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60 Cards in this Set

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texas _____________ from mexico
the right to vote- usuall referring to women.
winning an election by a huge margin
having more votes than anyone else, but not a majority.
attempt to ruin an opponents reputation with insults and lies
andrew jacksons policy of firing goverment employees
spoil system
thousands of native americans died during the indian removal act
trail of tears
a belief that the u.s. goverment should not interfere with the economy.
congressman who wanted to go to war
war hawks
andrew jackson DID NOT have this and lost the election even though he had more votes
the right to review whether laws are constitutional or not
judicial review
u.s. and england made this agreement for oregon country
joint occupation
u.s. did this with Texas
the belief that the u.s. should be from the atlantic ocean to the pacific ocean
manifest destiny
people who came to california because of the gold rush were known as this
fourty niners
mexico did this because of the mexican american war
a belief that a culture is superior to other cultures or countries
act committed with the intent to destroy a racial, ethnic, or religious ground
to stop products from coming into a country
unfair treatment of a group because of a persons race, religion, or place of birth
an unfair opinion not based no facts
extreme shortage of food
money for investment
a system of transmitting messages uses a series of dots and dashes
morse code
removed seeds and helped a crop become the leading crop of the south
a person who supervises slaves
got its name because it clipped time off of trips almost in half
clipper ship
to put pressure on employers workers staged
workers of the same skill formed what to get better wages and working conditions
trade unions
invented the sewing machine
eli howe
what is the 3rd stage of industrialization
use of machinery
invented the steel tipped plow
john deere
made wheat the main economic activity in the midwest
mechanical reaper
this invention ensured that slavery would remain
cotton gin
the east and west were united by a network of
railroad tracks
the second highest group of immigrants between 1820-1860
the north had almost 2 1/2 times as many of this
railroad tracks
how many miles of RR tracks did the u.s. have
this caused the irish immigration to the u.s.
potato famine
why did industry not develop in the south
cotton was profitable
smaller population for goods
no capital
what percentage of the southern population was enslaved
about what percentate of the southern population was nonslavehilding whites
about half
what type of laws made it a crime to teach a slave how
slave codes
what group of southerns measured their wealth by the number of slaves they controlled
plantation owners
most enslaved people worked as
flied hands
people who were enslaved need an extended family because they
could be sold
who led a rebeillion against white and killed 55 people
nat turner
percent of slave owners who had 20 or more slaves
only 4%
what were domestic slaves
slaves that worked in the home cleaning, etc
slaves worst fear
could be sold
this horrible practice was outlawed in 1808
slave trade
slaves lived in one room shacks with up to how many people
when slaves married, they took what oath
until death or separation do us part
songs that expressed the struggles slaves encountered or gave secret codes about the underground rail road
a shortage of this would hurt this south during the civil war
what happens when government print money that does not really exist
prices of goods rise- inflation
invented the first u.s. steam locomotive
peter cooper
network of safe house that assist runaway slaves
underground railroad
fifty four forty or fight was referring to what territory
oregon country
what started WWI
assassination of arch duke ferdinand