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27 Cards in this Set

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Descriptive statistics

____________ is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the data

ex. Min, mean, max, etc.


the science of data is called __________

and it is a way of reasoning.

Types of Data

Data Warehouses, transactional data, big data, and data mining are all _____________.
physical places
data warehouses are _______________
transactional data
________________ is data that can be observed
data mining
______________ is predictive analytics used to find relationships
Business Analytics

_______________ is any use of data and statistical analysis such as predictive and descriptive.
predictive analysis

________________ tries to predict future transactions.
descriptive analysis

____________ tries to describe populations using samples.
variations, business decisions

Understanding _____________ is essential to making ________________.
the ________________ of data contexts is the population of interest.
the ________________ of data contexts that is: what is the variable?
the ________________ of data contexts is: Why are you doing the study? What do you want to determine? and the problem at hand.
Qualitative and Quantitative

the types of variables are __________ and _______________.
_______________ variables are categorical (can be put into categories) and descriptive.

______________ variables are numerical and have scatterplot values.
Data is ________________if there is no natural order between the categories (eg eye colour)
Data is _____________ if an ordering exists (eg exam results, socio-economic status)
Cross Sectional Data

________________ is data collected at 1 moment in time.
Times Series Data

_________________ looks at data over time and it could help forecast future sales.
Inferential Statistics
________________ is statistics when we use a sample to make decisions and draw conclusions to prove a point.
Surveys, Meta Data, observational (transactional), and experiments

_______________, _______________, ________________, and ______________ are all ways to collect data.
_____________ are people who answer survey's.
____________ people who participate in an experiment.
experimental units

____________________ are animals, plants, and websites.
Relational database

_______________- is 2 or more data tables related so the information can spread across them
Identifier variables

_________________ are key codes such as the code (CSE).