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47 Cards in this Set

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myosin filaments have __, which attach to the actin filaments and pull them towards the center of the sarcomere
on the onset of contraction, the sarcoplasmic reticulum does what
releases calcium ions into the cytosol
upon release of the calcoum ions on the onset of a contraction, calcium then binds to
troponin, exposing mysoin binding sites
myosin filament heads break down ... and then...
atp and then attach to an actin filament forming cross bridges that pull the actin filament to the center of a sarcomere
the contractio cycle repeats as the:
myosin ATPase hydrolyzes ATP
explain the length tension relationship
the more myosin crossbridges that are pulling on the actin filaments, the greater the strength of the contraction
what determines how much force can be generated
the degree of overlap of actin and myosin
the overlap is determined by the
length of the muscle
if the sarcomere is at a length which is overstretched..what happens to the muscle
the muscle can produce no tension because there is no overlap of actin and myosin.
more of the crossbridges are as the muscle/sarcomere is put at shorter lengths overlapping with actin binding sites until all of the crossbridges can bind and produce tension
optima length
muscles have 3 ways to produce ATP
from creatine phosphate

anaerobic cellular respiration

aerobic cellular respiration
while being relaxed, muscle fibers produce more atp than they need for resting metabolism. the excess atp is used to
synthesize creatine phosphate
an energy-rich molecule that is found only in muscle fibers
creatine phosphate
together, ___ and __ provide enogh energy for muscles to contract maximally
creatine phosphate and atp
maximal short bursts of activity
creatine phosphate
100 meter dash
creatine phosphate
if the muscle has sufficient oxygen to meet the ATP production demands..
then glucose will be broken down for energy through glycolysis and aerobic respiration
when the ATP demand exceeds the amount of ATP that the mitochondria can make with the available oxygen..
atp is provided by anaerobic respiration
the added oxygen, over and above the resting oxygen consumption, that is taken into the body after exercise
oxygen debt
controlling strength of muscle contraction..

by controlling the amount of


by controlling the number of
force prdocued by each individual muscle fiber

muscle fibers contracting at one time =# of motor units
the process by which the number of active motor units increases is called
motor unit recruitment
a small amount of tension in the muscle due to weak, involuntary contractions of its motor units
muscle tone
skeletal muscle contracts only after it is activated by:
acetylcholine released by nerver impulses in its motor nuerons
muscle tone is established by
neurons in the brain and spinal cord the excite the muscle's motor nuerons
muscle tone is important in smooth muscle tissues where the walls of the
digestive organs maintain a steady pressure on their contents
muscle tone plays a cruical role in
maintaining blood pressure
slow or fast twitch fibers

cross-country running
slow twitch fibers
slow or fast twitch fibers

slow or fast twitch fibers

steady power
slow or fast twitch fibers

has endurance
slow or fast twitch fibers

slow or fast twitch fibers

explosive power
slow or fast twitch fibers

fatigues easily
slow or fast twitch fibers

weight lifting
endurance training increases the number of
capillaries in muscle

and increases the ability of muscle to generate ATP aerobically
cardical muscle and smooth
cardiac muscle, skeletal
branchd fibers
cardiac muscle
intercalated disc
cardiac muscle
single nucleus
cardiac muscle
walls of organs
smooth muscle
smooth muscle
walls of blood vessels
smooth muscle
smooth muscle and cardiac
not straited
smooth muscle
___ contracts slowly but can remain contracted for a longer time
smooth muscle
when the smooth muscles of the intestine contracts..
food moves along its lumen