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51 Cards in this Set

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Start of Anterior compartment
what is the longest vein in the human body
Great saphenous vein
what vein is a tributary to the femoral vein
Great saphenous vein
what does pudenal mean
to be ashamed
what are the 3 tributaries to the great saphenous vein
1. external pudendal v.
2. superficial circumfles iliac v.
3. superficial epigastric v.
what does the external pudenal v. do
drains the penis and scrotum in male, the vulva and lower vagina in the female and the lower half of the anal canal
what does the circumflex iliac v. do
drains the lateral thigh
what does the superficial epigastric v. do
drains the anterior abdominal wall inferior to the umbilicus
what 2 areas can lymph nodes be found in the thigh
behind the knee or in the inguinal region
what are the name of nodes located behind the knee
popliteal nodes
how are the superficial inguinal nodes divided
2 groups
1. superior horizontal - drain the same structures as the 3 tributary veins do
2. inferior vertical- rest of the remaining superficial tissues
which cutaneous nerves supply the upper thigh region
1. Lateral, intermediate, and medial femoral cutaneous nerves
2. Ilioinguinal nerve
3. femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve
4. obturator nerve
what is the deep fascia of the thigh known as
fascia lata
what is a thin dense layer of connective tissue that surrounds the thighs like a pair of pantyhose
fascia lata
how many muscular compartments does the fascia lata create
3-medial, anterior and posterior
what forms the iliotibial tract
the aponeuroses of the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata muscles
what is the anterior compartment of the thigh comprised of
1. quadriceps femoris
2. sartorius muscles
3. femoral artery and its branches
4. femoral vein w/ tributaries
5. deep inguinal lymph nodes
what muscles make up the quadriceps femoris muscle
1. recus femoris
2. vastus lateralis
3. vastus intermedius
4. vastus medialis
where does the quadriceps femoris insert and what is its main function
all 4 muscles attach to the patella and function to extend the leg
what muscle in the quadriceps femoris can also flex the thigh because it crosses 2 joints
rectus femoris
what nerve innervates the quad. femoris
femoral nerve
what muscle functions to fles the thigh and leg and is known as the tailors' muscles
sartorius muscle
what surround the femoral vessels and some lymphatic vessels deep to the fascia lata and has 3 compartments
Femoral Sheath
what are the 3 compartments of the femoral sheath
1. Lateral compartment
2. middle comp.
3. medial comp.
what is located in the lateral compartment
femoral artery
what t is located in the middle compartment
femoral vein
what is located in the medial or femoral canal?
contains some lymph nodes and vessels
what is the superior opening of the femoral canal
the femoral ring
What is the continuation of the external iliac artery
femoral artery
how many branches does the femoral artery have
what are the names of the 4 branches of the femoral artery
1. external pudenal
2. superficial circumflex iliac
3. superficial epigastric
4. profunda femoris
what does the external pudenal a. supply
supplies the penis and scrotum in the male
the vulva and lover vagina in female plus lower half of anal canal in both sexes
what does the circumflex iliac a. supply
supplies the lateral thigh
what does the superficial epigastric supply
supplies the anterior abdominal wall inferior to the umbilicus
what does the profunda femoris supply
the 2 circumflex branches (lateral and medial) supply the hip joint and gluteal region. the 4 perforating arteries suppply the posterior and medial compartments of the thigh
what does the tributaries of the femoral v. do
drains the muscles in the anterior and medial compartments of the thigh and profunda femoris v
what deep structures in the thigh do the lymph nodes drain lymph from
penile urethra, glans penis, and glans clitoris
What is the base of the femoral triangle
inguinal ligament
what forms the lateral side of the femoral triangle
medial border of the sartorius m.
what forms the medial side of the femoral triangle
formed by the lateral border of the adductor longus m.
what are the contents of the femoral triangle
femoral artery and its branches
femoral vein and its tributaries
femoral nerve
femoral sheath and its contents
Start of medial compartment
start of medial comp.
what are the six muscles of the medial compartment
1. Gracilis m.
2. Pectineus m.
3. adductor longus m.
4. Adductor brevis m.
5. Adductor magnus m.
6. Obturator externus m.
where do these muscles originate from
anterior aspect of the os coxae and the obturator membrane
where are the insertions of the medial comp. muscles
the femur and tibia
what are the muscles of the medial comp innervated by
obturator nerve except the pectineus which is innervated by the femoral nerve
what arteries supply the muscles of the medial comp.
the obturator and profunda femoris arteries
what function do the muscles of the medial comp do
function to adduct and medially rotate the hip joint
what is the adductor canal
triangular shaped intermuscular tunnel approx. 6 in. long
what forms the adductor canal
1. lateral wall- vastus medialis
2. medial wall-adductor longus and adductor magnus
3. roof- sartoris
what are the contents of the adductor canal
1. Femoral a. and v.
2. saphenous a.
3. saphenous n.
4. nerve to the vastus medialis
what is the popliteal fossa
the space behind the knee joint