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40 Cards in this Set

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What determines a persons outlook on life and govern their social behavior?
What determines a persons outlook on life and govern their social behavior?

values and beliefs
What is the Arabic word for desert?
What is the Arabic word for desert?

How many people live in the Arab world?
How many people live in the Arab world?

300 million
What are the 5 basic Arab values?
basic Arab values

always behave good to make good impression, honor is taken as a entire family or group.
loyalty to famiily comes over personal preferences, personal status is deterined by social class, family background, then individual character and achievement, social morality standards, if possible must be maintained by laws
What are the 4 determining factors in ones personal status?
What are the 4 determining factors in ones personal status?

social class, family background, individual character, and achievement
What are the 4 basic religious beliefs?
basic religious beliefs

everyone believes in God ack his power, and has rel. affilation, fatism, peity is most admirable characteristic in person, no sep of church and state, Western values must be rejected
What are the three ways Western culture will destroy Arabs?
Way Western culture destroy Arab
social disorder, lower moral standards, weaken traditional family ties
What are the 4 basic Arab self-perceptions?
Basic Arab self-perceptions

generous, humanitarian and polity distinguish them above all other people,, rich cultural heritage- most accomplish unappreciated by Westerners, mem. of defined cultural group and member of Arab nation, victimized by Westerners
What is of equal importance to the relationship as a friend?
What is of equal importance to the relationship as a friend?

help and do favors to best of ability
What has the same value as a response?
What has the same value as a response?

an oral promise
In Arab, what does privacy mean?
Arab for privacy

What is the single most important factor in doing business successfully with Arabs?
What is the single most important factor in doing business successfully with Arabs?

a good personal relationship
In Arabs minds, what two groups of people are distinctly separated?
In Arabs minds, what two groups of people are distinctly separated?

friends and strangers
What makes all the difference when standing in line as a foreigner so people don't cut in front?
What makes all the difference when standing in line as a foreigner so people don't cut in front?

personal contact
When it comes to emotion and logic, what is given emphasis in Arabic culture?
When it comes to emotion and logic, what is given emphasis in Arabic culture?

What is subjectivity?
What is subjectivity?
Arabs believe that they have the right to look at the world in what kind of way?
Arabs believe that they have the right to look at the world in what kind of way?

What is more important than facts?
What is more important than facts?

Arabs realize that what have a powerful effect on perception?
Arabs realize that what have a powerful effect on perception?

What is more important than rules?
What is more important than rules?

What connotates deep and sincere concern for the substance of a discussion?
What connotates deep and sincere concern for the substance of a discussion?

What is not constructive if emotional?
What is not constructive if emotional?

A frank two sided discussion
What are the 5 topics that most people love to discuss?
What are the 5 topics that most people love to discuss?

Golden age of the Arabs, traits of a ideal person, haji, persons extended family, Arabic language, literature and poetry
Socially speaking, what do Arabs gain quickly when speaking to a person of the opposite sex?
Socially speaking, what do Arabs gain quickly when speaking to a person of the opposite sex?

negative impression if too much
What is bawal in Arab culture?
What is bawal in Arab culture?

T/F The Hejab is required by the Sharia?
T/F The Hejab is required by the Sharia?

The respectability of Western women are shown by what?
The respectability of Western women are shown by what?

way she is groomed and dressed
What is essential to a good reputation?
What is essential to a good reputation?

generosity to guests
What is the most salient factor in evaluating a person's character?
What is the most salient factor in evaluating a person's character?

good manners
What is 'welcome'?

How does privacy work in Arab culture?
How does privacy work in Arab culture?

privacy within home not valued, but privacy from outside is essential
What do Arabs evaluate as much as content?
What do Arabs evaluate as much as content?

source of statement
If you push for specific time for a decision, what will happen?
If you push for specific time for a decision, what will happen?

success is less likely
What are the three things that high class people not allowed to do?
What are the three things that high class people not allowed to do?

manual labor, dress well, don;t mix classes
What takes precedence over loyalty to friends or work commitments?
What takes precedence over loyalty to friends or work commitments?

family loyalty and obligations
What is the most imp. requirement for a "good"child?
What is the most imp. requirement for a "good"child?
Concerning religion, what are treated with respect in Arab culture?
Concerning religion, what are treated with respect in Arab culture?

all religions and practicies
How many days short is the Islamic calendar?
How many days short is the Islamic calendar?

11 days
In communication, what does loudness of speech determine?
In communication, what does loudness of speech determine?

dramatic effect, not how strongly they feel about topic
Where is the language protocol most strict in the Arab world?
Where is the language protocol most strict in the Arab world?

Arabian Peninsula