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30 Cards in this Set

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What is chlamydia caused by? What reported symptom would indicate that this infection is systemic?

It can cause urethritis, MPC, conjunctivitis, C. trachomatis, inflammation o the liver causing nausea, vomiting and sharp pain at the base of the ribs which sometimes refers to the R. shoulder and arm.

What type of changes in the skin would you see related to Human Papillomavirus?

Fleshy tumors primarily on genitals.

How would you describe lesions you see with genital herpes?

Vesicles or ulcertions, blisters.

What effect do condoms have on sexually transmitted disease?

Prevent transmission of STI's.

Define gummas. What disease is it in?

Tumors of a rubbery consistency that can break down and ulcerate leaving holes in body tissues, seen in Syphillis.

What is the parasitic infection found in genital areas?


Describe chancre and tell in which STD would you see this in?

A papule develops at site of entry, sloughs off leaving a painless r ed, ulcerated area called a chancre. You see it in Syphillis.

How are STD's related to cancers?

HPV has strains related to cervical cancer.

What can happen to a child who is born to a mom with untreated gonorrhea? What would be done to prevent this complication?

They can develop opthalmia neonatorum which involves inflammation of the conjunctivae and deeper parts of the eye and ultimately results in blindness. An antibiotic eye drop which consists of silver nitrate and erythromycin is used to prevent this complication.

When caring for a patient with a STD what as a nurse do you need to practice?

Standard precautions.

When a baby is born to a mom who has hepatitis B, what needs to happen soon after birth?

They will receive HBV immune globulin and HBV vaccine within 12 hours of birth.

How does interferon treatment affect genital warts?

It can inhibit viral growth.

How does trichomonas affect a female patient's risk of developing cancer?

Increases risk.

What type of test do we do to diagnose trichomonas?

A pap smear.

What is the best way to prevent transmission of STD's?


What other type of behavior may be a way to transmit STD's?

Having high risk sexual contact.

Why is completing treatment important with gonorrhea?

Because there could be development of antibiotic resistance.

With hepatitis, what would indicate the liver might be compromised?

Urine may darken, stool color may lighten (as a result of changes in bile excretion) liver enzymes may rise and jaundice may appear.

How is alcohol related to STD'S?

It lowers inhibitions which may result in unintended sexual encounters.

Is reporting of STD's something that is done with regulations being standard throughout the country?

It is not standard, regulations are different depending on the area.

What is PID? What can it cause?

Pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain due to inflammation. It can cause infertility.

What is the most common STD treated in the US?


Which disease has the symptom of strawberry cervix?


How do we treat opthalmis neonatorum?

Antibiotic eye preparations, with silver nitrate, erythromycin or tetracyclin.

What treatment is used for genital warts?

Immunotherapy such as interferons. Warts can be treated by freezing, burning, or chemically destroying them by manipulating patients immune system to attack the virus.

What is the relationship between syphilis and dementia?

untreated syphilis can cause neurological damage which can lead to dementia.

How is chlamydia transmitted and what complication can recurring infections cause?

It can be transmitted by sexual contact, blood and bodily fluids.

What teaching will you do for a patient who is taking doxycycline?

Apply icepacks at injection site; Administer PO on empty stomach, report fever/rash, avoid sunlight.

What is mucopurulent cervicitis? What could an infant present with born to a mom who has not received treatment for this?

Inflammation of the cervix that may produce a mucopurulent yellow exudate on cervix or may have no noticeable symptoms. Can result in pneumonia or conjunctivitis in newborn infants.

What are the symptoms of vulvovaginitis?

It can be asymptomatic or involve redness, itching, burning, excoriation, pain, swelling of vagina and labia and discharge.