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57 Cards in this Set

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- are subatomic particles that are positively charged

- they are found in the nucleus


- are subatomic particles that are neutrally charged

- they are found in the nucleus


- are subatomic particles that are negatively charged

- they are found outside of the nucleus

atomic number

is the number given on top of the element itself on the periodic table

1. Number of protons

2. Number of electrons

What does the atomic number tell you?


What is the charge of all atoms?

It tells you the number of protons plus the number of neutrons

What does the mass number tell you?

- It is given at the top left

Where is the mass number located?

James Chadwick

Which scientist discovered an isotope?

All of the atoms of an element are identical in terms of the number of their protons

- You have an isotope of an element that has the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons

What is an isotope?

Oxygen 18, and Oxygen 16

What is an example of isotope?

There goal is to become more stable as they radioactively decay

What is the function of protons and neutrons in the nucleus?

Alpha, beta, gamma

What kind of radioactivity do we have?

- It is a helium nucleus

- It is positive

- it is fairly big, bulky

- low energy

What does alpha radiation consist of?

- it is a fast moving electron

- it is negative

What does beta radiation consist of?

- it is neutral

- higher energy

What does gamma radiation consist of?


What is the penetrating power of alpha rays?

Aluminum Foil

What is the penetrating power of beta radiation?


What is the penetrating power of gamma radiation?

All radiation is stopped by lead

- gamma, beta, alpha

What kind of radiation is stop by lead?

Rutherford used alpha particles to discover and determine that atoms had a nucleus

Who used alpha particles? What did this scientist use alpha particles for?


- You could have different isotopes of uranium that are both alpha and beta emitters

True or False. Do different isotopes decay in different ways. If true, How?

Experiments, and Applied Science

How did we find out how different radiation isotopes decay, and their penetrating power?


What is the percent of naturally occurring radiation?

Marie and Henri Becquerel

Who coined the word radioactivity?

- They have radiation

- has an isotope that slower breaks down, and ionizes a chamber, so that if smoke particles enters it

- they cause a signal to buzz

What do smoke detectors have?

- You can use radiation (alpha) to kill cancer cells

- non-invasive

- chances of getting an infection is less

- metabolic screening

What are medical advantages of radiation therapy?

Gamma or maybe Beta

If cancer cells are in your body, what type of radiation therapy would you need?

alpha radiation

What type of radiation therapy would you use for skin cancer?

- Gamma radiation

- it kills the fungus or bacteria on the outside of the vegetable

What type of radiation would you use to increase the shelf life of vegetables? What does it do?

- it increases the shelf life

- people making can get profits

- they can get more food

- they can sell more food

- they can drop the prices of the food

What is the advantageous of using radiation for food?

- Wilhelm Roetengen

- give you the ability to look inside a human being to see if there are any illnesses

- without having to use a scalpel to open them up

How discovered X-Rays? What do X-Rays do?

using radioisotopes to give out gamma rays inside your body to determine where the gamma rays are

- then back track and calculate the location of the gamma rays

What is Positron Emission Tomography?

- make nuclear weapons

- ultimate energy using it to make electricity

What can use with radiation industrially?


What is Einstein's equation?

Uncontrolled: Explosion of a bomb

Controlled: Medical therapy

What is the difference between using radiation in a controlled faction or a uncontrolled faction?

- bomb victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings

- following them longitudinally year after year

- watching what medical problems that incur

- comparing with individual in Japan that were NOT affected by the U.S. bombing

How have we been able to study the effects of bombs (radiation) on the human body?

The genetics of a human

What does radiation affect in the human body?

- Scientist use the waste products to create medicines

When discovering how to get rid of nuclear (plutonium) weapons, what was discovered?

- The Periodic table

What did Mendelev invent?


What is reactivity associate with?

- Elements that are in the same column, react similarly with each other

What happens in the columns of the periodic table?

- it is a great predictive tool

What are the advantageous of the periodic table?

It tells you the energy level and shell electrons are in

- tells you how many electrons are found in that particular energy level

What does the rows in the periodic table tell you? What does columns tell you about electrons?

1. To get a close to the nucleus as possible to gain stability

2. to stay away from other electrons, because like charges repel

What do electrons do for a living?

The rainbow

- Where one color blurs into another, and so on

- You cannot see where one color ends and the other begins

What is a continuous spectrum?

- If got the right element with they right chemical, and you set fire to it, it gives you different colors

How do fireworks work?

When you take a particular element, and energize it with electricity, you will get a particular color

(Color, black line, Color, black line, Color, black line, Color)

- there are 4 lines

How are line spectrums formed?

- Number of electrons found in an element

- number of electrons is dependent on the element you are dealing with

- electrons become a fingerprint

What is line spectrum deal with?

- They are giving out packets of energy in an effort to get back to the nucleus (to become stable)

- these packets of energy creates color (the line spectrum)

What does electrons do in line spectrum?

Niels Bohr

Who was the first scientist to hypothesize the line spectrum phenomena?

it tells you that every element has its own line spectra

What is the significance of line spectrum?

Quantitative: The intensity of the lines tell you how much of an element is in a substances, can tell if it is going up or down

Qualitative: Tells you what element is in a substance

How can the line spectrum be quantitative and qualitative?

Science: How Electrons react with energy

Applied Technology: Using the results of line spectra to perform diagnosis on human beings

What can line spectrum do in regards to Science and applied technology?

Is the time taken for half of the material present to decay away

What is a half-life?

1. 50 atoms left over

2. 25 atoms left over

If you start with 100 atoms of Phosphorus-32, and you wait 14 days (which is the half-life), you will have how many atoms left over? How about another 14 days?

After 10 half-lives, all of the radiation will away

What is the rule of 10?