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77 Cards in this Set

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High-Tech Politics
Politics in which the behavior of citizens and policymakers and the political agenda itself are increasingly shaped by technology
Mass Media
Television, radio, newspaper, magazines, the Internet, and other means of popular communication
Media Events
Events that are purposely stages for the media and significant just because the media is there
Press Conference
Meeting of public officials with reporters
Investigative Journalism
The use of in-depth reporting to unearth scandals, scams, and schemes, at times putting reporters in adversarial relationships with political leaders
Print Media
Magazines and newspapers
Electronic Media
Radio, television and the Internet
Media programming on cable TV or the Internet that is focused on a particular interest and aimed at a particular audience
Groups of newspapers published by media conglomerates and today accounting for over four-fifths of the nation’s daily circulation
Specific locations from which news frequently emanates, such as Congress or the White House
Trail Balloons
Intentional news leaks for the purpose of assessing the political reaction
Sound Bites
Short video clips of approximately 10 seconds
Talking Head
A shot of a person’s face talking directly to the camera
Policy Agenda
The issues that attract serious attention of public officials and other people actively involved in politics at the time
Policy Entrepreneurs
People who invest their political capital in an issue
Party Competition
The battle of the parties for control of public office
Political Party
A team of men and women seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election
Linkage Institutions
The channels through which people’s concerns become political issues on the government’s policy agenda
Rational-Choice Theory
A popular theory in political science to explain the actions of voters as well as politicians
Party Image
The voter’s perception of the positions of the major or minor parties
Party Identification
A citizen’s self-proclaimed preference for one party over another
Ticket Splitting
Voting with one party for one office and with another party for other offices
Party Machine
A type of political party organization that relies heavily on material inducements to win votes and govern
One of the key inducements used by party machines, representing jobs, promotions or contracts
Closed Primaries
Elections to select party nominees in which only people who have registered in advance with the party can vote for the party’s candidates
Open Primary
Elections to select party nominees in which voters can decide on Election Day which party primary to participate in
National Convention
The meeting of party delegates every four years to choose a presidential ticket and to write the party platform
National Committee
One of the institutions that keeps the party operating between conventions
National Chairperson
The individual responsible for the day-to-day activities of the party
A group of individuals with a common interest on which every political party depends
Party Eras
Historical periods in which a majority of voters cling to the party in power, which tends to win the majority of elections
Critical Election
An electoral earthquake where new issues emerge and new coalitions replace one ones, in which the majority party is usually replaced by the minority party
Party Realignment
The displacement of the majority party by the minority party, usually in a critical election
New Deal Coalition
A coalition forged by Democrats, who dominated American politics from the early 1930s to the late 1960s
Party Dealignment
The gradual disengagement of people from the parties, as seen in part by shrinking party identification
Third Parties
Electoral contenders other than the two major parties
Responsible Party Model
A view about how parties should work, favored by political scientists
Blue Dog Democrats
Fiscally conservative Democrats who are mostly from the South and/or rural parts of the USA
The official endorsement of a candidate for office by a political party
Campaign Strategy
The master game plan candidates lay out to guide their electoral campaign
McGovern-Fraser Convention
A commission formed at the 1968 Democratic convention in response to demands for reform by minority groups and others who sought better representation
National party leaders who automatically get a delegate slot at the national party convention
A system for selecting convention delegates used in about a dozen states in which voters must attend an open meeting to express their presidential preference
The recent tendency of states to hold primaries early in the calendar in order to capitalize on media attention
Federal Election Campaign Act
A law passed in 1974 from reforming campaign finances
Federal Election Commission
A six-member bipartisan agency created to administer and enforce campaign finance laws
Presidential Election Campaign Fund
Funded by a $3 redirection of personal income taxes to provide a source of money for matching funds in the primary and general elections for president
Matching Funds
Contribution of up to $250 from individuals are matched for qualified presidential candidates in the primaries
Soft Money
Political contributions earmarked for party-building expenses at the grass-roots level or for general party advertising
527 Groups
Independent groups that seek to influence the political process but are not subject to contribution restrictions because they do not directly seek the election of particular candidates
501(c) Groups
Groups that are exempted from reporting their contributions and can receive unlimited contributions
Political Action Committees
Funding vehicles created by corporations, unions or some other interest group whose activities are monitored by the Federal Election Commission
Selective Perception
The phenomenon that people’s beliefs often guide what they pay attention to and how they interpret events
The legal right to vote
Political Efficacy
The belief that one’s political participation matters
Civic Duty
The belief that in order to support democratic government, a citizen should vote
Voter Registration
A system adopted by the states that requires voters to register prior to voting
Motor Voter Act
A 1993 act that requires states to permit people to register to vote when they apply for a driver’s license
Mandate Theory of Elections
The idea that the winning candidate has a mandate from the people to carry out his or her platforms and politics
Policy Voting
Electoral choices that are made on the basis of voters’ policy preferences and where the candidates stand on policy issues
Electoral College
A uniquely American institution that was provided by the Constitution to elect the president by a majority vote from electors selected by the state parties
Interest Groups
An organization of people with shared policy goals entering the policy process at several points to try to achieve those goals
A theory of government and politics emphasizing many groups, each pressing for its preferred policies, compete and counterbalance one another in the political marketplace
A theory of government and politics contending that an upper-class elite will hold most of the power and thus, in effect, control the government
A theory of government and politics contending that groups are so strop that government, seeking to please them all, is thereby weakened
Iron Triangles
Subgovernments composed of interest group leaders interested in a particular policy, the government agency in charge of administering that policy, and the members of congressional committees and subcommittees handling that policy
Potential Group
All the people who might be interest group members because they share some common interest
Actual Group
The people in the potential group who actually join
Collective Good
Something of value that cannot be withheld from a group member
Free-Rider Problem
The problem of people not joining a group because they can benefit from the group’s activities without joining
Selective Benefits
Goods that a group can restrict to those who actually join
Single-Issue Groups
Groups that have a narrow interest, tend to dislike compromise, and often draw membership from people new to politics
Communication, by someone other than a citizen acting on his or her own behalf, directed to a government decision maker with the hope of influencing his or her decision
Direct group involvement in the electoral process
Union Shop
A provision found in some collective bargaining agreements requiring all of the employees of a business to join the union a short time after being hired
Right-to-Work Laws
A state law forbidding requirements that workers must join a union to hold their jobs
Public Interest Lobbies
Organizations that seek a collective good, the achievement of which will not selectively and materially benefit the membership or activists of the organization