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61 Cards in this Set

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Circadian Rhythms
Biological changes that occur on a 24hr cycle; "Biological Clock" regulates a 24hr cycle that is located in the hypothalamus in an area called SCN (Suprachiasmatic Nucleus). Sensitive to light/dark. Pineal glad releases melatotnin throughout the night
Suprachismatic Nucleus (SCN)
In the hypothalamus where the "bio clock" is located.
Controlled Processes
High levels of awareness; focused attention is required and occurs when you can only focus on one thing at a time because usually interferes w/other on going actions. (studying reading)
Automatic Processes
Middle levels of awareness; less attention is required and usually we can engage in more than one automatic process without too much interference. (washing dishes while listening to music)
neurotransmitters are implicated in sleep
serotonin, melatonin
This happens when circadian rhythm of sleep is disrupted
Once this happens, one has a difficult time studying, diminished productivity, tendency to make mistakes increase, irritable, fatigue, increased car accidents, increased aging of cells, can lead to sleep disorders, can lead to depression/anxiety, decrease immune system.
Beta Waves
Waves when you are bright awake
Alpha Waves
Waves when you are at rest; right before you fall asleep; relaxed
Theta Waves
Waves in Sleep Stage 1; time where your parasympathetic is acticated (slows down breathing, heart rate, digestion)
Spindle Waves
Wave in Sleep Stage 2; light sleep (heartrate continues to slow down, temp decreases).
Delta Waves
Waves in Sleep Stage 3/4; deep sleep. (bet wetting, sleep walking/talking occurs here)
Sleep Stage 1 (nREM)
time where your parasympathetic is activated (slows down breathing, heart rate, digestion) --> when you just fall asleep and might feel you are falling off the bed (5 minutes)
Sleep Stage 2 (nREM)
light sleep (heart rate continues to slow down, temp decreases). (30min)
Sleep Stage 3/4 (mREM)
Deep sleep (Feel the best after) Sleep walking/talking/bed wetting occurs when you are in this stage. (30 minutes)
REM sleep
fast brain waves, heart rate increases, breathing increases, blood pressure increases, men get erection, muscles relaxed unresponsive (paralysis)
Purpose of REM sleep
Helps memory consolidation, serves bio needs
Purpose of nREM
helps with bio need
Sleep cycle
1--> 2--> 3--> 4--> 3--> 2--> REM
(90 minutes)
length of each sleep cycle and amount of times occurs a night
90 minutes each, 4/5 times a night
Functions of Sleep: protection from predators (sleeping when predators are out, you are likely to be killed.
Functions of Sleep: restoration from daily depleting activities; restores body tissue: memory consolidation. (regain health/strength)
Growth Process
Functions of Sleep: during sleep, the pituitary glad releases growth hormones. As age increases less is released
Debunking Myths on sleep
Do not wake up a sleepwalker or else he will go pyschotic
Debunking Myths on dream
If one dies in their dreams, dies in real life as well.
TYPES OF SLEEP DISORDERS: Problem in amount, timing and or quality of sleep. (Insomnia, Sleep Apnea, and Narcolepsy)
TYPES OF SLEEP DISORDERS: abnormal disturbances during sleep (more common in children). Nightmares (bad dreams), night terror (3/4 sit up right, scream, talk), sleep walking/talking
Part of Dyssomnias disorders: persistent problem in falling asleep, staying asleep, or awakening to early.
--> Solution: drinking hot milk before bed, avoiding taking naps, avoid exercising 4 hrs before sleep, exercise helps sleep if done early in day, avoid alcohol prior to sleep.
Sleep Apnea
Part of Dyssomnias: Disruptive breathing, waking yourself up constantly to breath.
-->Symptoms: Snoring
leads to high blood pressure, heart diseases.
-->treatments; machine, surgery
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Part of Sleep Apnea: obesity, anatomical abnormalities, large tonsils, large uvila.
Central Sleep Apnea
Part of Sleep Apnea: brain ceases to send signals to diaphram
Part of Dyssomnias: sudden irresistible onset of sleep during normal waking hours. Strong emotions can set off.
-->Treatments: antidepressants, stimulants, naps during day, GHB
Frued's veiw: Latent Content
Dream analysis: true meaning of dream
Freud's view: Manifest Content
Dream analysis: Dream content (symbols)
Information-processing view on dreams
dreams are a continuation of every day life
Biological View on Dreams (Activation Synthesis Hypothesis)
When something gets stimulated throughout the brain, your muscles do not react making the brain confused, creating a dream to make sense of the situation
Purpose of psychoanalysis
to uncover unconscious conflicts that stem from our childhood through free associations, resistance, transference, ambiguous stimuli, dream analysis
Free Association
Psychoanalysis: talk about whatever comes to mind. First thing the person brings up is an important clue as to what the unconscious is hiding.
Psychoanalysis: Pacient avoides the attempts of getting to unconscious material (need to analyze and delude deeper into topic; because refuses to talk about the topic.
Psychoanalysis: When the patient transfers unresolved feelings/thoughts from unresolved relationship from pass
Ambiguous Stimuli
Psychoanalysis: Protective techniques, the patient would project their true unconscious through ambiguous stimuli (Inkblots)
Importance of Client-Centered Therapy
Clients are responsible for discovering their own maladaptive patterns, while therapist provide accepting atmosphere. The most important component of personality is self concept (to know all the info and beliefs you have as an individual about your own nature, qualities and behavior.
(Low self esteem and poor mental health occurs when one cannot match self concept and actual experiences.
systematic desensitization
Form of exposure therapy- begins with relaxation & then gradual process of associating a hierarchy of fear-evoking stimuli with deep relaxationreplace anxiety response with relaxation response (based on classical conditioning principles)
Aversion Therapy
Therapy in which you pair an unpleasant stimulus with maladaptive behavior (e.g., Antabuse & alcohol) (also based on classical conditioning principles)
Operant conditioning techniques used in therapy
Shaping & reinforcement (tokens)- increase behavior, Punishment & extinction (remove all rewards)- decrease behavior, Modeling- observing & imitating appropriate behavior
Cognitive Therapy
focuses on faulty thought processes & beliefs to treat problems; person’s emotional reactions are produced not directly by the event but by person’s thoughts in response to event
-->Insight into Negative Self-talk, Albert Ellis (Rational Emotive Therapy), and Aaron Beck (Cognitive Behavior Therapy).
Insight into Negative Self-talk
Part of cognitive therapy: the unrealistic things a person tells himself.
--> Treatment: Cognitive Restructuring - allows person to challenge his thoughts, to directly change how he interprets events and to change maladaptive behavior.
Albert Ellis (Rational Emotive Therapy)
Part of Cognitive Therapy: ABC approach. A - Activating event; stimulus (boyfriend breaks up with me. B - Belied system; interpretation of activating event (I'll never find another man). C - Emotional consequence (worthless depressed).
-->May go from A to C if you do not think about interpretations
Aaron Beck (Cognitive-Behavior Therapy)
Part of cognitive therapy: goal is to fix illogical thinking and destructive self-talk (ABC).
Aaron Beck (Cognitive-Behavior Therapy) Thinking patterns associated with depression.
Thinking patterns associated with depression: focus selectively on negative events
Aaron Beck (Cognitive-Behavior Therapy) Thinking patterns associated with depression.
Thinking patterns associated with depression: based on limited info, overgeneralize & make conclusions about self-worth
Aaron Beck (Cognitive-Behavior Therapy).
Thinking patterns associated with depression: exaggerate undesirable events or
Aaron Beck (Cognitive-Behavior Therapy).
Thinking patterns associated with depression: Black-or-white categories (good or bad)
medication used to lower sympathetic activity in brain (works quickly)
Medication used to treat depression (takes long time to work). Noropinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin increases
Mood Stabilizers
Medication (Lithium/Depakot) treats bipolar disorder. Takes long time, causes hair-loss, weight gain, liver problems.
Medication that treats schizophrenia, bipolar, movement disorder, and blocks dopamine while regulates serotonin.
ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy)
Muscle relaxant and anestetic is given, then electrodes are placed on scalp & electrical current is ran through (whole body moves). Rebutes the brain. Used for depression
Labotamy (outdated)
brain surgery to relieve psych symptoms. Would cut the nerve pathways between two frontal loves and would cut the pathway from the frontal love to the Limbic system (never really worked).
Behavior Models
Model that explains psychological disorder: learning experiences that shape the development
Cognitive Models
Model that explains psychological disorder: Faulty thinking underlying abnormal behavior
Model that explains psychological disorder: unconscious conflicts and motives that lead to abnormal behavior