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20 Cards in this Set

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Carbonic anhydrase
Weak diuretics
Adverse effects of CA?
1. hypokalemia metabolic acidosis
2. inc Na, K, HCO3, H2O in urine

Loop diuretics examples?
1. furosemide (lasix)
2. bumentamide
Actions of loop diuretics
block NKCC in TAL

NOTE: NKCC mediates Na uptake in TAL

Powerful diuretics
Mechanism of loop diuretics
NKCC in long nephron (i.e. juxtamedullar nephron) generates and maintains the osmotic gradient (300-1200).
Why is the osmotic gradient important?
Enables kidney to CONSERVE WATER by excreting conc. urine. Otherwise, the osmotic gradient cannot be concentrated above 300 throughout the medulla causing more water in the urine.
Another action of loop diuretics?
Cause principal cells in the CCD to conserve Na.

This leads to K secretion.

Therefore, loop diuretics also increase K secretion similar to CA inhibitors. HOWEVER, the secreted K moves back into the tubules via H/K ATPase.

K moves into tubule while H moves into urine.
Loop diuretics effect on principal cells and type A intercalated cell:
Prinicpal cells (try to conserve Na)
1. inc Na reab
2. inc K secretion

Type A intercalated cell (try to conserve K)
1. K reab via H/K ATPase
2. Inc H excretion
Summar of loop diuretics
1. strong
2. inhibits Na/K/2C cotransporter in TAL-LH
3. disrupts medullary osmotic gradient (the urine cannot conc more than 300 mOsm)
4. urine: increased excretion of Na, K, H2O, and H.
Adverse effects of Loop diuretics
1. Hypokalemia (inc K secretion)
2. metab alkalosis (inc H secretion)
3. vol depletion
Thiazide diuretic
Blocks Na/Cl cotransporter (NCC) in the DT
Thiazide diuretic effect on principal cell and type A intercalated cell?
Principal cells
1. conserve Na and secrete K
2. secreted K then moves into type A cells via apical H/K ATPase.
3. H secretion occurs

Principal cells (try to conserve K)
1. inc K reab via H/K ATPase
2. inc H excretion
Effect of thiazide on Ca reabsorption?
Increases Ca reabsorption
Adverse effects of thiazide diuretics?
1. hypokalemia
2. metab alkalosis
3. hypercalcemia
These diuretics all cause:
Loss of K
Effects of low K?
1. affects resting membrane potential
2. resting membrane potential becomes more neg
3. membrane excitability does not occur well.
What is K sparing diuretics?
Designed to save plasma K.
Where do they act?
In principal cells of CCD.
What do they inhibit?
ENac or aldosterone.

Weak diuretics.