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138 Cards in this Set

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A metabolic process that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids is


Plasma proteins which are immune effectors are know as


The hormone _______ is secreted by the kidney in response to reduced oxygen delivery


The blood supply to the lungs is referred to as the __________ circulation


Brisket disease is

the development of tissue edema in cattle that have acclimatized to high altitude

Which side of the heart is stronger?

The left side

What functions as the pacemaker of the heart?

Sinoatrial node

Inhalation and exhalation through the same opening is called

Tidal Breathing

The blood pressure is being measured with an electronic recorder. The upper swing of the pen is at 130 mmHg, and the lower swing of the pen is at 70 mmHg. What is the mean arterial pressure?

low + 1/3 (high-low)

90 mmHg

Which of the following would be expected to have the lowest pressure?

large vein

Diffusion directly depends on _____________.

Partial Pressure gradient

Surface area


In water, gas solubility ________ as temperature increases.


The basic unit of a mammalian lung is


The space between lungs and thoracic wall is called

Pleural Cavity

The volume of the air which remains in the conducting airways and is not available for gas

Anatomic dead space

Functions of excretory systems include

Removal of waste and harmful substances

Maintenance of water balance

Selective retention of inorganic solutes

Which renal process ensures the majority of plasma filtration?


The individual pressure exerted independently by a particular gas within a mixture of gases is known as its_____.

Partial pressure

Humans and mammals excrete nitrogenous wastes in which form?


Insects excrete nitrogenous waste in which form?

Uric acid

Fish excrete nitrogenous waste in which form?


Nitrogenous wastes are produced as a by-product of the metabolism of what?

Amino acids

In blood vessels ___1.____ are the site of exchange of materials between blood and tissues, _____2____ serves as blood reservoir, ____3____ are the major resistant vessels and ____4_____ act as pressure reservoirs.

1. Capularies

2. Veins

3. Arterials

4. Arteries

Name of the blood cells that do not have nucleus, mitochondria or organelles is ______.


Most of O2 in animal circulatory systems in transported bound to respiratory pigments. The most common respiratory pigment in the blood is _____ and can bind up to four oxygen molecules. Vertebrates also have another respiratory pigment, ______. This pigment contain one heme and carry one oxygen molecule and store oxygen in muscle and is responsible for the red color of the muscle.

1. Hemoglobin

2. Myoglobin

Following is a blood circulation in mammal. Left atrium -> _____ -> body organs -> ________-> ________-> lung

1. Left Ventricle

2. Right Atrium

3. Right Ventricle

The fibers in the artery that allows flexibility to the artery walls so that they behave much like a balloon is achieved by two proteins, _____ and _____.

1. Elastin

2. Collagen

Three major functions of lymph system

1. Absorbs excess fluid

2. Defends as part of immune system

3. Absorption of fat

What are the three major forms of CO2 transport in the blood?

1. Hemoglobin

2. Dissolution in plasma
3. Bicarbonate buffer system

At sea level the partial pressure of oxygen is approximately

160 mmHg

How many oxygen molecules bind to hemoglobin?


Which of the following would be expected to have the highest pressure?

a. Capillaries

b. large vein

c. arteriole

d. large artery

Large artery

The kidneys receive about ____ percent of cardiac output?


The blood pressure is being measured with an electronic recorder. The systolic pressure of a horse is at 130 mmHg and diastolic pressure is at 94 mmHg. Which one of the following is the mean pressure?

Diastolic + 1/3 (Systaloic - Diastolic)

The partial pressures of oxygen and cardon dioxide respectively in arterial blood is:

100 mmHgO2, 40 mmHgCO2

Osmoconcentration occurs in the _______ and the _________.

Medulla and Loop of Henle

Which of the following forces is not involved in glomerular filtration?

a. Renal pressure

b. Plasma-colloid osmotic pressure

c. Glomerular capillary blood pressure

d. Net filtration pressure

e. Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure

Renal Pressure

Vasodilation of the afferent arteriole causes

an increase in the blood flow to the glomerulus

When an animal becomes dehydrated more water is reabsorbed due to increased ______


In which part of the kidney is the Loop of Henle located?


Which of the following is not a function of HCl in digestion?

Actively secreted by D cells

The primary anatomical portion of the gut where nutrients absorbed is the

Small intestine

Which of the following shows the correct relationships?

a. Glucagon: alpha cells of the pancreas

b. Glucagon: beta cells of the pancreas

c. Glucagon: alpha cells of the liver

d. Somatostatin: beta cells of the pancreas

Glucagon: alpha cells of the pancreas

Secretin results in secretion of _____ from the pancreas.


Which of the following is not a function of the liver?

a. Vitamin D synthesis

b. Gluconeogenesis

c. Detoxification

d. Glycogen storage

Vitamin D synthesis

Conducting order of electric activity of autorhythmic cells is

SA node -> AV node -> AV bundle -> bundle branches -> Purkinje fibers

What is the cardiac output of a cow with the following:

Stroke volume 300 ml

End diastolic volume 95 ml

Heart rate 60 beats/ min

Pulse pressure 60 mmHg

Cardiac output ____________ ml/ min

rate x stroke = cardiac output

300 x 60 = 18,000

Primary source of energy in the fetal heart is _______. After birth, the primary energy source of normal heart changes to __________.


Fatty acids

In blood vessels ___1___ are the site of exchange of materials between blood and tissues; ____2____ act as blood reservoir; ____3___ are the major resistant vessels: and _____4______ serves as pressure reservoir.

1. Capillaries

2. Veins

3. Arteriols

4. Arteries

When body become dehydrated, such as perspiring heavily, dehydration _______ osmotic pressure of blood. This induces the secretion of hormone ______ from posterior pituitary and increase osmoconcentration of the urine.



Protein digestion enzyme pepsinogen is activated by pepsin by _______ which is produced from ______ cells of the stomach.



The anatomical part of the kidney that's length is associated with the animals ability to concentrate urine is _______.

Loop of Henle

_______ is produced from parietal cells of the stomach and help in vitamin B12 absorption in the terminal ileum.

Intrinsic factor

What are the three hormones produced by the kidney.




Plasma proteins which are immune effectors are know as


In water, gas solubility ______ as temperature decreases


The blood supply to the lungs is referred to as the _____ circulation


The blood supply to the body is referred as the _____ circulation.


Sympathetic stimulation of the heart increases cardiac output by

Increasing heart rate

Increasing the rate at which the pacemaker potential depolarizes the threshold

Increasing the number of cross-bridges that can form during contraction

Increasing the strength of contraction

Which of the following forces is the most common factor resulting in a change in the glomuerular filtration rate?

a. Renal hydrostatic pressure

b. Plasma-colloid osmotic pressure

c. Glomerular capillary blood pressure

d. Net filtration pressure

e. Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure

Glomerular capillary blood pressure

Vasodilation of the afferent arteriole causes

an increase in the glomerular filtration rate

Nitrogenous wastes are produced as a by- product of the metabolism of what?

Amino Acids

In which part of the kidney is the glomerulus located?


_______ is basically the plasma component of the blood and is about ____% of body weight.



In blood component, after collection of blood, blood was let coagulated for awhile and spun down. What is the name of upper layer that appears clear? _____ In another blood collection, heparin containing blood tube was used and tube was spun down without blood coagulation. What is the name of upper clear layer that appears clear? ______



The most abundant plasma protein in blood which transports lipids and steroid hormones is _____.


In muscle contraction, myocyte contraction is initiated by the cell itself, not an outside occurance or stimulus such as nerve innervations is termed _______ contraction while muscle contraction that is originated from external neural stimulus is termed ________ contraction.



How many oxygen molecules bind to each heme in the hemoglobin?


The kidneys receive about _______ percent of cardiac output.


Vasoconstriction of the afferent arteriole causes

A decrease in the glomerular filtration rate

Because of its greater work, the heart chamber with the greatest muscle mass is the:

Left ventricle

The primary anatomical portion of the gut where most of the nutrients are absorbed is the

small intestine

Secretin results in secretion of _____ from the pancrease


What are the four major steps in external respiration?

1. Ventilation or external bulk transport

2. Circulation of internal bulk transport

3. External or respiratory surface diffusion

4. Cellular or tissue diffusion

What is pO2 in a place where atmospheric pressure is 600mmHg?

Atmospheric pressure x .21 = pO2


In cardiac muscle contraction, depolarization of autorhythmic cell is due to inward diffusion of ____ ion, not sodium ion as in nerve cells. After depolarization, repolarization begins with outward diffusion of _______ ion.

Ca +


Primary source of energy in the fetal heart is glucose. After birth, the primary energy source of normal heart changes to __________.

fat (lipids)

In blood vessels, _____1____ are the sit of exchange of materials between blood and tissues; _____2____ act as blood reservoir; _____3_____ are the major pressure vessels and _____4______ serves as pressure reservoir.

1. Capillaries

2. Veins

3. Arteries

4. Arterioles

Small intestine is made of three compartments. List these compartments of small intestine in an order from stomach to large intestine




A metabolic process that results in the generation of glucose from non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic amino acids is


Plasma proteins which are immune effectors are known as


Which of the following would be expected to have the lowest pressure?

a. aorta

b. large vein

c. arteriole

d. large artery

large vein

The space between lungs and thoracic wall is called

pleural cavity

Where do nitrogenous wastes come from?

Metabolism of proteins and nucleic acid

Which organ forms urine in mammals?


What are the regions of the kidney?

Cortex: Outer

Medulla: Inner (divided into renal pyramids)

Pelvis: drainage area in center

What is the smallest functional unit of the kidney?


What makes up a nephron?

A tubule and a vascular component

What supplies each nephron?

Afferent arteriole

What is the ball like knot of caillaries in renal cortex; also the site of filtration of the blood.


What surrounds the tubules that supply the renal tissue with blood and exchange materials with the tubular fluid?

Peritubular capillaries

What is the function of the Bowman's capsule?

Glomerular filtration

What part of the renal tubule acts in reabsorption and secretion?

Proximal tubule

What is the site of osmoconcentration? Is it in the medulla or the cortex?

Loop of Henle


What part of the renal tubule works with osmoconcentration that empties into the renal pelvis?

Collecting duct

What is the sensor in osmoregulation and blood pressure regulation?

Juxtaglomerular apparatus

What nephrons are located in the outer cortex and the short loops of Henle in the medulla?


What nephrons are located in the inner cortex near the inner medulla

Juxtaglomerular nephrons

What are the three layers of the molecular sieve?

Glomerular capillary wall

Basement membrane

Inner layer of Bowman's capsule

Is filtration an intracellular or extracellular process?


What forces favor filtration in the urinary system?

Glomerular Capillary blood pressure (55 mmHg)

Net Filtration Pressure (10 mmHg)

What forces oppose filtration?

Plasma Colloid Osmotic pressure (30 mmHg)

Bowamans capsule hydrostatic pressure (15 mmHg)

What is the formula for glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?

GFR = Filtration coefficient x net filtration pressure

What is the GFR in an adult human?

115-125 ml/min or 180 liters/day

What does Glomerular filtration rate depend on?

Net filtration pressure, surface area, permeability

What are the controlled adjustments in Glomerular Filtration Rate?

1. Increased resistance in afferent arterioles

2. Autoregulation

3. Increased sympathetic activity

Where in the kidney does the reabsorption of most substances occur?

Proximal tubule

What percent of the kidneys' total energy requirement is used for Na+ transport


How is water absorbed in the kidney?

Passive absorption

What part of the kidney is impermeable to water?

Ascending loop of Henle

Which aquaporin (AQP) channel is regulated by vasopressin and where are they located?

AQP 2 channels

In distal tubule

How is glucose and amino acid reabsorbed in the kidney?

Secondary active transport to Na+

What percent of urea is reabsorbed?


What cells secrete renin into the blood in a response to a fall in Na +.

Glanular cells of the juxtaglmomular apparatus

What cells respond to a fall in distal tubular NaCl and stimulates renin secretion?

Macula cells

What cells trigger increased sympathetic activity which stimulates renin secretion?

Baroreceptor reflex

What system uses cells for the secretion of renin and why?

Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

Blood pressure regulation and dehydration

What is the primary stimulus for aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex?

Angiotensin II

What are the four steps in external respiration?

1. Ventilation

2. Respiratory exchange

3. Circulation

4. Cellular Exchange

Type of respiration when air goes through opening and out through another

Flow- through breathing

Which gas exchange is more efficient, tidal or flow-through breathing?

Flow through breathing

What do type 1 alveolar cells do?

Gas exchange

What do type 2 alveolar cells do?

Produce pulmonary surfactant which facilitate alveolar expansion

What permits airflow between adjacent alveoli

Pores of Kohn

What is the equation to find Alveolar Ventilation

Alveolar Ventilation= (TV - dead space) x RR

What are the diseases/ viruses that interfere with gas exchange?

Pulmonary edema

Pulmonary fibrosis


What is cellular pO2 and pCO2?

pO2 = 40 mmHg

pCO2= 46 mmHg

What is the most important factor determining % hemoglobin saturation?


Carbon monoxide poisoning is known as

Anemic Hypoxia

What is the name for congestive heart failure?

Circulatory hypoxia

What is the name for cyanide poisoning?

Histotoxic hypoxia

Excess CO2 in the arterial blood is known as ________ and caused by _____________.



_________ is below normal arterial pCO2 caused by ____________



Changes in blood CO2 mainly affect _________.

acid-base balance

The portion of the cardiovascular system that determines distribution of cardiac output it


About 60% of the blood is stored in the ______


In the abnormalities of arterial pO2, _______ hypoxia is caused by lowered oxygen carrying capacity of blood ( e.g. carbon monoxide poisoning)


Majority of CO2 in the blood is transported in the form of ____________
