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16 Cards in this Set

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Acyclovir (Zovirax)
Antiviral/purine analogues

Indication: genital herpes

↓viral replication/shedding/↓lesion healing time

SE: dizziness, HA, diarrhea, n/v, pain, phlebitis, seizures, renal failure, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/hemolytic uremic syndrome

Assess lesions qd, monitor neuro status in pt w/herpes encephalitis, monitor BUN/CR/CCr, should be started ASAP after onset of symptoms and w/in 24hr. of outbreak.

Additional OTC creams/lotions/ointments may delay healing or spread of lesions, acyclovir is not a cure [virus lays dormant in ganglia], will not prevent spread to others, condoms should be used, and no sexual contact w/lesions present.
Aldesleukin (Interleukin-2)

Indication: metastatic renal cell carcinoma

SE: dyspnea, pulmonary congestion/edema, arrhythmias, hypotension, tachycardia, diarrhea, jaundice, n/v, oliguria/anuria, proteinuria, pruritus, acidosis, hypocalcemia/kalemia/magnesesemia/phosphatemia, anemia, leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, chills, fever, apnea, respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, CHF, MI, stroke, bowel perforation, capillary leak syndrome
Allopurinol (Alloprim)
Antigout agent, antihyperuricemic/xanthine oxidase inhibitor

Indication: tx of secondary hyperuricemia which may occur in tx of tumors/leukemia

↓uric acid production/serum levels

SE: rash [d/c at first sign]

Monitor I/O, maintain adequate fluid intake [min. 2500-3000ml/day to ↓kidney stone formation], assess for rash/hypersensitivity, monitor for pain/swelling [gout], monitor uric acid levels [start to ↓ in 2-3 days], monitor for hypoglycemia in pt w/diabetes, may cause ↑AST/ALT, ↓CBC/platelets [bone marrow depression], ↑BUN/CR/CCr [nephrotoxicity]

Alkaline diet may be ordered [urinary acidification + vit. C/other acids may ↑kidney stone formation], promote ↑fluid intake, cause occasional drowsiness, report skin rash/blood in urine/influenza symptoms [chills, fever, muscle aches, pain, n/v, EtOH ↑uric acid and ↓effectiveness
Azithromycin (Zithromax)
Antiinfective for atypical mycobacterium/macrolides

Indication: gonorrhea and prevention of disseminated Mycobacterium avium (MAC) in pt w/advanced HIV

Bacteriostatic [↓protein synthesis] action against susceptible bacteria

SE: abd pain, diarrhea, nausea, pseudomembranous colitis, angioedema

Assess for s/s of infection [VS, appearance, sputum, urine, stool WBC], obtain C/S, observe for anaphylaxis [rash, puritus, laryngeal edema, wheezing], may cause ↑serum bilirubin/AST/ALT/LDH/K+/PT/BUN/CR/serum glucose, ↓WBC/platelet

Do not take w/food or antacids, may cause drowsiness/dizziness, sunscreen for photosensitivity rx, report chest pain/palpitations, yellowing skin/eyes, signs of superinfection [black furry overgrowth on tongue, vaginal itching/discharge/loose foul smelling stool. Notify HCP for fever, diarrhea, stool containing pus/blood/mucous/DO NOT TX DIARRHEA
Benztropine (Cogentin)
Antiparkinson agent/anticholinergic

Indication: Parkinson’s disease/drug induced extrapyramidal effects/acute dystsonic rx

↓of rigidity and tremors by blocking cholinergic activity in CNS

SE: blurred vision, dry eyes, constipation, dry mouth

Assess pakinsonian/extrapyramidal symptoms [restlessness, desire to keep moving, rigidity, tremors, pill rolling, mask like face, shuffling gait, muscle spasms, twisting motion, difficulty speaking/swallowing, loss of balance control], monitor constipation/abd pain/distention/absence of BS, monitor I/O, urinary retention [dysuria/distended abd, infrequent voiding of small amounts or urine, overflow incontinence]. Pt w/mental illness are at risk for developing exaggerated symptoms of disorder [notify behavior changes]

Taper when d/c or withdrawal symptoms may occur [anxiety, tachycardia, insomnia, parkinsonian/extrapyramidal symptoms], may cause drowsiness/dizziness, frequent mouth rinsing/sugarless gum/good oral care will ↓ dry mouth, change positions slowly to avoid hypotension, notify HCP with difficulty urinating/constipation/abd discomfort/heart palpitations/confusion/eye pain/rash, avoid antacids/antidiarrheals w/in 1-2hr. of medication
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer

Indication: tx tonic – clonic/mixed/complex – partial seizure, management of acute/mixed mania

Prevention of seizures and ↓ mania by ↓ CNS transmission via Na+ channels

SE: ataxia, drowsiness, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia

Assess for seizure activity, assess mood/orientation/behavior, monitor CBC/platelet/reticulocyte count/serum ion [monitor for bone marrow depression], monitor ↑AST/ALT/urine protein and glucose/BUN/bilirubin, may ↑cholesterol and false + pregnancy test

Gradually d/c to prevent seizure, may cause dizziness/drowsiness, NOTIFY HCP of fever/sore throat/mouth ulcer/easy bruising/petechiae/unusual bleeding/abd pain/chills/rash/pale stool/dark urine/jaundice, avoid EtOH, use sunscreen for photosensitivity, good oral care can prevent dry mouth, use nonhormonal contraception with
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
Antiemetic/antipsychotic, phenothiazine

Indication: 2nd tx for schizophrenia/psychoses after failure of atypical antipsychotics

↓s/s of psychosis, relief of n/v by altering effects of dopamine in CNS

SE: sedation, blurred vision, dry eyes, hypotension, constipation, dry mouth, photosensitivity, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, agranulocytosis

Assess mental status, BMI, CBG and cholesterol [nutrition and weight management], positive [hallucinations, delusions, agitation] and negative [social withdrawal] symptoms, monitor CV status after does adjustment, observe pt taking med not hoarding, assess bowel function, monitor for akathsia [restlessness or desire to keep moving], extrapyramidal effects, REPORT IMMEDIATEY for tardive dyskenesia [uncontrolled rhythmic movement of mouth/face/extremities] and neuroleptic malignant syndrome [fever, respiratory distress, tachycardia, convulsions, diaphoresis, HTN or hypotension, pallor, tiredness, muscle stiffness, loss of bladder control. Monitor for ↓ HCT/Hgb/leukocytes/granulocytes/platelets and ↑bilirubin/AST/ALT, agranulocytosis may occur at 4-10 wk tx

Pt recumbent for 30 min following tx, if missed does can take up to 1hr. after, abrupt withdrawal may cause gastritis, n/v, dizziness, HA, tachycardia, insomnia, change positions slowly, avoid EtOH, good oral care will ↓ dry mouth, sunscreen to prevent pigment changes, may turn urine pink/reddish/brown, no not take antacids/antidiarrheal w/in 2hr.
Doxycycline (Doryx)

Indication: tx of gonorrhea and syphilis in PNC allergic pt

Bacteriostatic action against susceptible gram – bacteria via ↓ of protein synthesis

SE: dizziness, vestibular rx, diarrhea, n/v, photosensitivity

Assess for s/s of infection [VS, sputum, urine, stool, WBC], C/S, assess IV for thrombophlebitis, may cause ↑ AST/ALT/bilirubin/amylase/BUN, may cause yellow/brown discoloration/softening of teeth and bones

Avoid dairy products, antacids, use nonhormonal contraception, sunscreen for photosensitivity, REPORT s/s of superinfection, rash, pruritus, urticaria [allergic rx w/swelling]
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Antidepressant, sedative serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Indication: Depression, panic disorder, social phobia, PTSD

↓serotonin uptake in CNS and has antidepressant action by ↓ behaviors associated w/panic disorder, and ↓ mood alteration associated w/ PMDD

SE: anxiety, drowsiness, HA, insomnia, nervousness, sexual dysfunction, excessive sweating, pruritus, tremor, seizures

Monitor mood changes for ↑anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and suicidal tendency. Monitory nutritional intakes, weigh weekly, and monitor for weight loss. Assess for sensitivity rx [uticaria/fever/arthralgia/edema/carpal tunnel syndrome/rash/hives/lymphadenopathy/resp. distress]. Assess for erectile dysfunction. May cause leucopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, ↑bleeding time, AST/ALT, BUN/CR, hypouricemia/calemia/glycemia/natremia, and hyperglycemia

May be given w/food, may cause drowsiness/dizziness/impaired judgement/blurred vision. Avoid EtOH/CNS depressants, change position slowly, promote good oral hygiene for dry mouth, sunscreen for photosensivitity, may cause ↓libido. NOTIFY HCP if HA/nausea/anoexia/anxiety/insomnia persists. May augment w/benzodiazepine
Fluphenazine (Prolixin)
Antipsychotic, phenothizine

Indication: acute or chronic psychoses

↓s/s of psychoses by altered affects of dopamine in CNS + anticholinergic/alpha adrenergic blocking

SE: extrapyramidal rx, photosensitivity, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, agranulocytosis

Assess mental status/orientation/behavior. Monitor for orthostatic hypotension/ECG/pulse/RR, may cause Q/T wave changes, monitor for hoarding. Assess fluid intake and bowel function [↑bulk and fluid to ↓constipation]. Monitor for akathisia [restlessness/desire to keep moving] and extrapyramidal SE [parkinsonian – difficulty speaking/swallowing/loss of balance/pill rolling/mask – like face/shifting gait/rigidity/tremors/dystonic – muscle spasms/twisting motions/twitching/inability to more eyes/extremity weakness], and tardive dyskinesia [uncontrolled rhythmic movement of mouth/face/extremities]. May ↓Hct/Hgb/leukocytes/granulocytosis/platelets. May ↑AST/ALT/agranulocytosis

Change positions slowly, may cause drowsiness, avoid EtOH/CNS depressants, sunscreen/protective clothing to prevent blue-grey pigmentation, promote good oral hygiene. NOTIFY HCP for sore throat/fever/unusual bleeding or bruising/rash/weakness/tremors/visual disturbance/dark colored urine or clay colored stool
Haloperidol (Haldol)

Indication: acute/chronic psychotic disorder [schizophrenia/manic stage/drug induced psychoses

↓s/s of psychoses by altering dopamine in CNS + anticholinergic and alpha adrenergic blocking

SE: extrapyramidal rx, blurred vision, dry eyes, constipation, dry mouth, seizures, neuroleptic malingnat syndrome

Assess mental status, and positive/negative signs of schizophrenia, monitor BP lying/sitting/standing, may cause Q/T interval changes, monitor for hoarding. Monitor I/O, daily weight, and symptoms of dehydration. Assess fluid and bowel function. Monitor for akathisia and extrapyramidal SE and tarddive dysinesia.

Change positions slowly, may cause drowsiness, avoid EtOH/CNS depressants, sunscreen/protective clothing for photosensitivity, promote good oral hygiene for dry mouth, NOTIFY HCP for weakness/tremors/visual disturbances/dark colored urine or clay colored stools/sore throat/fever. Encourage use of psychotherapy, positive reinforcement for compliance
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
CNS stimulant

Indication: adjunct tx for ADHD, symptomatic narcolepsy

↑attention span in ADHD, ↑motor activity/mental alertness by stimulating CNS/respiratory system

SE: hyperactivity, insomnia, restlessness, tremor, HTN, palpitations, tachycardia, anorexia

Assess BP/pulse/RR, monitor growth/height/weight in peds w/long term tx. May cause false sense of euphoria/well being – provide rest periods on meds and watch for rebound depression. Assess peds for attention span/impulse control/interactions w/others. Should be administered on an empty stomach [30-45min before meal]

Take last dose before 6pm to ↓insomnia, abrupt stop of med may cause extreme fatigue and extreme depression. Advise to check weight q2-3/wk and report weight loss. May cause dizziness/blurred vision. Med shell may appear in stool and no cause for concern. Avoid caffeine containing beverages. NOTIFY HCP for ↑nervousness/insomnia/palpitations/vomiting/skin rash/fever. HCP may order holidays from drug to assess dependence. Notifiy school nurse

Indication: ↓ammonia producing bacteria in gut as management of hepatic encephalopathy, tx diarrhea d/t E.coli, and to prepare GI tract for surgery

Bactericidal action against E.coli, staphylococcus aureus, ect…

SE: ataxia, ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, diarrhea, n/v

Assess for infection, obtain C/S, and evaluate 8th CN [site for persistently ↑aminoglycoside levels] for hearing loss [usually in high frequency range]. Monitor vestibular function [vertigo/ataxia/n/v]. Monitor I/O, daily weight, assess hydration status/and renal function. Assess for signs of superinfection [fever/URI/vaginal itching/discharge/↑malaise/diarrhea]. May ↑ BUN/CR/AST/ALT/bilirubin/LDH. May ↓ Ca++/Mg++/K+/Na+

NOTIFY HCP for signs of hypersensitivity, tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss, rash, dizziness, difficulty urination. Promote fluid intake.
Risperidone (Risperdal)
Antipsychotic, mood stabilizer/benzisoxazoles

Indication: Schizoprenia 13-17 yo. Bipolar mania PO 10-17yo. Tx of irritability associated w/autistic disorder 5-16 yo

↓symptoms of psychoses/bipolar mania/autistic disorder by antagonizing dopamine/serotonin in CNS

SE: aggressive behavior, dizziness, extrapyramidal rx, HA, ↑dreams, ↑sleep duration, sedation, pharyngitis, rhinitis, visual disturbance, cough, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, weight gain, ↓libido, dysmenorrheal/menorrhagia, itching/skin rash, neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Monitor mental status. Assess weight gain and BMI, obtain initial blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Monitor mood changes and suicidal tendencies. Monitor for orthostatic hypotension [↓ dose], prolonged Q/T interval, and tachycardia. Monitor for hoarding. If extrapyramidal rx occurs ↓dose. Report tardive dyskensia immediately. May ↑AST/ALT and cause anemia/thrombocytopenia/leukocytosis/leukopenia

Change positions slowly. May cause drowsiness. Sunscreen for photosensitivity, promote nutrition management. NOTIFY HCP for sore throat/fever/unusual bleeding or bruising/rash/tremors
Sildenafil (Viagra)
Erectile dysfunction agent/Phosphodiesterase T5 inhibitor

Indication: Erectile dysfunction

↑BF to corpus cavernosum by ↑effects of NO released during sexual stimulation.

SE: HA, dyspepsia, flusing, MI, sudden death, cardiovascular collapse

Determine erectile dysfunction [no effect on absence of sexual stimulation]

Take approximately 1h before sexual activity and not more than qday. Viagra is not indicated for women. NOTIFY HCP if erection lasts more than 4h or if there is a sudden/↓ in vision. Does not protect against STIs or HIV
Prednisone (Deltasone)
Antiasthmatic/systemic corticosteroid

Indication: Neoplasm, prevention of organ rejection, adjunctive management of n/v w/chemotherapy

Supression of inflammation and modification of normal immune response

SE: depression, euphoria, HTN, anorexia, nausea, acne, ↓wound healing, ecchymoses, fragility, petechiae, adrenal suppression, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, cushingoid appearance, peptic ulceration, thromboembolism

Assess for adrenal insufficiency [hypotension/weight loss/weakness/n/v/anoexia/lethargy/confusion/restlessness]. Monitor I/O, daily weight. Observe for peripheral edema/steady weight gain/rales and crackles/dyspnea. Assess for changes in LOC r/t cerebral edema. May ↓WBC, may cause hyperglycemia, ↓K+ and Ca++, ↑Na+, ↑cholesterol/lipids. Administer in the am [body’s normal Cortisol secretion]

Abruptly stopping may cause adrenal insufficiency. NOTIFY HCP if severe abd pain or tarry stools occur.