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33 Cards in this Set

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Real self

inner core of personality

Despised self

part of personality that consists of our inferiority and short comings-based on others negative evaluations of us


separating different personalities types into categories


develops to deal w the real world, operates on the "reality principle", both conscious and unconscious, defense mechanism

Superman complex

unhealthy sense of responsibility, more males then females, rarely ask for advice, Know-It-All mentality

Karen Horney

*"womb envy"

*real self, despised self and ideal self

*basic anxiety-passive, aggressive and withdrawn

Carl Jung

collective unconscious


MBTI-based on his theories

Cinderella complex

fear of being alone, damsel in distress, helpless felling at times, learned helplessness


pushes threatening thoughts into unconscious


Thematic Apperception Test

Ice sculpture

similar to egg shell, hard to read,withdrawn


bully, domineering, focus on negative, rarely compliment, yell and loose temper

Alfred Adler

family constellation (birth order)

3 fundamental social issues that need to be addressed: occupational tasks, societal tasks, love tasks

Napoleon complex

"Little Corporal", inferiority complex, over compensates to gain greater sense of self worth, argumentative, opinionated


core personality-operates on "pleasure principle", totally unconscious

Peter Pan complex

adult who exhibits extreme childlike behavior, shy away from responsibilities, stay in fantasy world


expert in everything, little patience, dominate meetings and discussions, quick to shoot down others ideas

Anna Freud

brought Ego into focus-influenced more by social environment, states that Ego could be more proactive and independent functioning,

considered a found of Psychoanalytic Child Psychology

refugee look


develops to internalize rules and guide behavior, moral compass, maily unconscious but part of conscious


anxiety arousing impulses are externalized by passing them onto others


mistakes nag, take workplace to the extreme, focus -2 not +98

Ideal self

what we view as perfection, what we hope to achieve

Egg shell

very fragile, want to be the victim all the time, delicate personality


Dream analysis

3 types of dreams

Flying dreams- >90% are known as lucid, person feels like they can manipulate the environment...trouble flying-frustration and lack of confidence, afraid to fly-trouble keeping up with goals, flying with others or alone, frightened/scared, multi-level flight

Falling dreams-loss of control, 5x in a lifetime, types-loosing balance, being pushed, location and how you fell is important

Chasing dreams- stem from anxiety in life, reactions parallel how you handle stress in life


Adler's Family Constellation

*ONLY CHILD-parents have no previous experience, child retains 200% of attention, independent, prefers adult company, "spoiled"

*OLDEST CHILD-dethroned and has to learn to share, parents set high expectations,helps younger siblings

*MIDDLE CHILD-"sandwiched", "squeezed", even-tempered, self-esteem/identity issues

*YOUNGEST CHILD-"baby of the family", spoiled, set high expectations for themselves maybe unrealistic

5 challenging personality types and overview

1. Locomotive-bully, domineering, focus of negative, rarely compliment, yell, lose temper

2. Know-it-all-expert on everything, little patience, dominate meetings, quick to shoot others ideas down

3. Eggshell-very fragile, want to be the victim all the time, delicate personality

4. Ice sculpture-similar to egg shell, hard to read, withdrawn

5. Perfectionists-mistakes nag at them, workplace to the extreme

Freud biography

*engagement to Martha lasted 4 years

*talking cure w/patient Anna O

*thought he would gain notoriety with cocaine

*died of cancer

*3 issues-addicted to cigars, faint in presence of other talented/successful men, phobia of travel

*1899/1900 Interpretation of Dreams

*Id, Ego and Superego (Id is the pleasure principle/core personality)

*defense mechanisms -repression and projection

50 / 40 / 10

50% genetics

40% own intentions-daily decisions

10% life circumstances (short term)


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Barnum Effect

The tendency to believe in accuracy of vague generalities about one's personality

i.e. horoscopes

Projective Techniques

Ink blots

Draw a person tests

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Traditional Freudian Psychoanalysis

overemphasis on childhood sexual experiences


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

*based off the theories of Carl Jung

*16 possible personality types

*measures preferences