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74 Cards in this Set

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A combination of excessive self-love and a lack of caring about others

Illusion of Control

Almost everyone overestimates how much control they have over things (relationships, ,etc.)

Positive Illusions

Almost everyone overestimates how skilled, knowledgeable and desirable they are

Depressive Realism

Depressed individuals tend to more accurately describe their abilities and control

Dunning- Kruger Effect

Unskilled individuals mistakenly perceive their skill as higher than it is but skilled individuals mistakenly perceive their skill as lower than it is

Intristic Motivation

Engaging in something because you enjoy it or find it interesting not because of external rewards or pressures

Extrinstic Motivation

Engaging in something because of external pressures or rewards not because of interests in the activity.

Loss of Intristic Motivation

Having extrinstic motives cause one to lose intristic motives

Overjustification Effect

People often overestimate how much their own behavior was externally motivated

Attribution Theory

How we infer causes of our own and others' behavior

Internal Attriubution

Explaining behavior as being caused by traits, dispositions or attitudes

External Attriubution

Explaining behavior as being caused by the situation or immediate environment

Self-serving Attribution

We take credit for good things and blame others on bad things (ex. games and tests)

Defensive Attriubution

Explanations for behavior that defend us against feelings of vulnerability and fear of mortality

Covariation Model of Attribution Theory

People make judgements of others based on multiple observations of behavior at different times and in different situations.


How frequently someone performs a behavior in response to a target


How often other people perform that behavior in response to the target


Whether the behavior toward the target seems to only occur in certain situations

Classic Definition of Dissonance

Feelings of discomfort caused by bolding 2 or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values

Modern Definition of Dissonance

Feelings of discomfort caused by performing actions that are discrepent with one's self concept


Thinking about one's own positive qualities or personal values.

Post decision Dissonance

After making a complex decision (one that has pros and cons), people tend to enhance the attractiveness of the choice they made

Decision Importance

Decisions that are more important are more acceptable to dissonance

Irrevocability Hypothesis

Decisions that cant be easily changed lead to more dissonance


At first offering a product at a low price, subsequently claiming the price was in error and then raising the price

Belief in a just world

People very much like to believe that the world is naturally just

Blaming the victim

Thinking that victims are responsible for what happened to them

Justification of Effort

The more work someone puts into something, the more they will like it

Ben Franklin Effect

If someone does a favor for you, you will like them more afterward


People describe and treat their enemies as less than humans

Counterattitudal Advocacy

Saying things turn into believing them (including lies)

Insufficient Punishment

When punishment are lesser than expected people often justify good behavior with internal justifications

(The cop only gave me a warning, i know i was going too fast which is dangerous)


A long lasting form of attitude change that results from attempts at self justification

Hypocrisy Induction

Encouraging people to think about how their behavior is inconsistent with what theyre saying

Vicarious Dissonance

Experiencing dissonance over an issue that someone you know and like is experiencing dissonance over


Evaluations or people, objects or ideas

Cognitive based attitude

An attitude based mainly on beliefs about the properties of an object

Affectively based attitude

An attitude based mainly on people's feelings about the object


When a person, object or idea co-occurs with positive or negative feelings, it will later provoke those positive or negative feelings on its own

Pesuasive Communication

A communication such as a message that advocates for a particular attitude

Source Credibility

Credible sources such as experts are more persuasive than non credible sources

Source Attractiveness

Attractive people are more persuasive than less attractive people

Perceived Persuasive Intention

People are more persuaded when they dont think someone is trying to persuade them

Two-sided Arguements

People are more persuaded if it appears that both sides of an issue are being considered

Early Exposure

People are more persuaded by arguments they hear first


Distracted people are easier to persuade (TV commercials)


People are persuaded by different information differently depending on how much they think about it (elaborate on) the message

Central Route

The route used when people engage in a lot of elaboration

Peripheal Route

The route used when people dont engage in a lot of elaboration

Self Validation theory

People like arguments that validate what they already feel such as in terms of certainty

Explicit Attitudes

Consciously endorsed and easily reported

Implicit Attitudes

Involuntary, uncontrollable and at times unconscious. The default when there is no motivation ,time o ability to consciously decide

Systematic Route

Critically analyzing information, looking for logical connections or inconsistencies

Heurisitic Route

Relying on environmental features and cognitive shortcuts to understand information


Cognitive shortcuts for making judgments

Availability Heuristics

Easily remembered information is more influential

Represntativeness Heuristics

Things that are more similar to a prototype /exemplar are more influential.

Fear- arousing communication

Messages intended to promote fear in order to change attitudes or behavior

Attitude innoculation

The more time someone has spent rationalizing their own attitude, the more resistant they are to persuasion

Product Placement

Using logos and identificable products in tv shows and movies

Reactance Theory

When people feel their freedom to perform a behavior is threatened, it causes them to feel a discomfort that is reduced by performing a behavior

Intention behavior gap

Attitudes only sometimes predict behavior

Theory of planned behavior

Explained by three things: attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavoral control

Subliminal Messaging

Priming images or words without someone's awareness in order to try to influence people

Existenial Social Psychology

How thinking about the nature of our exsistance affects our thoughts, feeling and behaviors and socialize

Meaning Motivation

People seem to have a basic desire to feel like things are meaningful and "make sense"

Cultural Values

Social values that indicate which objects actions, and beliefs are good or bad, right or wrong


People's evaluation of their own self-worth

Mortality Salience

An experimental manipulation to make people think about death

Death thought accesibility (DTA)

How easily people can think of death


Positive feelings of the past

Fluid Compensation

People just need to feel certain about things in general (themselves )

This is why self-affirmation works

Coalitional pshychology

People value things only so they can be accepted into a social group and reproduce

Meaning Maintenance Model

People are compelled to make things meaningful and apply values in order to make things meaningful