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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the most important necessary for improving women's conditions?

political change.education,religious transformation,development science & technology

Which countries do Williams & Best find they have positive views of women?

Brazil & Italy

Countries with female deities were seen as prominent figures that were powerful and virtuous.They were viewed as more positive

Why do men and women have different life experiences?

Primarily due to social construct

Benokraitis & Feagon study on subtle sexism

We internalize negative culture regarding women inferiority.

Ex.The perception when men walk in a group=no thoughts or messages

Women in a group =plotting,conspiracy,malicious

"Deficiency" of women

Comes from research about biology about sex differences .It was about of bunch bulllshit that was bias to men.

Women are seen as lack of motivation,confidence,fear of success and desire for children.

What influences sex roles?

nuture/envroment.social construct.

What is social constructlism

Believes that human behavior is not soley biologically determined bit rather arise in response to historical,cultural and social conditions.

Behavior is viewed as more agreeable to change .

-Provided negative social environment altered

How to sterotypes influence our information

Stereotypes influence how information from the environment is perceived ,stored or remembered and transmitted.

What Judge-Christian group ascribe that women are all things inferior

Hebrew or Pharises

what Judeo-Christian story seems to set up patriarchy?

Adam & Eve

What religion scapegoat women for orgin of son


According to the text,what religious leader had the most progressive views on women?


What did Freud view as gender determination?

Superiority of male phallus,female was biologically inferior to males

What is males greatest fears according you Freud?

Castration anxiety(Opdopus complex)

What is estrogen & Progesterone.

What are the functions?

Estrogen:Critical for development of female charatacterstics

Progrsterone-Regulate the menstrual cycle and prepares the uterus for implantation of the embryo and pregnancy when puberty is reached

Study Shows which organs is the most determined for psycho social developments?

The brain

Caroll and Wolfe study regarding female babies worldwide what did it find?

They found 60 Mil female babies not acccounted for because the neglect recivived which was less medical treatment and less food

What are the chromosones make up for female & Male


Female XX both equal up to 23 chromosones

What is intersex

They either have one or and extra chromosome.

Some be born with testicular and ovarian tissue

where does the word hermaphodite come from?

Greek mythology.Hermes and Aphrodite made baby that had feminineand masuline features

What are Wolffian ducts & Mullien

a)At 6 weeks male &female have both ducts

b)WD:male system develops under influences of testosterone which is a mullerian-inhibiting substance that cause the mullerian system to degenerate develops into malr internal male organs