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24 Cards in this Set

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U.S. Census Definition of Stepfamily
"A married couple family in which there is at least one stepchild of the householder present. If the child has been adopted by the householder, that child is classified as an adopted child and the family is not classified as a stepfamily, unless another nonadopted stepchild is present."
How many stepfamilies are there in the US?
What we do know about stepfamilies
-Nearly everyone in the U.S. marries and often

-Divorce rate: 5.4/1,000 persons (approximately 50% of 1st; 60% of 2nd marriages divorce)

-U.S. has highest remarriage rate in the world (85% of divorced couples remarry)
*1/2 of all marriages are a remarriage
*10% of remarriages are a 3rd marriage
-50-60% of remarried couples will divorce again at least once
Who remaries?
-European Americans
-Do not have children
-Age: mean 38.3 for men 35 for women
*over 1/2 million older adults over 65 yrs remarry
-Low income

*Those who do remarry do so quickly. Generally less than 4 yrs after divorce, and 30% remarry in less than 1 year
Do all remarriages create stepfamilies?

-Of those who marry 65% have children

-1/2 of all Americans today will be in a step relationship in their lifetime

-More Americans will be living in stepfamilies than in nuclear families and at least 1/3rd of all children under 18 yrs old who reside with two adults will be in a step situation

-Cohabitation is a precursor to approximately 78% of all remarriages
What 2 factors affect the numbers of remarriages and stepfamilies?
1. Out-of-wedlock births
-Pool of parents enteriing marriage market who have not been married before
-1/4 of all mothers and 1/3 of all children

2. Nonmarital cohabitation
-children are living w/parent and partners w/out legally being married
-about 2/3 of mothers and children enter stepfamily through cohabitation
1999-2003 Total Utah Marriages (by couple)
FIRST MARRIAGES (78,021; 65% )

HIGHER (41,958; 35%)
1999-2003 Higher Order Marriages
First for bride (8,965; 21%)
First for groom (9,271; 22%)
Higher for both (23,722; 57%)
Pie Charts
First Marriage for Women=1st Marriage for Men @ 90%
What are some hardships affecting stepfamilies?
-Cinderella Effect
-Incomplete Institution
What are labels associated with stepfamilies?
-second-time around
Normative-Adaptive Perspective
-Looks at both positive and negative dimentions
-Looks for more than comparison with first families
**Stepfamilies are conceptualized as a legitimate family form
***Stepfamilies are worthy of examination and consideration
History of Domestic Violence Research
-Issue began receiving attention in mid 1970's (female rights)
-Cycle of Violence (1989): helped the process or progress by terming it.
-Domestic Violence is the term most often used with the public
-Power and Control Wheel (1993)
Define Domestic Violence
a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.
Power & Control Wheel (8)
-Using intimidation
-using emotional abuse (found in every case)
-using isolation
-minimizing, denying, blaming
-using children
-using male privilege
-using economic abuse (found in every case)
-using coercion and threats
Signs to Look for in a Battering Personality
-Controlling behavior
-Quick involvement (pro)
-Unrealistic expectations
-Isolation (starts out slowly)
-Blames others (always someone elses fault)
-hypersensitivity (disecting what comes out of your mouth)
-cruelty to animals (lack of empathy and no respect for life)
-rough sex (if you're uncomfortable with it)
-verbal abuse
-rigid sex roles
-Dr. Jekyl Mr. Hyde (bipolar being over diagnosed)
High Potential for Battering
-Past battering
-Threats of violence
-Breaking or striking objects
-Use of force during an argument
IPV: Intimate Partner Violence
IPV was coined in 1993 by Rennison and Welchans (new term in the field)
What are the four differentiated types of IPV
-Coercive Controlling Violence (power and control)

-Violence Resistance (Self defense)

-Situational Couple Violence (argument turns into violence...power and control is not present)

-Separation-Instigated Violence (no record of violence in relationshiop until seperation...other person looses it. Like Snapped on TV)
IPV Stats
-IPV annual rates: nearly 2 million injuries and 1300 deaths

-33% of violent crimes reported to police were family violence. 1/2 of these were between spouses

-Apprx. 85% of IPV victimes are female
Courtship Abuse Stats
Campus Dating Violence
-12% of completed rapes on a date
-35% of attempted rapes on a date
-22% of threatened rapes on a date

*75% of men and 55% of women involved in acquaintance rape had been drinking or taking drugs prior to the incident
Intimate Justice Theory
-Brian Jory 1998

-3 ethical dimensions: Equality, Fairness, Care

-9 ethical concepts: Freedom, Reciprocity, Empathy, Respect, Accountability, Mutuality, Accommodation, Nurturance, Attachment

-Used to study domestic violence and therapeutic interventions
Child Abuse and Neglect
-Estimated 3 million children are exposed to parental violence each year

**In UTAH it's against the law to let children watch domestic violence

-U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2007
*1,760 child fatalities due to abuse or neglect
*Estimated 794,000 child victims of abuse or neglect
*Birth to 1 yr highest rate of victimization at 21.9 per 1,000 children.
*Nearly 60% neglect, 10.8% physical, 7.6% sexual, 5% psychological
Why Would Women Stay?
-Societal Pressure (women feel keeping family together is women's job)
-Religion (most frown upon divorce)
-Isolation (no knowledge)
-Economic dependancy (need to feed kids)
-Low self-esteem
-No place to go
-Lack of support (takes 7 times to learn for good...family may get tired after 2nd or 3rd)
-Embarrassment, shame
-Love and hope