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115 Cards in this Set

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Captures what people are like

-its refers to the structures, propensites, and traits inside a person that explain characteristic patterns thought, emotion, and behavior


What people can do

Refers to the relatively stable capabilities people have

Cultural Values

Captures where people are from

Shared beliefs about modes of conduct in a given culture

Big Five Personality Dimersions







Dependable, Organized, Reliable

Has biggest postive influence on job performance

Prioritize accomplishment

Not Careless, Sloppy, Inefficient


Kind, Cooperative, sympathetic, helpful

Focus on getting along

Prioritize communion striving

Not Crtical, Callouts, rude, Selfish


Nervous, Moody, Emotional, Jealous

High negative affectivity

Negatively related to job performance

Not Clam Steady Relaxed at ease


Curious, Creative Complex refined

Dynamic and changing

Not- Simple unartistic, Traditional


Talkative, Sociable, Passionate, bold

Prioritize status striving

High positive effect

not- Quiet, Shy, inhibited, bashful

hofestedes Dimensions of Cultural values

Found employees working in different countries prioritize different values


Individualism vs collectivism

Power Distance

Uncertainty aviodance

Masculinity vs Femininity

Short term vs long term orientation


Loosely knit social framework people take care of themselves and family

Power Distance - power be distributed evenly where possible

Uncertainty Avoidance- tolerates uncertainty


tight knit social framework people take care of a broader group and are loyal

Power Distance- Power distributed unequally

Uncertainty Avoidance- Feels threatened by uncertain


Culture values stereotypically male traits making money and assertiveness


Values female traits such as caring for other and quality of life

Cognitive Ability

Capabilities related to the acquisition and application of knowledge

Includes Verbal, quantitative, reasoning, spatial, perceptual

Verbal Ability

Capabilities associated with understanding and expressing oral and written communication

Quantitative Ability

Math capabilities

Number Facility- capability to do math

Mathematical Reasoning- ability to apply formulas to solve problems that involve numbers

Reasoning Ability

Capabilities associated with solving problems using insight and logic

Sensitivity- sense there is a problem

Deductive- rules to solve problems

Originality- ability to develop novel ways to solve issues

Spatial Ability

Spatial orientation- having an understanding of where one is relative to other things

Visualization- how things would look if there put together

Perceptual Ability

Being able to understand and recall patterns


Explains why people who are high on one ability also tend to be high on others

Emotional Ability

Emotional Intelligence- ability that affects social functioning

Self awareness

ability to understand and express your own emotions

Other awareness (empathy)

Ability to understand others emotions

Emotion regulation

ability to recover quickly from emotional experiences

Use of emotions

ability to harness emotions and use them to improve situation


Two or more people who work interdependently to accomplish common goals

Work Teams

Designed to be relatively permanent

Created to produce goods or services

Full time

Management Teams

Designed to per permanent

Top management

Responsible for coordination activities in sub units

Parallel Teams

Composed of members from various jobs

Provide recommendations

Part Time Permanent or temp.

Project teams

One time task that are complex

Action Teams

Perform Task that are limited in duration

Sports teams

Stages of Team Development

Forming- Understand team

Storming- committed to own ideas triggers conflict

Norming- realixe they need to work together

Performing- get comfortable working within roles team makes progress

team Interdependence

Task- degree to which mmebers interact with and rely on other member for the information materials and resources needed to accomplish work for the team

Pool Interdependence

Work independently and it is piled up for an outcome

Sequential Interdependence

Interaction between members, task are done in order

Assembly line

Reciprocal Interdependence

Requires members to be specialized to perform specific task, interact to complete

Comprehensive interdependence

Highest level of coordination, members decide what they do and whom they interact

Team Composition

Member roles

Team task roles- directly facilitate accomplishments of team tasks

Building roles- influence social climate

Individualistic roles- benefit individual at the expense of the team

Member Ability and Personality

Ability- teams with who have higher cognitive ability perform better

Personality Traits- affect team function

Agreeable- promote positive attitudes

Extraverted- people are optimistic and more effective in interpersonal context

Team Diversity

Degree which members are different

Surface level- involves observable attributes

Deep- Level involves less observable attributes

Team Size

More member beneficial for management and project teams

Happiest with 4 or 5 members

Team Processes

Interactions that occur within teams and contribute to their end goals

Team Value

Process gain- getting more from the team that you would from its members

Process Loss- getting less from the team then from its members

Factors that contribute to Process loss

Coordination loss- memebers have to coordinate their activities consumes time and energy

Motivational loss- Member dont work as hard as they could

Taskwork Processes

Activities that relate to the accomplishment of team task

Two Types of Task Work Processes

Creative behavior- generating novel and useful ideas


Nominal group technique- write down ideas on their own and get together to share

Second Taskwork Processes

Decision Making

Three factors

Decision informity- whether members posses adequate info

Staff validity- make good recommendations to the leader

Hierarchical Sensitivity- leader weighs equally on recommendations

Teamwork Processes

interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment to teams work

Types of Teamwork Processes

Transition processes- focus on prep for future work

Action processes occur while taskwork is being accomplished

Interpersonal- important before, during, or in periods of task work

Team States

Feelings and thoughts in team members minds are a consequence of working together

Three Team states


Members develop emotional bonds to other members

Three Team States


when members believe the team can be effective across a variety of situations

Three team states

Mental Models

when members have a common understanding of aspects of the team and its task


use of power and influence to direct followers activities toward goal achievement


Capacity of one part to influence another party


Use of behaviors that cause changes in others

Legitimate power

comes from a position of authority

Reward Power

Control over the resources of rewards another person wants

Coercive power

control over punishments

Personal Power

Expert power- comes from expertise, skill, or knowledge

Referent power- when other have a desire to identify and be associated with a person

Influence of Leaders power

People in organizations have power because other depend on them information, resources, and cooperation

Contingency factors of influence

Sustainability- degree of alternatives to resources

Discretion- degree that leader has to make the right decisions

centrality- how many people depend on leader

Visibility- how aware are others of leaders power

Contingencies of Power

Influence increases when

No one has access to resources leader controls

Freedom to make decisions

Role is important

Others are aware of resources they can provide

Rational persuasion

using logical arguments and facts to show the request in worthwile

Inspirational Appeal

appealing to the targets values and ideals


allowing the target to participate in deciding how to carry out a request


helping the target complete the request

Influence Tactics

most successful when used in combination

Most effective when softer in nature

Conflict resolution

Two factors

How assertive the leader is in pursuing goals

How ooperative the leader is with regard to the concerns of others


HIgh A Low C one party attempts to complete their goals with out concern


Low A Low C one party wants to remain neutral


Low A high C- one party gives into the other


High A and C work together to maximize outcomes


Moderate A and C conflict is resolver through give and take concessions

Decision Making Style





Autocratic Style

leader makes decisions with out asking employees

Consultative Style

leader presents the problem to employees and ask opinions

Facilitative Style

leader presents the problem to employees and seeks consensus on solution

Delegative style

Employees are give decision making responsibilities

Day to Day leadership

Ohio State Studies

Initiating structure- when leader defines and structures employees roles

Consideration- when the leader creates relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect, and consideration

Michigan studies

identified production centered and employee centered leader behaviors

Framed their consepts as two ends of a continuum

Transnational Leaders

reward or punish followers for their performance

Passive- waits for mistakes to take action

Active monitors for mistakes

Contingent Reward- uses rewards to get follower agreement on what needs to be done

Transformational Leadership

Motivate to go above and beyond

Transform way work is viewed

Inspire followers to commit to a shared vision

Sets clear goals

Four Dimensions of Transformational Leadership

Idealized Influence

Earning the admiration and respect of followers causing followers to be like leader

Inspirational Motivation

fostering enthusiasm for the future

Intellectual Stimulation

Challenging followers to be creative

Individualized consideration

helping followers achieve their full potential through coach

Organizational Structure

Formally dictates how task are divider and coordinated between individuals and groups within the company

Work Specialization

The way tasks are divided into separate jobs

Assembly line

Chain of command

Represents the flow of authority down through the levels of an organizations structure

Span of Control

Represents how many employees the manager is responsible for in the organization


Reflects where decisions are formally made in organizations


Extent to which rules and procedures are used

Mechanistic Organizations

are efficient, rigid, predictable, standardized, thrive in stable environments

Organic Organizations

Flexible, adaptive, thrive in dynamic environments

Organizational Design

Process of creating, selecting, or changing the organizations structure

Bureaucratic Structures

exhibits characteristics of a mechanistic organization

Designed for efficiency

Usually in larger companies

Functional structures

Organizational form in which employees are grouped by the function they perform

Multi Divisional Structures

Grouped into divisions around products, location or clients

Geographic Structures

are generally based around the different locations where the company does business

Client Structures

Organized around serving customers

Matrix structure

are more complex of organizational design that tries to take advantage of two types at the same time

Organizational Culture

Shared social knowledge withing an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape employees attitudes and behaviors

Observable artifacts

manifestations of an organizations culture that employees can easily see


Physical Structure





Espoused values

beliefs philosophies and norms that a company explicitly

Enacted values

represent the values and norms that actually are exhibited or converted into employees behavior

Fragmented Culture

Distant and disconnected from each other

Mercenary culture

Employees think alik but are not friendly to one another

Communal Culture

employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently

Networked culture

employees are friendly and think a like

Strong Cultures

When employees agree about the way things are supposed to happen and their behaviors are consistent with those expectations

Attraction Selection Attrition ASA Framework

suggests employees will be attracted to organizational cultures that match their personality


Process of learning the social knowledge that enable employees to adapt to the organization culture

Changing Culture

Less the 20 percent successful

Changes leadership

Mergers and Acquisitions