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34 Cards in this Set

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The earths outer core is solid and the inner core is liquid

False! The outer core is liquid, Inner core is solid

Tectonic plates movement is a result of convention currents in the mantle

True! The plates move because of convection currents in the Earth's mantle. These are driven by the heat produced by the decay of radioactive elements and heat left over from the formation of the Earth

The material that constitutes the earth's surface plates is the asthenossphere?


Compare and contrast constitutional crust and oceanic crust

Oceanic crust: Heavier/denser

Continental crust: lighter/ less dense

Beneath these two crust, lays the lithosphere (oceanic lithosphere and continental crust) the lithosphere is very strong, rigid layer and its part crust and part uppermost mantle. both crusts are able to float on the magma. The continental crust floats much more freely on the magma. The continental crust is much thicker when compared to the oceanic crust.

Know what the core, mantle and crust is very well

3.) Crust: light/floats (Earth relatively thin, rocky outer skin, is of two different types - Continental crust and oceanic crust.

2.) Mantle: in between (more than 82% of earths volume is contained in the mantle, a solid, rocky shell that extends)

The upper mantle can be divided into three different parts: lithosphere (stronger), then beneath it asthenosphere (weaker), and transition zone.

3.) Core: heavy/sinks (Iron and nickel)

The core consist of two different regions:

Outer core

Inner core

Flows of liquid iron-nickel, generates electronic currents which produces magnetic fields.

Protects life, defeats radiation coming from space

The crust and upper part of the mantle together make up the


The San Andreas Fault is a

Transform fault

Compared to the continental crust the oceanic crust is

Thicker and denser

Based on scientific evidence, the earth is?

4.6 billion years old

What type of plate boundary is Rift Valley


Volcano island arcs are associated with

Ocean continent convergent plate boundary's

The Hawaiian islands formed at a

areas where the plates come together, sometimes volcanoes will form. Volcanoes can also form in the middle of a plate, where magma rises upward until it erupts on the seafloor, at what is called a “hot spot.” The Hawaiian Islands were formed by such a hot spot occurring in the middle of the Pacific Plate.

Physical geology

Examines materials composing the earth and seeks to understand the processes that operate below and above the surface.

Can tell us how mountains are formed and how earthquake happen and why volcano eruptions happen

Historical geology

To understand the origin of the earth and its development through time in chronological order.

James Hutton and uniformitarianism

The Birth of modern geology.

Published theory of the earth in 1795

In the book he introduced the principle of uniformitarianism - the geological processes operating at present are the same processes that operated in the past.

Different areas of geological study

Seismology- earthquakes

Volcanology - volcanos

Astrogeology - other planets

Engineering geology - building safety codes

Hydrogeology - surface water & grounds

Geochemistry - chemical composition of water, minerals, and rocks.

What is geology

The scientific study of the earth ( from the atmosphere down to the center of the earth)

Divided into two broad areas:

Physical and historical geology

Draw a cross section from the surface down to the earth core. Label!

Radioactive decay and residual heat in the earths interior.

Radioactive decay - heat is released in this process

Residual heat - heat that remains after something has been hot or heated up.

50% from formation of the earth during the development of our solar system and

50% from decay of naturally occurring radioactive elements

Tectonic forces and tectonic plates

Tectonic forces - forces generated from within the earth (heat) that result in uplift, movement, or deformation of earth's crust.

Tectonic plates - The lithosphere, which is the rigid outermost shell of a planet (the crust and upper mantle), is broken into tectonic plates.

The three types of plate boundaries?

There are three kinds of plate tectonic boundaries: divergent, convergent, and transform plate boundaries

Divergent boundary, two tectonic plates move away from each other. Not unlike how same magnetic poles repel each other.

As the plates moves, deep fissures are created in the earth's crust.

Magma oozes up from the mantle into the gap and hardens, forming new crust

Convergent boundary, two tectonic plates collide head on. Imagine two quarterbacks who tackle each other head on. As they make contact, the force of the impact ripples through both of their bodies. This force also ripples through the plates, causing earthquakes when they collide.

When plates collide, one of two possible things happens:

The edges of the plates buckle up into a mountain range.

Transform boundary, two plates slide against each other. It's like grinding two bricks together; both get damaged and there is a lot of friction.

Rocks along the boundary are pulverized and a brand new linear fault valley or undersea canyon appears. Not to mention the severe earthquakes that happen as a result.

Why does subduction occur?


One plate sinks beneath the other.

Dense oceanic crust sinks into mantle

Why tectonic plates move?

Tectonic plates move because they are floating on top of the liquid mantle. The mantle itself moves due to convection currents: hot rock rises, gives off some heat, then falls. This creates vast swirls of moving liquid rock under the crust of the earth, which jostles the plates of crust on top.

Gravity provides additional force to move plates

Scientific method: know the steps and what is s hypothesis?

1.) State the problem or things you want to find out

Develop a question you want to answer

2.) research and gather information

Find out what is already known about your subject, & make your own observations.

3.) form hypothesis

An educated guess or possible answer to your question that is based on your research

This may or may not be correct

Start with "I think.., I predict...,

4.) test a hypothesis (experiment)

An organized process used to test your hypothesis

5.) Record analyze the data

Use your 5 senses in order to make observations.

Use various tools in order to improve or extend your power of observation

You data tables to keep track of measurements and graphs to identify trends in the data

6.) draw conclusions

A judgment based on the results of an experiment.

Explain what the data means

Origin of the universe

1.) Big Bang - 13.7 billion years ago (massive explosion)

2.) Debris from explosion cooled down & condense into the first stars & galaxies

3.) Milky Way (one of the many galaxies) is where our solar system and earth formed.

Origin of summer solar system

Dust+gas starts gravitationally colaspe somewhere inside the Milky Way.

Flattened rotating clouds of dust+gas.

Heat is formed in center during the collapse (pre-sun)

Cooling of the rotating clouds of dust + gas caused material to condense into tiny particles.

Repeated collision caused the tiny particles to join and form asteroid size bodies, then into planets within million of yrs.

Origin of the earth

Formed by collision with asteroid in space. - 4.6 billion years ago.

Gravitational separation

Into 3 layers

a.) crust

B.) mantle

C.) core

Heavy things are dense and they head to the center of the earth.

Lighter things float to the top.

Origin of the moon

Foreign by collision of large objects with earth

Debris form the collision come together to create the moon

This all happened when the earth

Origin of the moon

Foreign by collision of large objects with earth

Debris form the collision come together to create the moon

This all happened when the earth

Origin of the ocean and atmosphere

Ancient volcanoes irruption we're releasing large quantities of gaseous material from the earths interior

Gas relief by volcanoes contained water, carbon dioxide, and other chemicals.

How was earth keep balance with new oceanic lithosphere sphere being formed

At subduction zones, the edge of the denser plate subducts, or slides, beneath the less-dense one. The denser lithospheric material then melts back into the Earth's mantle.

The two forces roughly balance each other, so the shape and diameter of the Earth remain

What causes seafloor spreading

Sea-floor spreading is what happens at the mid-oceanic ridge where a divergent boundary is causing two plates to move away from one another resulting in spreading of the sea floor. As the plates move apart, new material wells up and cools onto the edge of the plates.

Alfred Wegener and continental drift

Continental drift -

The gradual movement of the continents across the earth surface pro geological time.

Continental drift in the theory that explains how confirmation of positions on earth surface

Set forth in 1912 by Alfred wegener, a geophysicist and meteorologist

Continental drift also explain why look-alike animals and land fossils, i'm similar rock formations, are found on different continents

Now the evidence for continental drift

Continents fit to get a like a puzzle

Geology matches up some mountain ranges and types of rock material to match up (same age)

Fossils matchup