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95 Cards in this Set

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ph 7.24 PaCo2 44, HCO3 19
Metabolic Acidosis
pneumothorax and pneumonia cause what type of ABB problem
Respiratory Acidosis
Compensation for respiratory alkalosis
decrease H+ renal excretion (leads to ^ H+) & decrease bicarb (HCO3)
Diarrhea causes what ABB problem
Metabolic Acidosis
Compensation for Metabolic Acidosis
Hyperventilation ^HCO3 by blowing off PaCO
s/s of metabolic acidosis
decreased contractility
s/s of metabolic alkalosis
hypokalemia, tetany from low calcium.
metabolic alkalosis compensation
hypoventilation ^PaCO2
s/s of acidosis
vfib, bradycardia, vasoconstriction.
drive to breath for COPD pt is lost if PaO2 is at what level
>60 Pa02 or 90%Sat
Pariatel lung constists of
rib cage and pleural space
what can cause a hemothorax
chest trauma, lung tumor, PE
blue collection bottle is for
how much fluid is removed in thoracentesis
1500 or <
most common s/s of PE
tachypnea & dyspnea
1st s/s of hypoxemia
cascade of PE dx tests
ultrasound > D-dimer > V/Q Scan > angiogram
dose range for heparin bolus/continous
5000-10000/1000 - 5000u
normal PTT
23 - 25
antidote for heparin
protamine sulfate
normal PT/INR
11 - 15sec/2.0 - 3.0
what areas r affected by CF
respiratory, pancreas and sweat glands
1st sign of Cystic Fibrosis
chronic cough also can have stretorrhea
s/s of Asbestosis
DOE, non-productive cough
complications of occupational asthma
pulmonary edema, ARDS
pulmonary fibrosis is a complication of
black lung
MAP of 5-10mmHG indicates what stage of shock
s/s of ocmpensatory shock
mottle skin, dilated pupils, hyperglycemia
chain of action for shock
ABC > elevate L extremities > 2 lg bore IV's > O2
fluids given for shock
isotonic - LR or NS
what type of shock is r/t fluid overload
Most common distributive shock
ability to respond to electrical impulses
BPM for AV node
40 - 60
QRS complex represents
ventricle depolarization
no discernable p waves indicates
atrial fibrilation
hallmark s/s of HF
Where is PMI displaced in HF
to the Left & downward
normal EF
50 - 70
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is a s/s of
Causes of R heart failure
L heart failure, COPD, ARDS
cheynes stokes, pink sputum, S3, S4 gallop all s/s of
s/s of RVF
edema, decrease urine output, tachycardia
action of digoxin
inotropic (reduce preload and ^ contractility
action of ACE inhibitor
reduce afterload
action of beta blocker
reduce preload
diet for HF
sodium 2G/day no > 400mg serving
Heart compensation mechs
Sympathetic NS & RAAS lead to edema, hypertrophy, death
condition where pain is relieved by passage of stool
how is IBS dx
ruling out other causes
inflammation of sm bowel and stomach
what disorders lead to peritonitis
Appendicitis, diverticulitis, cirrhosis
s/s of appendicitis
RLQ pain, low grade fever,
s/s of diverticulitis
LLQ pain, fever/chills
primary cause of peritonitis
infection through vascular system
Complications of Peritonitis
paralytic ileus, hypovolemic shock, renal failure
cardinal sign of peritonitis
abdominal pain (may have rigid abdomen
disease that begins in rectum & sigmoid colon
ulcerative colitis
characterized by fatty stool
crohne's disease
fistula formation
affects all layers "cobblestone"
areas affected by Crohns
rt colon & terminal ileum
s/s of chronic inflammatory bowel disease
n/v, weight loss, anemia, malaise, gas, fluid/elec imbalance
diet for chronic inflammatory bowel disease
low residue, high protein w/ vitamins
s/s of cirrhosis
jaundice, gynecomastia, palmar erythema, bilirubinuria
portal htn activates RAAS and leads to collection of fluid in peritoneal cavity
labs for cirrhosis
^bilirubin, decrease albumin, PT ^, ^liver enzymes, ^ammonia
tx for ascites
diuresis, paracentesis, peritoneovenous shunt
esophageal varices r/t
dilated veins in lower esophagus that can rupture cause life threatening bleeding
s/s of hepatic encephalopathy
liver flap r/t buildup of ammonia can lead to coma
tx for esophageal varices
balloon or sclerotherapy
antibiotics, lactulose and decreased protien diet
tx for encephalopathy
degeneration of dopamine producing cells
cardinal sign of parkinson's
pill rolling, cogwheel rigidity
long term complication of parkinson drug therapy
dyskinesias - abnormal fidgiting, hallucinations
decrease in GABBA & acetylcholine nt's
Huntington's disease
choreiform mvmts
s/s of huntington's
diplopia, intention tremors, + babinski's reflex, parasethia
s/s MS
CNS inflammation
decrease inflammation, watch glucose, temp and GI bleed
goals for MS
degeneration of motor neurons and spinal cord
s/s of ALS
dysphagia, dysarthria, no mental deterioration
how is MG dx
tensilon test
how is GBS dx
protein in CSF
similiarities in MG & GBS
autoimmune, plasmapherisis for tx, s/s dysphagia, resp. comprimise
MG is linked to what disorder
drooping eyelids in MG
under medication in MG results in
myathenic crisis
overmedication in MG results in
cholinergic crisis
quadriparesis, resp. dysfunction, dysphagia, diarrhea & hypotension
cholinergic crisis s/s
characteristics of GBS
acute ascending paralysis
autonomic manifestations of neuropathy
ortho hypotension, bowel/bladder control, abnormal sweating
disorders of the peripheral nervous sys
MG, GBS, neuropathy
disorders of the spinal cord
disorders of the CNS
parkinson's, huntingtons