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28 Cards in this Set

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Routine Activity Theory

Which theory examines patterned convergences of motivated offenders, suitable targets, and an absence of capable guardianship as explanations of crime rates?

few victims called police

It should be understood that to be on certain streets and areas is entering into the street hustler world and certain risks associated with that need to be accepted. This view was confirmed when _________.

heavy traffic and anonymity of impoverished life

allows offenders convenience and opportunities to get close to victims?


type of understandings of place includes degrees of ownership, attachment, and allegiance


number one thing inhabitants of drug corners are prepared for

Defencible space

How people interpret their places

Living on skid row

used to describe someone who spends a lot of time on the streets and lives life according to how the street culture dictates it


almost always associated with violent career criminals who spend most of their leisure time in impoverished neighborhoods with open-air drug markets

Sanitizing the Concsious

psychological process is one of the most important elements in the decision to commit crime?

Drug dealers

popular target for robbing in impoverished neighborhoods


Conditions linking place to crime are more likely to occur in the most impoverished communities.


Often with early exposure to crime, one possesses the mindset that hinders rationalization of crime.


Street offenders often have a strong kinship with their neighborhoods and attach strong meanings to them. They are familiar with their places and relatively comfortable with the rules of conduct there.


Criminal events that are otherwise rare in occurrence can occur quite often in the same geographic place.

Greater access to potential victims

For individuals with deviant/criminal intentions, the expansion of the Internet has created

Bullying victimization

As technology such as cell phones and laptop computers become more accessible for youth, it is not surprising to see an increase in

Text Messaging

In a study by Raskauskas and Stoltz, it was found that the most common form of electronic victimization was by

Improved Self Esteem

Research of the influence of victimization resulting from traditional bullying includes all but which one of the following consequences

Cyber predators seek out underage victims using

caring for cyber pets web pages

interactive game sites

social networking sites

Worst case scenario involving "swatting" c

The victim is hurt or killed by lw enforcement

A 2005 survey by the National Children's Home Charity and Tesco Mobile of 700 youth reported what percentage of the respondents reported cyber-bullying victimization

20 %

According to the National Crime Victims Center, cyber stalkers may target their victims in

Discussion Forums

Chat Rooms



Cyber stalking is as much of a threat to victims as stalking in the real world leaving the victim vulnerable to anxiety, mental anguish, physical harm, and even homicide.


The Internet has allowed terrorist groups to operate in a virtual electronic world that provides them with numerous advantages for communication and coordination efforts, as well as assist in their ongoing development and expansion efforts.


Studies have linked traditional bullying victimization to the most serious form of school violence, school shootings

A -----> B

Casual Relationship

Studying ---> higher score

John Stuart Mills -- Casual relationship exits

1. the cause preceded the effect.

2. the cause was related to the effect.

3. we can find no plausible alternative explanation for the effect other than the cause.

Between 1985- 1993 3 major works appeared

James Q Wilson & Richard Herrnstein

* Crime &Human Nature (1985)

Michael Gottfredson $Travis Hirschi

* A General Theory of Crime (1990)

Terrie Moffitt

*Developmental Taxonomy Theory (1993)

social roots of crime --> individual choice/ deficit