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48 Cards in this Set

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- Psychoanalytic perspective

- To much focus on sexual motivation

Freud: the unconscious

- Storage for mostly unacceptable thought, wishes, feelings, and memories

- Repressed difficult memories

- Can only access if in preconscious area

Freud: altered states

Conscious mind allows access to preconscious area during dreams and hypnosis

Freud: free association

Hear word and verbalize word that immediately comes to mind

Psychoanalytic personality structure

- Personality develops based on how we resolve conflicts between biological and social expectations


Pleasure principle. Immediate gratification. Completely unconscious


Reality principle. Gratify Id in realistic way. Mostly conscious. Mediator between Id and Superego


Conscience. Concept of how we should behave. Conscious/preconscious

Freud: psychosexual stages

Oral(0-18m) - biting, sucking, chewing

Anal(18-36m) - bowel and bladder control

Phallic(3-6y) - genitals and coping with incestuous. Oedipus/elextra complex

Latency(6-puberty) - dormant sexual feelings

Genital(puberty+) - maturation of sexual interest

Freud: psychoanalytic defense mechanisms

1. Repression - deliberately forgetting

2. Regression - retreat to infantile stage

3. Reaction formation - express opposite feeling

4. Projection - attribute feelings to others

5. Rationalization - self justifying explanations

6. Displacement - shift aggression to other person/object

7. Denial - refusal to believe something

Unconscious today

- two track mind, schemes, priming, implicit memories, automatic stereotyping, ect

not as sophisticated as Freud though

Humanist percpective

- sick vs healthy

- based on self reports

- Maslow and Rodgers

- Self concept

- Ideal self vs actual self

- Vague and subjective

- Naive


Self actualizing person


- Person centered perspective

- People are basically good

- Three conditions for personal growth

1. Genuineness

2. Acceptance

3. Empathy

Trait perspectives

- More conscious than unconscious

- Describe rather than explain personality

Person-situation controversy

If personality reflects stable dispositions then why doesn't it predict behaviour. Can predict general behaviour over time, but situation to powerful a determinant of behaviour

Eysenck personality model

Extraversion vs introversion and emotional stability vs instability

Big five personality traits

1. Conscientiousness

2. Agreeableness

3. Neuroticism

4. Openness

5. Extraversion

Psychological disorders

Deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional behaviour patterns. Have biological, sociocultural, and psychological influences

DSM - official list of disorders

- Describes without explaining

- Standardized descriptions

- Version 5 out now

- Increases number of "everyday" disorders

1. Introduction

2. All psychological disorders

3. Potential future measures for diagnosis


- Includes distressing, persistent anxiety, or maladaptive behaviour to reduce anxiety

1. Generalized anxiety disorder

2. Panic

3. Phobias


Traumatic disorder


- Constantly tense and apprehensive

- Can't identify source

- Can cause physical health problems

- Comorbid with depression

- Most common in women and young people


- Unpredictable episodes of intense dread, feelings of terror and chest pain, chocking, ect

- Persistent concern about having another attack and the implications of having one. Change in behaviour due to attacks

- Often causes anticipatory attacks


- Persistent and irrational fear and avoidance of specific object or situation

- Causes distress and impairment


- Specific

- Social

- Agoraphobia


Unwanted repetitive thoughts that intrude mind, cause distress and reoccur without control

Actions/impulses to reduce distress of obsessions that are time consuming and often unrelated to obsession


- Haunting memories, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, insomnia after a traumatic experience

- Intrusive recollection/re experiencing

- Psychological and physical consequences

Learning to be anxious

- Fear conditioning

- Uncontrollable events

- Classical conditioning and operant conditioning

Biology of anxiety

- Evolution - some phobias are easier to learn

- Genes - genetic predispositions to sensitive nervous system

- Anterior sigulate cortex, amygdala, and other regions with impulse control can be involved

Somatic system disorder

- Symptoms can take bodily form without obvious physical cause

- Conversion disorder

DSM criterion change:

- Can now include predominant pain

Dissociative disorders

- Conscious awareness separate from previous memories, thoughts and feelings

- Inability to integrate thoughts, feelings, or experiences into present consciousness

- detachment from painful memories

- Protection from becoming overwhelmed with emotion

Dissociative identity disorder

- Exhibits two or more alternating personalities

- Perhaps just an extension of natural personality shifts

- culture and time bound

- biological and brain differences

DSM criterion:

- Evidence of alternating personalities

- Memory lapses

Depressive disorders

New DSM category

Major depressive disorder

- Must experience major depressive episode

- Depressed mood for 2+ weeks

- significant weight change, sleep pattern change, psychomotor change, fatigue, suicide ideation

- beyond normal response

- High rate or reoccurance

- Relatively common

Cognitive errors of depressive disprder

1. Overgeneralizing - global conclusions based on a single fact

2. Selective abstraction - focusing on small details and ignoring big ones

3. Personification - wrongly taking responsibility

4. Magnification and minimization

5. Arbitrary inference - conclusions without enough evidence

6. Dichotomous thinking - evertthing in extremes

Bipolar disorder

At least one manic episode followed by a major depressive episode

Manic episode criterion:

1. Mood or emotional symptoms

2. Grandiose cognition

3. Motivational sumptoms

4. Physical symptoms


At least two of:

1. Delusions

2. Hallucinations

3. Disorganized speech

4. Disorganized behaviour

5. Negative symptoms

Schizophrenia brain abnormalties

- Neurotransmitters. Dopamine fir positive, glutamate for negative

- Brain activity for certain regions different

- Shrinking of certain regons

Schizophrenia - other factors

Exposures during pregnancy to famine, virus, low birth weight, oxygen depirvation at birth.

Strong genetic link - 50% more likely with identical twins.

Personality disorders

- Inflexible and enduring behaviour patterns

- Impair social functioning

- Affect behaviour across many situations

- Often perceived as part of who person is

- Difficult to treat

- Based on social expectations

DSM and personality disorders

- Uses clusters but considering making it a spectrum

- Most have more than one

1. Odd or eccentric - paranoid personality disorder

2. Dramatic, emotional, or erratic - bordedline, antisocial

3. Anxious - avoidant

Antisocial personality disorder

- Lack of conscience for wrong doing

- Only care about themselves

- May be aggressive or ruthless

- Anything to get what they want

- Genetic component

- Frontal lobe activity lower

- Brain less able to response to facial displays of distress

- Environment + genes


- 90% feel significantly better after

- Longer term works better than short term

- No specific form perceived as more effective than any other

Biomedical: antipsychotic drugs

- Used to treat schizophrenia

- Symptom relief

- Typical - alleviate positive symptoms. Serious side effects.

- Atypical - Alleviate negative and positive. Also used as mood stabilizers. Different side effects.

Antianxiety drugs

- Dampen nervous system

- Fast acting

- Best for short term

- Addictive and withdrawal effect

Antidepressant drugs

- Increase serotonin

- First generation - +serotonin and norepinephrine with more severe side effects

- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - less severe side effects, equally liked

- Diminished sexual desire and weight gain

- 75% placebo effect

Mood stabilizing drugs

Lithium used to treat. Reduces effects of mania and suicide attempts. Cheap


- Prefrontal lobotomy - cut nerve centers between frontla obe and emotional contrlling part of brain. Calmed violent and emotional patients. Very popular from 1936-1950

Alternative therapies

- Eve movement desensitization and reprocessing - recall traumatic events while moving eyes.

- Light exposure therapy