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180 Cards in this Set

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What is the action of the serratus anterior?
Protractor of scapula,
Upward rotator of scapula.
What is the main function of pec minor?
Primarily stabilizer of scapula.
What are the two heads of Pec major?
Clavicular and sternocostal
What forms the three sides of the triange of auscultation?
Lat dorsi, Trapezius, scapula
What does pec major do? (3)
Adductor, flexor, medially rotate forearm
What innervates pec major and minor?
Medial pectoral n., Lateral pectoral nerve.
What innervates the subclavius?
N. to subclavious.
What is the origin of serratus anterior?
Ribs 1-8
Where does serratus anterior insert?
Medial border of scapula.
What is the functions of serratus anterior? (3)
Inserts medial border of scapula, protracts scapula, holds scaupla against thoracic wall.
What are the actions of the trapeziius?
Elevate, retract, depress and upward rotate scapula.
What is the insertion of the trapezius?
Spine of scapula, acromion, lateral 1/3 of clavicle.
What is the origin of lat dorsi?
Thoracic vertebrae, sacrum, iliac crest.
What is the actions of the lat dorsi?
Extension, adduction, rotation.
What innervates the levator scapulae?
Dorsal scapular n.
Where does the levator scapulae originate?
transverse processes of C1-C4
What innervates Rhomboid major and minor?
Dorsal scapular nerve.
What does supraspinatus do?
Abductor of humerus.
Where does supraspinatus insert?
Greater tubercle.
Where does Infra spinatus insert?
Greater tubercle?
What innervates supraspinatus and infra spinatus?
Suprascapular nerve.
What does Teres minor do?
Laterally rotates arm.
Where does teres minor insert?
Greater tubercle.
What innevates subscauplaris?
Subscapular nerve.
What are the 4 rotator cuff muscles?
What does teres major do?
Medial rotator.
What innervates teres major?
Lower subscapular nerve.
What do the anterior middle and posterior fibers of the deltoid do?
Anterior - flex and medially rotate
Middle - abduct arm
Posterior- Extend and laterally rotate.
What is the innervation of the deltoid?
Axillary nerve
Where does the short head of the biceps brachi originate?
Coracoid process.
What does the biceps brachii insert into?
Radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis.
What innervates biceps brachii and coracobrachialis?
Musculocutaneous nerve.
What innervates the triceps brachii?
Radial nerve.
Where does the lateral head of the triceps begin?
lateral border of scaupla.
Where does the coracobrachialis insert?
Middle of the humerus.
What elevates the shoulder 0-30 degrees?
What elevates the humerus from 30-120 degrees?
Supraspinatus and deltoid, as well as trapezius and serratus anterior.
What moves the arm above 120 degrees?
Trapezius and serratus anterior.
What forms the lateral wall of the axilla?
Biciptal groove.
What forms the anterior wall fo the axilla?
Pec major and pec minor.
What forms the posterior wall of the axilla (4)
Scapula, subscapularis, teres major, lat dorsi
What forms the medial wall of the axilla?
Ribs 1-4, intercostal mm, serratus anterior.
What forms the base of the axilla? (3)
Skin, subcutaneous tissue, axillary fascia.
What runs through the clavipectoral triangle?
The cephalic vein.
What vein does the cephallic vein join?
The axillary vein.
What does the biceps brachii insert into?
Radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis.
What innervates biceps brachii and coracobrachialis?
Musculocutaneous nerve.
What innervates the triceps brachii?
Radial nerve.
Where does the lateral head of the triceps begin?
lateral border of scaupla.
Where does the coracobrachialis insert?
Middle of the humerus.
What elevates the shoulder 0-30 degrees?
What elevates the humerus from 30-120 degrees?
Supraspinatus and deltoid, as well as trapezius and serratus anterior.
What moves the arm above 120 degrees?
Trapezius and serratus anterior.
What forms the lateral wall of the axilla?
Biciptal groove.
What forms the anterior wall fo the axilla?
Pec major and pec minor.
What forms the posterior wall of the axilla (4)
Scapula, subscapularis, teres major, lat dorsi
What forms the medial wall of the axilla?
Ribs 1-4, intercostal mm, serratus anterior.
What forms the base of the axilla? (3)
Skin, subcutaneous tissue, axillary fascia.
What runs through the clavipectoral triangle?
The cephalic vein.
What vein does the cephallic vein join?
The axillary vein.
What does the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm innervate?
Medail arm, cutaineous ,medial brachial cutaneous nerve.
What does the medial cutaneous nerve of forearm innervate?
Medial forarm (medial antebrachail cutaneous nerve.
What does the upper subscapular nerve innervate?
What does the lower subscapular nerve innervate?
Subscapulularis and teres major
What does the axillary nerve innervate?
Deltoid and teres minor
What does the musculocutaneous nerve innervate?
Coracobrachialis, Biceps brachii, brachialis.
What does the median nerve innervate?
FD superficialis (1/2) FD profundus, FP longus, Pronators, FC radialis, Thenar mm, (1/2) Lumbricals)
What are the thenar muscles?
Abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, Opponens pollicis
What does the ulnar nerve innervate?
(1/2) FD profundus, FC unaris, hypothenar, (1/2) lumbricals, interossei, abbductor pollicis.
What dos the radial nerve innervate?
Brachioradialis, supinator, snuff box mm.
What are the hypothenar muscles?
Abductor digiti minimi, flexor digiti minimi, opponens digiti minimi
What are the snuff box muscles?
Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis.
What innervates the skin of the forarm on the anterior side from elbow to wrist?
What innervates the superior side of the thumb?
Radial nerve
What innervatesthe inferior side of the forearm?
What innervates the upper lateral arm?
What innervates the pad of the thumb?
What innervates the pad of the little finger?
What innervates the medial elbow?
What are the branches of the axillary artery?
Superior thoracic, Thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic, subscapular, anterior humorial circumflex, posterior humerial circumflex artery.
What are the two branches of the subscapular artery?
Circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal
What does the superior thoracic artery supply?
Pectoral muscles, thoracic wall muscles, and serratus anterior.
What are the 4 branches of the thoracoacromial artery?
Clavicular, acromial, deltoid, pectoral.
What does the lateral thoracic artery supply?
Serratus anterior, Pex minor, mammary glands.
What does the subscapular artery supply?
Subscapularis m
What does the circumflex scapular artery supply?
Posterior scapula, teres minor, infraspinatus
What does the thoracodorsal artery supply?
Lattissimus dorsi.
What does the anterior and posterior humoral cercumflex artery supply?
Deltoid and triceps brachii muscles.
WHat is the important brach of the suprascapular artery?
Dorsal scapular artery.
What does the dorsal scapular artery run with?
The dorsal scapular nerve.
What does the dorsal scapular artery supply?
Rhomboids, lat. dorsi, inferior trapezius
What artery is usually not present in 75% of people?
Transverse cervical artery.
What vein runs through the cubital fossa?
The medial cubital vein
What are the paired brachial veins tributaries of ?
The basilic vein
What do the lateral axillary lymph nodes drain?
Upper limb
What do the anterior axillary lymph nodes drain?
Abdominal wall, chest, and mammary glands
What do the posterior axillary lymph nodes drain?
Back, shoulder and neck.
What do the central axillary lymph nodes drain?
Lateral anterior and posterior nodes.
What do the apical nodes drain?
All other nodes and dumps into the subclavian lymphatic trunk.
What do the lateral anterior and posterior lymph nodes drain into?
The central lymph node.
What does the central lymph node drain into?
The apical lymph nodes.
What si the action of the coracobrachialis?
What is the action of the biceps brachii?
Flexion of elbow, supination of palm.
What is the action of the Brachialis?
Ulnar tuberosity
Where does the brachialis insert?
Ulnar tuberosity.
What forms the roof of the cubital fossa?
Bicipital aponeurosis?
What innervates the biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis?
All musculocutaneous nerve
What is the insertion of of the triceps brachii?
Olecron process
What is the innervation of the triceps and anconeous?
Radial nerve
What does the anconeus do?
Extends/ stabilizes the ulna
What does the triceps do?
Pure extensor of elbow
What does the common interossesous artery arise from?
The ulnar artery.
What two braches does the common interosseous artery give rise to?
Post. and anter. interosseus.
What are the 4 branches of the brachial artery?
Radial collateral, middle collateral, superior ulnar collateral, inferior ulnar colatoral
Which nerves do not branch in the arm?
Median and ulnar.
What provides motor to posterior arm compartment?
Radial nerve.
What does the musculocutaneous supply motor to?
Anterior arm compartment.
What neve penetrates the coracobrachialis between the biceps and brachialis?
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm.
What do the medial and lateral intermuscular septums do?
Divide the flexor and extensor compartments of the arm.
What runs in the spiral groove of the humerus?
Radial nerve and deep artery and veins of arm
What is the common origin of the superficial flexor-pronator mucles?
Medial epicondyle and proximal-anterior radius/ulna.
What is the common origin of the extensor supinators?
Lateral epicondyle and proximal-posterior radius ulna.
What seperates teh posterior and anterior compartements in the arm?
The lateral intermuscular septum and the interosseus membrane.
What is the origin of the pronator teres?
Medial epicondyale and ulnar head.
What is the insertion fo the pronator teres?
What innervates the proantor teres?
median n.
What does the flex. carpi radialis do?
Flex the wrist joint, deviate the wrist to the radial side.
Where does the flexor carpi radialis insert?
Metacarpals II and III
What innervates teh flex. carpi radialis?
Median Nerve
What innervates palmaris longus?
Median Nerve
What innervates flex. carpi ulnaris?
Median nerve
What innervats flex. digitorum superficialis?
Median nerve
What does the palmaris longus do?
Flexes the wrist.
What does the flex. carpi ulnaris do?
Flexes the wrist and deviates the wrist to the ulnar side.
What does the flex. carpi ulnaris insert into?
What does the flex. digitorum superficialis arise from?
Medial epicondyle, proximal ulna, proximal radius.
What does the flex. digitorum superficialsi insert into?
Middle phalanx, forks after the proximal interphalange joint
What does the flexor digitorum superficialis do?
Flexes the wrist.
What innervates the flex. digitorum profundus?
1/2 median nerve, 1/2 ulnar nerve
What does the flex. digitorum profundus arise from?
Ulna and interosseius membrane.
What does the flex. digitorum profundus do?
Flexes wrist, Flexes MP, PIP, DIP
Where does flexor pollicis longus insert?
Distal phalanx of thumb.
What inneravtes flexor pollicis longus?
Median nerve.
What does the pronator quadratus do?
Asists the pronator teres in pronation.
What does the flex. pollixis longus do?
Flexes the wrist, flexes MP joint, Flexes MP joint of thumb.
What innervats pronator quadratus?
Median nerve.
What innervates brachioradialis, ext. carpi radialis longus and ext. carpi radialis brevis?
Radial n.
What does the brachoradialis arise from?
Lateral supracondyle ridge
Where does the brachioradialis insert?
Styloid process of radius.
What does the Brachioradialis do?
Assists in pronation and supination and flexes elbow
Where does the ext. carpi radialis longus arise from?
Lateral supracondyl ridge.
Where does ext. carpi radialis longus insert?
Metacarpal II
Where does ext. carpi radialis insert?
Metacarpal III
Where does ext. carpi radialis brevis arise from?
Lateral epicondyle.
What do ext. carpi radialis longus and brevis do?
Extend wrist and abduct wrist.
Which is most lateral from a posterior view? Ext. carpi radialis longus or Ext. carpi radialis brevis?
Ext. carpi radialis longus is most lateral and superior to ext. carpi radialis brevis.
What innervates the ext. digitorum and Ext. carpi ulnaris?
Radial n.
What does the extensor digitorum insert into?
Proximal phalanx.
What dose the extensor digitorum arise from?
Lateral epicondyle.
WHich is closes to the pinky, extensor digiti minimi or extensor digitorm?
Extensor digitorum.
Where does the ext. carpi ulnaris arise from?
Lateral epicondyle.
What does the extoensor carpi ulnaris do?
Extends the wrist and contributes to ulnar deviation.
Where does the ext. carpi ulnaris insert?
5th metacarpal
What bone does the supinator wrap around?
Where does extensor indicis arise?
Ulna and interosseous membrane.
What innervates teh supinator?
Radial nerve.
What innervates Extensor indicis?
Radial nerve.
What innervates abductor pollicis longus?
Radial nerve
What innerates ext. pollicis brevis?
Radial nerve
What innervates ext. pollicis longus?
Radial nerve.
Where does abductor pollicis longus insert?
Meta carpal I
Where does extensor pollicis brevis insert?
Prosimal phalanx
Where does ext. pollicis longus insert?
Base of distal phalanx.
What 3 muscles make up the snuff box?
Abductor pollicis longus, ext. pollicis brevis, ext. pollicis longus.
What is the superior border of the cubital fossa?
Intercondylar line.
What is the lateral border of the cubital fossa?
Brachioradialis m.
What is the medial extent of the cubital fossa?
pronator teres m.
What forms the floor of the cubital fossa?
Brachialis and supinator muscles.
What forms the roof of the cubital fossa?
Deep fascia (bicipital aponeurosis)
Wha are the contents of the bubital fossa?
Biceps tendon, brachial a and v, radial and ulnar brahcnes, brachial veins, parts of median and radial nerves.