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49 Cards in this Set

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Stages of Memory





Sensory Memory

-very short

-we keep that memory or let it go

-all memory gets registered then gets selected out.

-lasts 2 seconds


-"working memory"

-Holds 7+,- 2 items

-things we want to keep goes to LTM

-lasts up to 30 seconds


-some theorists (Frode) believe everything stays in LTM

2 types of LTM

1. declarative: memory for information

a. epistolic: events that happen in your life.

b. samantics: knowledge/meaning in your life.

2. Procedural: memory of doing things

ex: riding a bike

Process of memory

Encoding --> Automatic, Visual, organization-->chuncking




-process from STM to LTM


-things that get in memory automatically

-can train yourself to code auto


-things that take effort to memorize


-information with meaning

-memorized much more quickly

-rehearsal is good to memorize

1. maintenance rehearsal: repeating

2. additive rehearsal: relating items to memory

3. serial position effect: memorizing the first and last sentence of something.


-if you can visualize it, it will be better to remember it.

-more likely to remember


-if we can organize it a certain way we can remember it.


-organizing it in smaller groups to remember

Mnemonic Devices

-way to remember things



-how our memory is stored in the brain


-information got in but we have to figure out how to get it.

3 different types of testing

1.recall test: writing down pledge of allegiance

2. recognition: 3 different versions pf pledge of allegiance and picking out the right one.

3.relearning: memorize a poem, recite it, then learn it again.

Process of forgetting things

1.decay theory: when we don't use the information, it goes away.

2. change in mood/setting: getting sick, having a fight, sitting in the same seat, will change your memory.

3. interference:

a) proactive: occurs when old information interferes with new information.

b) retroactive: when new information causes us to forget old information.

ex: new address to old, old to new.

4. motivation: motivated to forget things because we don't want to remember.

ex:forgetting to take out the trash

Flashpoint memories

-emotionally charged

-gets eched in our brains

-vivid dicture

-memory is not quite accurate but will feel accurate (emotions)

-emotion comes with the memory


physical: brain injuries


-getting older

-loss of memory

Fuge State

-form of amnesia where the person loses its identity.

-rare condition

-take on a different identity

- wake up from this state where they remember 1st identity and not the 2nd

cause: traumatic event


-when we learn something we can change

- it can be unlearned

3 different types of learning

1. classical conditioning: learning by association, something else will follow.

2. Operant conditioning: learning due to consequence, due to consequence we either repeat or don't repeat it.

3. Observation learning: "social learning", learning by observing other people.

classical conditioning

-1900's, Lawe

-studied dogs and whit they salivate.

-US (unconditioned stimulus) & UR (unconditioned response): what happens automatically.

- CS (conditioned stimulus) & CR (conditioned response): something they learned.

-neutral stimulus: something they are not use to so no response (ringing the bell the first time)

-behaviorism: everything is learned

-our fears can be learned through classical conditioning.

classical conditioning 5 processes

1. Accusation: acquiring the learning.

2. Extinguish response: eliminate or got rid of the response.

3. Spontaneous recovery: after you extinguish response and present it as US &CS, it will appear as a CR.

4. Generalization: it generalizes things that are similar to the CS and responds.

5. Discrimination: knows to discriminate either Bell A or Bell B.

Operant conditioning

-Skiner, we learn the consequences of our behavior.

-reinforcement or punishment

-repeated or not repeated

-shaping: giving reinforcement for the behaviors that lead up to a GOAL BEHAVIOR.

-purpose of punishment is to decrease behavior.

-spanking is positive punishment.

-taking something away is negative punishment

-to get best results use punishment and reinforcement together.


2 types of reinforcement

1. Positive: give/add increase behavior

2. Negative: take/ subtract increase behavior. Ex: poking until he writes.

Schedules of reinforcement


Fixed ratio

Varied ratio

-interval= time

Fixed interval ( paid every Friday)

Varied interval (pop quizzes)


-things you need to survive


-everything that gets you to primary. (Money)

Observation Learning

-imitating behavior

-kids will imitate adults

-happens a lot in our world, without knowing

Latent Learning

-watching what somebody is doing and days later do the same behavior

Taste Adversion Condition

-associated with getting sick

ex: having the flu without knowing and then eating pizza and soon after throwing up and not eating pizza for a while.

Stages of Consciousness

1. Focused awareness: alert and completely on the task, in the zone, highest level of attention. Hard to sustain for a large period of time b/c it takes time.

2. Drifting: daydreaming, redirect us, not processing information well.

3. Divided: when we do something that is automatic pilot, doesnt take a lot of focus , we divide our attention to something else.

4. Altered states: (changes in awareness) reality is not what we are focused on, alcohol can change perception, hypnosis, dilusions,sleep.


-natural state

-alter our consciousness

-1/3 of our lives of being asleep

-brainwave activity tells us what state were in

REM sleep

"rapid eye movement"

Non REM sleep

-1st stage of sleep

a. light sleep:can be woken up from 5-10min.

b.deep sleep: hardest to wake up from

Sleep walking

-young children and older people can sleep walk

-muscles cant move

-sleep cycle takes 90 minutes

-cycle chnages throughout the night and with age

-not too good to wake up in deep sleep

-nap take 20 minutes max.

-children spend more time in light sleep

-aging:lack of deep sleep

-84% woken up in deep sleep

-no sleep: irretible, frustrated, cant focus or pay attention

-deprive people of sleeping: once to REM sleep they woke them up to see if it affected them

-learning new material helps with REM sleep, better with memory

-no one doesnt not know the purpose of sleeping or why we do since our brain still functions.


-during REM sleep

-we often dont remember our dreams

-nightmares occur in REM sleep,more likely to remember and wake up

-nightterror occur in deep sleep, cant wake up, cant remember, happens more with kids and some adults.

-people try to interpret dreams


-interpreted dreams with either sex,vagina,penis

-everybody dreams

-ones we dont remember are not significant

-outside world can affect dreams

-dreams are real time


-different than night time dreams

3 purposes of daydreaming

1.work as a safety value: help us escape.

2. can change your mind

3. find solutions to problems

Sleep disorders

1. insomnia: not able to sleep. Most common fix pills and alcohol, both interfere with REM sleep.

-milk helps with sleep

-can't sleep, GET OUT OF BED, (if you associate your bed with no sleeping then your brain is triggered to not sleep).

2. Sleep apnea: people go to sleep but stop breathing so they wake up.

-usually they don't know

-50-100 times a night

-SIDS, common in infants

3. Narcolepsy: person who is awake talking, then falls asleep and wakes up talking again and doesn't remember. Not good to drive.


-drug abuse: abusing any drug that interferes with your life

-dependency/addiction: your dependent on the drug

-withdrawal: shakiness, HBP

-death: so dependent on drug they can die

-tolerance: take more and more drugs to get the same feeling.



-slows everything down


-Barbiturates: slows everything down, help people sleep, drug of house for suicide

-narcotics: painkillers, can get addicted to easily, loses endorphins



-slows everything down


-Barbiturates: slows everything down, help people sleep, drug of house for suicide

-narcotics: painkillers, can get addicted to easily, loses endorphins



-wakes you up

-diet pills


-treats ADD

-they make everything increase

-have an heart attack

-can't sit still, irritable, agitated


-LSD and marijuana

-changes your perception


-affects brain and lungs

-can stay in your fat cells and cause a 'flashback'

-loss of memory



-help trigger memories

-people will act in weird ways but not do something they wouldn't normally do (kill someone)

-alleviate pain

-stop smoking (hypnotic)

-suggestion don't always lasts

What are the 3 purposes of daydreaming?

1. Works as a safety value, help us escape.

2. Can change your mood.

3. Find solutions to problems.

Explain Fuge state

-caused by traumatic event/stress

-sometimes adapts a new identity

-form of amnesia where person loses identity

-rare condition

-take on a different identity

-wake up from this state where they remember 1st identity and not 2nd. Cause: traumatic event