How does surfactant work
reduces surface tension by breaking up the H2O molecule's attraction to each other
Where is surfactant secreted
epithelial cells called type II alveolar epithelial cells
What does surfactant contain
phospholipids, protein, and ions
Primary phospholipid in surfactant
DPPC - diplamitoyl phosphatidylcholine
has a hydrophobic and hydrophilic end
Where and how are hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends postioned
DPPC molecule positions itself at the alveolar gas liquid interface with hydrophobic end towards the gas phase and the hydrophilic end towards the liquid potion
How does surfactant prevent the small alveoli phenomenon
as alveoli reduces in size - the proportion of surfactant to surface increases and improves the effectiveness of the surfactant
Interesting point
although the effect of surfactant is greatly reduced in large radius alveoli - LaPlace's Law comes into play when the distending pressure is reduced
If recoil force of alveoli outweighs the distending pressure/force
atelectasis - alveolar collapse
Critical pressure is the same as
opening pressure
Once alveoli closed - why is it hard to re-expand
attractive water bonds
Surfactant deficiency - general causes
acidosis, hypoxia, hyperoxia, atelectasis, pulmonary congestion
Specific causes of surfactant deficiency include
ARDS, RDS (peds), pulmonary edema, PE, PNA, excessive lavage, drowning, extracoporeal oxygenation (ECMO)
Compliance problems other than alveoli
lung tissue and chest wall compliance
Causes for chest wall compliance issues
obesity, narcotics
Where and how are hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends postioned
DPPC molecule positions itself at the alveolar gas liquid interface with hydrophobic end towards the gas phase and the hydrophilic end towards the liquid potion
How does surfactant prevent the small alveoli phenomenon
as alveoli reduces in size - the proportion of surfactant to surface increases and improves the effectiveness of the surfactant
Interesting point
although the effect of surfactant is greatly reduced in large radius alveoli - LaPlace's Law comes into play when the distending pressure is reduced
If recoil force of alveoli outweighs the distending pressure/force
atelectasis - alveolar collapse
Critical pressure is the same as
opening pressure
Once alveoli closed - why is it hard to re-expand
attractive water bonds
Surfactant deficiency - general causes
acidosis, hypoxia, hyperoxia, atelectasis, pulmonary congestion
Surfactant deficiency - specific causes
ARDS. RDS (peds), pulmonary edema, PE, PNA, excessive lavage, drowning, extracoporeal oxygenation (ECMO)
Compliance problems other than alveoli
lung tissue and chest wall compliance
Causes for chest wall compliance issues
obesity, narcotics
What is effect of narcotic chest wall rigidity
ancillary muscle contraction
to fix? - need help with this one
Hook's law describes
Elastance is
1. the opposite of compliance
2. ability to return to the pre-existing shape after deformity
What is the formula for Hook's Law
elastance = change in pressure/change in volume
Which is more elastic - rubber or steel
Blowing holes in alveoli at high ventilatory pressures is an example of
when the elastic limits are reached - they break
In alveoli, as the pressure increases - the volume
increases (up to the point when it ruptures)
During normal inspiration, the intrapleural pressure decreases from it's normal baseline which causes
bronchial airways to lengthen and increase in diameter
Is this a passive or active process?
passive - not driven by ANS
During expiration
intrapleural pressure increases which causes bronchial airways to shorten and decrease in diameter (change is unremarkable)
However, in respiratory disorders such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis
bronchial gas flow and intrapleural pressure may change significantly - especially during expiration when passive exhalation and passive bronchial constriction occurs
Formula for Poiseuille's Law
flow = Pr^4
Poiseuille's Law can be arranged for
flow, pressure, or airway portions such as length and radius
Turbulent flow can be created at
high pressures and high flow rates
The time constant is the time in seconds it takes to inflate a particular lung region to
60% of its potential filling capacity
Time constants are a product of
resistance and compliance
If everything remains constant and the only factor that changes is airway resistance, then as resistance doubles - time to inflate
If resistance remains constant and compliance doubles - the time constant
is halved
Time constant
can go either direction
During normal restful breathing, inspiration requires ____ work but expiration is a _____ process
some, passive
The work of inspiration involves overcoming 3 forces
1. expand the chest wall against the resistance or elastic force of the chest wall
2. expand the lungs and overcome the viscosity of the tissues (lung to chest wall and alveoli to itself)
3. overcome the resistance of the airways to air movement
During normal quiet breathing, how much energy is utilized
Heavy exercise or any increase in airway resistance (narrowing bronchioles) increases the WOB by as much as
Which explains
why people are limited on the amount of work they can do - lack of available energy to the respiratory muscles results in fatigue
Three components of the normal ventilatory pattern
1. TV
2. RR
3 I:E ratio
Tidal volume is
volume of air normally moved into the lungs in a quiet breath
Normal TV
7-9ml/kg of ideal body weight
Normal RR
12-15 breaths per minute
Normal I:E ratio
The normal pause that occurs at the end of exhalation is included in the
exhalation phase
What is dead space
inspired air that does not reach the alveoli
Three types of dead space
1. anatomic
2. alveolar
3. physiologic
What is anatomic dead space
amount of air in conducting airways
What is formula for anatomic dead space
Keep in mind that during inspiration
fresh gas mixes with non-fresh gas
Minute alveolar ventilation calculation
MV = (TV-deadspace) x RR
What two things have profound effect on minute alveolar ventilation
depth of volume and RR
In increasing total alveolar ventilation, what has more effect - increased in depth of breathing or increase in RR
increase in depth of respiration is far more effective
Which has more dead space - LMA, ETT
From where is dead airspace measured (in reality)
circuit - trachea - terminal bronchioles
Therefore, what other value would be higher for a LMA
no spontaneous ventilation
normal spontaneous breathing
increased volume but unchanged rate
short episodes of rapid uniform deep inspiration followed by 10-30 seconds of apnea
increased alveolar ventilation - either rate, volume or both causing PaCO2 to decrease
decreased alveolar ventilation - either rate, volume or both causing PaCO2 to increase
rapid rate
Cheyne Stokes
10-30 seconds of apnea - then very fast volume and rates - then gradual decline to apnea
increased depth and rate (DKA)
inability to breathe unless in the upright position
difficulty breathing (conscious aware of)
Tidal volume
volume of air inspired or expired in each normal breath
Normal TV
Inspiratory reserve volume
extra volume of air that can be inspired over and above normal tidal volume
Normal IRV
Expiratory reserve volume
extra volume of air that can be forcefully expired after a normal exhaled tidal volume
Normal ERV
means to measure various volumes in the lungs
Alveolar dead space
occurs when lung is being ventilated and not perfused
Alveolar dead space calculation
can't be calculated
Physiologic dead space
sum of anatomical and alveolar dead space
Which is effective in terms of oxygen exchange - anatomical or alveolar dead space
Where is the best measurement for ETCO2 monitoring
look at picture
What is the normal discrepancy between ETCO2 and PaCO2
PaCO2 is usually 5 torr higher
because of mixing
What population has a higher discrepancy
Residual volume
amount of air that remains after a forceful expiration
normal RV
Capacity measurements are
combinations of volumes
Vital capacity is
the amount of volume that can be expelled fromthe lungs after taking a very deep breath
Normal VC
Another name for vital capacity
Forced vital capacity - FVC
One pulmonary function test
amount of forced expired volume (FEV) in one second/FVC
Normal FEV-1/FVC value
What disease population has problems with this test
COPD - exhalation problem
Functional residual capacity
amount of volume left in lungs after normal expiration
Why important to anesthesia
amount of volume (located in area of lungs) where much of the air exchange is occuring
What can decrease the FRC
supine position, trendelenburg, compression of abdomen, belly insufflation (all push abdominal contents upward - displacing diaphragm upward)
Volumes compared to young men - women are
20% less
Functional residual capacity
amount of volume left in lungs after normal expiration *important to anesthesia
FRC equals
Several factors that impact FRC
1. body habitus
2. sex
3. posture
4. lung disease
5. diaphragmatic tone
Body habitus
FRC proportional to height - obesity greatly decreases FRC (loss of chest compliance)
FRC > males than females
FRC decreases as pts are moved from an upright to supine or prone position as a result of less chest compliance due to abdominal contents pushing against diaphragm - greatest change 0-60 degrees, no change in head down position up to 30 degrees
Lung disease decreases
compliance of lung, compliance of chest or both resulting in lower FRC
Diaphragmatic tone
diaphragmatic tone
Know chart
IRV - 3000
TV - 500
ERV - 1100
RV - 1200
Spirometry measures basic lung volumes but does not measure
What test measures FRC and RV
Plethysmography uses what law
boyle's law
Describe plethysmography
sealed chamber with mouthpiece - at end of normal expiration, the mouthpiece is closed - pt then asked to make an inspiratory effort - as the pt tries to inhale the lungs expand decreasing pressure within the lungs increasing lung volume - in turn increases the pressure within the box since it is a closed system and the volume of the body compartment has increased - temp and pressure remain constant volume changes
Small airways lack ____ so they depend on _____ and ____ to keep them open
cartilage, adjacent structures, volume
The volume at which the airways close is called
closing capacity
Alveoli in dependent areas with low volumes have what problem
continue to be perfused (Q) - but not ventilated (V)
How is closing capacity measured
with a tracer such as xenon gas
Closing capacity is usually well below the FRC but steadily rises with
This explains what
why there is a decline in arterial oxygen tension as we age
By what age does FRC = closing capacity in supine position
By what age does FRC = closing capacity in upright position
FRC is affected by
Closing capacity is only affected by
age (not position)
Lung anatomy review
segmental bronchus
large subsegmental bronchi - about 5 gen
small bronchi - about 15 gen
terminal bronchioles
respiratory bronchioles - 3 orders
alveolar ducts and sacs