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15 Cards in this Set

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Alteplase (t-Pa)
Tissue plasminogen activator/thrombolytic

Indications: acute MI/CVA/pulmonary emboli/acute ischemic stroke

Mechanism of action: binds fibrin and converts plasminogen to plasmin which breaks fibrin, dissolving the thrombus.


Nursing considerations:Tx for CVA w/in 3HR. of onset of symptoms
Monitor blood pressure/HR/ and minimize bleeding
Continuous ECG for arrhythmias [sudden reperfusion of myocardium]
Advise pt to limit physical activity to ↓risk of injury/bleeding
Delavirdine (Rescritor)
Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)

Category: antiviral

Indications: tx HIV infection

SE: rash, liver function changes, pruritis

Nursing considerations:
Monitor hepatic enzymes [hepatotoxicity], BUN/serum creatnine [impaired renal function], and IV site for phlebitis/pain [d/t ↑pH of solution].
Monitor for s/s of opportunistic infections
Antacids will ↓antiviral absorption [administer 1hr. before and 2hr. after].
Oral contraception may be ineffective.
Dexamethasone (Decadron)
Synthetic adrenocortical steroid

Class: anti-inflammatory/diagnostic aid/immunosuppressant

Indications: acute episodes/exacerbations of rheumatic disorders [RA/systemic lupus erythematosus]

Mechanism of action: binds intracellular glucocorticoid receptors and suppresses inflammatory and immune response.

↓neutrophil/monocyte accumulation at site of inflammation

Stabilize lysosomal membrane
↓AG response of macrophage/T cells

↓synthesis of cytokines, IL, and prostaglandins that promote inflammation.

SE: problems with vision, swelling/rapid weight gain/ feeling SOB, depression, convulsive seizure, blood in sputum, hypokalemia [confusion/arrhythmias/extreme thirst/↑urination/muscle weakness], ↑BP [severe HA/blurred vision/anxiety/confusion/chest pain/SOB/seizure], n/v, insomnia, dry/thinning/bruising/discoloration of skin.

Nursing implications:
Give in am to correspond w/natural Cortisol secretion
Avoid SQ injection [may cause atrophy & sterile abscess]
Do not stop abruptly; taper. Prolonged use may cause adrenal suppression
Monitor I/O and daily weight. Assess for crackles/dyspnea/peripheral edema/steady weight gain
Monitor hematology
Disulfiram (Antabuse)
Alcohol abuse tx

Indications: adjunct for chronic alcoholism

Mechanism of action:↓hepatic oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate (EtOH catabolism)

SE: HEPATIC TOXICITY/drowsiness/HA/peripheral neuropathy/psychotic rx/garlic or metallic taste/optic atrophy/rash

Nursing implications:
Only for pt that are highly motivated
Check pt EtOH levels
Don’t give w/in 14 days of alcohol ingestion
EtOH ingestion >500mg/day may cause respiratory depression/arrhythmias/cardiac arrest
Etanercept (Enbrel)
Tumor necrosis factor receptor

Disease modifying antirheumatoid (DMARD)

Indications: To slow disease progression of RA

Mechanism of action: soluble TNF receptor binds circulating TNF before it binds cell surface

SE: INFECTION/HA/rhinitis/upper resp. tract infection/site rx

Nursing considerations:
Avoid live virus vaccines [↓immune response/↑2dary transmission]
Monitor immunosuppression for acute infection
Mannitol (Osmitrol)

Indications: ↓intracranial/intraocular pressure

Mechanism of action: ↑plasma osmolality causing water to flow from tissues [brain/eyes/CNS] into extracellular fluid = ↓in pressure

SE: transient volume expansion/ chills/dizziness/fever/HA/seizures/HTN/↑HR/n/v/diarrhea/urinary retention/dehydration/hyper-kalemia/natremia/volemia/metabolic acidosis

Nursing indications:
Monitor VS, central NS pressure, fluid I/O q1hr, monitor BUN/creatnine/electrolyte levels
Mouth care for dry mouth
Methadone (Methadose)
Opiate agonist

Indications: management of narcotic detoxification

Mechanism of action: binds/activates opioid receptors in spinal cord/high levels of CNS to produce feelings of analgesia/euphoric effects

SE: confusion/sedation/hypotension/constipation

Nursing considerations:
Assess current drug use [prescription/illicit/OTC]
Monitor for excessive drowsiness/unsteadiness/confusion.
Monitor cardiopulmonary status [frequent tx can cause resp. /circ. depression, cardiac/resp. arrest/shock/hypotension
Monitor for tolerance
Methotrexate (Trexall)
Antirheumatic (DMARDs)

Indications: rapid anti-inflammatory to ↓clinical symptoms of RA

Mechanism of action: ↓folic acid metabolism↓immunosuppressive effects by ↓replication/function of T cells.

SE: anorexia/hepatoxicity/n/v/anemia/leukopenia/thrombocytopenia/nephropathy/APLASTIC ANEMIA

Nursing implications:
Monitor CBC/chemistry panel/liver function test
Encourage 2-3L of fluid intake daily
Report to PCP if bruising/chills/cough/fever/dark or bloody urine/SOB/mouth sores/or jaundice eyes occur
Tell female pt that pregnancy is contraindicated [harmful to fetus]
Report WBC counts <5000/mm3 [SE: leucopenia]
Naltrexone (reVia)
Opioid antagonist

Indications: to tx opioid dependence, EtOH craving/dependence

Mechanism of action: displaces/blocks opioid agonists from binding receptors; reverses euphoric effect of endogenous opioids [↓EtOH craving]

SE: nausea and hepatotoxicity

Nursing implications:
To avoid withdrawal symptoms wait 7-10days after last dose
Give w/food or antacids to ↓GI rx
Some pt may require tx up to 1yr.
Phenytoin (Dilantin)

Indications: to tx tonic-clonic/simple/or complex partial seizures in pt with no prior tx

Mechanism of action: ↓spread of seizure activity; ↓ start of new seizures by regulating voltage dependent Na+ and Ca++ channels

SE: ataxia/diplopia/nystagmus/hypotension/nausea/rash/AGRANULCYTOSIS/APLASTIC ANEMIA/STEVENS-JOHNSONS SYNDROME

Nursing Implications:
Assess for hypersensitivity syndrome [fever/skin rash/lemphadenopathy]
Monitor cardiopulmonary, CBC/serum Ca++/albumin/hepatic function tests
Prednisone (Deltasone)
Systemic short acting corticosteroids

Indications: anti-inflammatory/autoimmune

Mechanism of action: ↓inflammation and modify normal immune response

SE: depression/euphoria/HTN/anorexia/nausea/↓wound healing/muscle wasting/PEPTIC ULCERATON/THROMBOEMBOLI

Nursing implications:
Monitor C-reactive protein for changes in inflammation
Monitor I/O, daily weight. Observe for peripheral edema.
Saquinavir (Invirase)
Protease inhibitor/antiretroviral

Indications: ART-HIV

Mechanism of action: ↓HIV protease and prevents viral polyproten in cleavage [↑CD4+ ↓viral load]

SE: SEIZURES/STEVENS-JOHNSONS SYNDROME/abd discomfort/diarrhea/↑liver enzymes/jaundice/nausea

Nursing implications:
Assess for infection
Monitor CD4+ and viral load
May cause hyperglycemia
Take w/in 2hr of a meal [↓food =↓blood concentrations = no antiviral activity]
Sulfasalazine (Azulfidine)

Indications: tx for RA pt unresponsive/intolerant to salicylates/NSAIDs

Mechanism of action: ↓prostaglandin synthesis = ↓inflammation


Nursing implications:
Take w/food+water
May cause dizziness w/driving
Notify HCP if skin rash/sore throat/fever/mouth sores/unusual bleeding, bruising, wheezing, hives, acute abd pain, cramping, bloody diarrhea, photosensitivity, orange-yellow urine occur
Valproate (Depakote)

Indications: tx for simple-complex/complex partial/absent seizures

Mechanism of action: ↑GABA and ↓ of seizure activity

SE: agitation/dizziness/HA/insomnia/sedation/visual disturbance/anorexia/diarrhea/indigestion/n/v/tremor/HEPATOTOXICITY/PANCREATITIS/HYPERAMMONEMIA

Nursing implications:
Take w/food
Notify HCP if anorexia, abd pain, sever n/v, jaundice eye/skin, fever, sore throat, malaise, weakness, facial edema, lethargy, unusual bleeding/bruising, pregnancy.
Monitor hepatic function [LDH/AST/ALT/bili], serum NH3+
Zidovudine (AZT)
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor/antiretroviral

Indications: HIV/↓maternal-fetal transmission

Mechanism of action: ↓viral RNA synthesis by ↓DNA polymerase /prevents viral replication

SE: HA/weakness/abd pain/diarrhea/nausea/anemia/granulocytopenia/SEIZURE

Nursing implications:
Assess for infection
Monitor viral load and CD4+