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47 Cards in this Set

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How many divisions does the autonomic system have
What are the 2 divisions of the autonomic system?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic
This division of the ANS Prepares the body for the “fight or flight” response or intense physical activity
This division of the ANS brings back to normal the effects of the sympathetic division
The ANS regulates what 3 things?
Smooth and Cardiac muscle and glands
What 3 parts of the brain control the ANS?
Medulla oblangata, hypothalamus, and the limbic system
This type of receptor respond to changes in the concentration of chemical substances (sense of smell & taste, detection of blood concentration changes, etc.)
These receptors are found only in the eyes and respond to light energy
These receptors are sensitive to changes in temperature
Name the 3 types of mechanoreceptors
Baroreceptors, proprioceptors, and stretch
This type of mechanoreceptor sense changes in muscle tension (give person sense of body position)
This type of mechanoreceptor are found in blood vessels and detect change in blood pressure
This type of mechanoreceptor detects degree of inflation in lungs and fullness in stomach
Stretch receptor
What are pain receptors called?
____ ____ are free nerve endings that are stimulated by tissue damage and respond to various stimuli – excess mechanical, electrical, thermal or chemical change.
Pain receptors(nocireceptors)
When sensory receptors are continuously stimulated, they may undergo ____ ____ in which the amount of stimuli required for the receptor to respond is increased.
for example a smell becoming less and less noticeable even though the source is still present or becoming accustomed to hot or cold water
Sensory adaptation
What is the sense of taste called?
In gustation the receptors are the what?
Taste buds
What is the sense of smell called
In olfaction what are the receptors
olfactory receptors
______ stimulate by dissolved chemicals in solution
These receptors function with taste receptors (this is why food seems to lose its taste when you have a cold)
The sharpness of image is called
Visual acuity
Having normal vision is called
Nearsightedness is called what?
Farsightedness is called what?
In this condition, an elongated eye results in rays of light focusing in front of retina
Nearsightedness(myopia) is corrected with ____ lenses, which causes increased divergence of rays
In this condition, the eyeball is too short, which would result in the focus occurring behind the retina
Hyperopia (farsightedness) is corrected with ____ lens, which increases convergence of light ray
In this condition, there is significant asymmetry of the cornea and/or lens and is corrected with uneven lens that is customized to the asymmetry of the cornea or lens
In this type of hearing condition, there is impairment of the transmission of sound waves through middle ear
Conduction deafness
In this type of hearing condition, there is impairment of anywhere from cochlea to the auditory cortex
This is composed of two parts and is located within the membranous labyrinth
Vestibular apparatus
The vestibular apparatus is located within the ____ labryinth which itself is located within the ___ labryinth
membranous, bony
The membranous labryinth is filled with what fluid?
The bony labryinth is filled with what fluid?
The otolith organs contains the ___ and ___
Utricle and saccule
The vestibular apparatus is composed of what 2 parts?
otolith organs and the semicircular canals
This is evoked by structures of the inner ear known as the vestibular apparatus
Sense of equilibrium
This type of acceleration is detects movement of a car(going slow or fast)
Linear acceleration
This type of acceleration consists of maintaining one’s balance when turning head, spinning, or tumbling
Name the pathway of light
cornea  anterior chamber  pupil  lens  posterior chamber  retina
This condition is rhythmic shaking or wobbling of the eyes
This part of the retina contain the light sensitive pigment rhodopsin are highly sensitive to light, therefore providing colorless vision in dim light
This part of the retina are much less sensitive to light but provide color vision & greater visual acuity the more light, the more these function
Name the NEURAL pathway of light into the eye
retina  optic nerve  optic chiasm (cross-over of axons)  visual cortex of the occipital lobe
These are ductless glands that release hormones into blood circulation for transport to target cells
Endocrine galnds