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58 Cards in this Set

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Attribution : identifying causes

We explain others behavior with two types of attribution

situational attribution - factors outside the person , doing the action such as peer pressure

(Maybe the driver is ill)

Dispositional attribution- the persons stable ,enduring traits, personality, ability , emotions

(Crazy driver)

The fundamental attribution error

We make this error even when we are given the correct facts

When we go too far in assuming that a person behavior is caused by their personality

We tend to balme the situation for our failure although we take personal credit for successes


Feelings, ideas and beliefs that affect how we approach and react to other people, objects and events.


Central route persuasion- going directly through the rational mind, influencing attitudes with evidence and logic

Peripheral route persuasion-

Changing attitudes by going around the rational mind and appealing to fears, desires, associations.

Three social cognitive mechanism

1. The foot in the door phenomenon

2. The effects of playing a role

3.cognitive dissonance to

The foot in the door phenomenon

The tendency to be more likely to agree to a large request after first agree to a small request

Example : a person might ask you to work 5 hours a week so you can agree then ask for more so you can agree this is a way of how they can control you


- when our actions are not in harmony with our attitudes

Cognitive dissonance theory: the observation that we tend to resolve this dissonance by changing our attitudes to fit our actions

Ie: Fiona being mad about tuition being so high but when asked to do a fun raiser she then realized maybe the school has a point


Refers to adjusting our behavior or thinking to fit in with a group standard

Automatic mimicry

Normative social influence

Going along with others in pursuit of social approval of belonging


Behavior with the intent of harming another person

There mere exposure effect

Merely seeing someone's face and name makes them more likable.

Three keys to a lasting love relationship


Self - disclosure

Positive interaction and support


Unselfish regard for the welfare of other people

Bystander effect

Fewer people help when others are available

Psychological Disorder

Patterns of thoughts , feelings or actions that are deviant distressful and dysfunctional

Disorder refers to a state of mental behavioral ill health

Deviant means differing from the norm

Pinels new approach

South to reform brutal treatment by promoting a new understanding of the nature of mental disorders

mental disorders can arise in the interaction between nature and nurture caused by biology thoughts and the sociocultural environment

Biological , psychological , social culture influences

How do we classify psychological dissorders ?

DSM , diagnostic statistic Manuel

The five axes is how the dsm suggest describing someone

Anxiety Disorders

Generalized anxiety disorder

Panic disorder




Informational Social influence

Going along with others because their ideas and behavior make sense the evidence in our social environment changes our minds

GAD : Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Include worrying having anxious feelings

Autonomic arousal , trembling sweating

Panic disorder

Repeated and unexpected panic attacks as well as fear of the next attack and a change in behavior to avoid panic attacks

Agoraphobia & Social phobia

The avoidance of situations in which one will fear having a panic attack

Intense fear of being watched and judged by others

Freud and anxiety

He felt that anxiety stems from repressed childhood impulses socially inappropriate desires and emotional conflicts

Observational learning and anxiety

If you see someone else avoiding or fearing some object or creature you might pick up that fear and adopt it even after the original scared person is not around

Cognition and anxiety

Cognition includes worried thoughts as well as interpretations appraisals beliefs predictions and ruminationatuons

Cognition a includes a mental habits such as hypervigance ( persistently watching out for danger) ptsd

Bipolar disorder

Manic depressive disorder

Mania refers to a period of hype elevated mood that is euphoric giddy easily irritated hyperactive

Schizophrenia- the mind is split from reality a split from ones thoughts so that they appear hallucinations

Psychosis refers to aentak split from reality and rationality

Positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Positive- hallucinations, delusions

Flat affect ( no emotions )


Dissociative disorders

Dysfunctions and distress caused by chronic and severe dissociation


-Refers to a separation of conscious awareness from thoughts memory , bodily sensations feelings or even from identity

Obedience and Milgram

What factors increased obedience

Prestigious institutions

Authoritative people

3 eating disorders



Binge eating

Personality disorder

Enduring patterns of social and other behavior that impair social functioning


An interactive experience with a trained professional working on understanding and changing behavior thinking relationship and emotions

Biomedical therapy

The use of medications and other procedures acting directly on the body to reduce the symptoms of mental disorders


Refers to set of techniques for releasing the tension of repression and resolving unconscious inner conflicts

Free association - the patient speaks freely about memories Dreams , feelings

Interpretation: the therapist suggest unconscious meanings and underlying wishes to help the client gain insight and release tension


Interpretation in psychoanalysis


Dreams - latent connect


( the patient may have reactions toward the therapist that are actually based on feelings toward someone from the past )

Humanistic psychology ( Maslow)

Emphasizes the human potential for growth, self actualization

Humanistic therapy - attempts to support personal growth by helping people gain self awareness and self acceptance

Humanistic vs psychoanalytic therapy

Humanistic personal growth

Psychoanalytic - the past unconscious cure mental illness

Behavior therapy

Uses principle of learning

Counter conditioning

Refers to linking new positive responses to previously aversive stimuli

Social Loafing

The tendency of people in a group to show less effort when not held individually accountable

Operant conditioning therapy

Shaping of chosen behavior in respond to the consequences of the behavior

Helping a person do one Behavior into doing a better behavior that is rewarded

Cognitive Therapy

Helps people alter the negative thinking that worsens depression and anxiety

Aaron becks therapy for depeession

Becks style of therapy helps clients notice and challenge these errors in thinking

Cognitive behavior therapy

Works to chance both cognitions and behaviors that are part of a mental health disorder

3 therapy groups

Family therapy

Group therapy

Self help groups

Eye movement desensitization

The therapist Attemps to unlock and reprocess previous frozen traumatic memories

Light exposure therapy

Treats symptoms of seasonal affective disorder

Bio medical therapies

Physically changing the brains functioning by altering its chemistry with medications or affecting its circuitry with electrical or magnetic impulses or surgery


Refers to the study of drug effects on behavior , mood, and the mind


A lobotomy destroys the connections between the frontal lobes and the rest of the brain


Might work by disrupting problematic neural networks




prejudice- an unjustified attitude toward a group and its members

Discrimination- unjustified behavior selectively applied to members of a group

Stereotypes- a generalized belief about a group applied to every member of a group

Social inequality

When some groups have fewer resources and opportunities than others

In group bias

Part of our natural drive to belong to a group leads to ( favoring ones own group )

Scapegoat theory

The observation that when bad things happen , prejudice offers an outlet for anger by finding someone to blame

The just world fallacy

Believing that justice generally happens that people get the benefits and punishment and punishment they deserve

Confirmation bias

Hindsight bias

We are not likely to look for countere examples to our stereotypes

They should known better - blames victims for misfortunes