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61 Cards in this Set

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what is "big history"?

"History of everything"

how long has there been our universe?

13.7 billion years

how much percent of total mass in the universe is invisible?


when did the first stars light?

1-2 billion years after the big bang

how old is the planet?

4.7 billion years

how long after did life follow?

3 billion years

when did the human species appear

250,000 years ago

world history movement

explosion about new knowledge about the histories of Asia, Africa, and Pre-Columbian America erupted from research of scholars around the world..reflected in college and high school curricula

what are the three C's of world history?

change, comparison, and connection


old stone age


new stone age

human life was exclusive to where for the first 150,000 years?


Blombos Cave

south Africa, workshop for the processing of ochre-150,000 yrs ago

what was the migration pattern 45,000 years ago?

Africa> Middle East > Europe> Asia

Venus Figurines

female form, exaggerated breasts, butt, hips, stomaches

where was the first use of boats



Australian aboriginal outlook on world/mythologies

links current inhabitants intimately with particular places and timeless events in the past

when where the first migrations into the Americas?

30,000-15,000 years ago

clovis point

first clearly defined and widespread cultural traditions- abruptly dissipated

paleolithic bands

moved frequently in regular patterns to exploit resources of wild plants and animals

females during paleolithic?

bulk of family income

why is the paleolithic people the "original/affluent society"?

they wanted and needed so little


smaller and more refined spear points, arrowheads, knives, and scrapers

gobelki tepe

11,600 years ago- probably ceremonial site, little evidence of human inhabitants

neolithic revolution

deliberate cultivation of particular plants as well as taming and breeding of certain animals


taming and changing of nature to benefit humankind


getting more for less

broad-spectrum diet

learned to make use of large number of plants to hunt and eat both small and large animals


hoe based agriculture

where was the first place to experience agricultural revolution?

fertile crescent


early agricultural village-southern turkey


inherited positions of power and privilege

seldom use of power for obedience

norte chico

smaller than Mesopotamia, less evidence of economic specialization, fishing based economy



series of knotted chord, possible way of early writting

Indus valley

little indication of political hierarchy,

oxus civilization

22,000BCE- residential compounds, artisan workshops, temples, surrounded by defensive walls.


1200BCE- gulf of Mexico, agricultural economy, competing chiefdoms,


in city's center- stepped pyramid, ziggurat

Mohejo Daro

40,000 people, large, richly built houses, complex sewage system


central valley of Mexico-200,000 people

what did writing serve as in early civilization?

a form of accounting

what did literacy define?

elite status and privilege

Mesopotamian outlook

violent environment, disorderly world,

egypts outlook

more stable, predictable, and beneficent of the environment

what was the most thoroughly urbanized society of ancient times?


by 2400BCE, what happened to the power of the Pharaoh?

it had dmininished


form of early writing, basis for Greek and Latin

Egypt had large influence where?

in the Mediterranean basin

what happened to Egypt by 1500BCE?

it had become an imperial state bridging Africa and Asia


state, political systems that exercise coercive power

Persian emprie

-500BCE- constructed imperial system thatdrew on previous examples

-reached from Egypt to India-35-50 million ppl

-elaborate kingship

-effective administrative system

-standardized coinage

Greek Empire

-2-3- million ppl

-hundreds of city-states and small settlements

-each city-state was independent, frequent conflict

-popular participation with political life..VOTING

greco-persian wars

-grew from patterns of expansion

-greek settlements came under persian control

-greeks held of persians and defeated them twice

Alexander the Great

-ten year expedition

-spread Greek culture

what percentage of people were the Greeks in the Hellenistic kingdoms?


what were the Roman values?

rules of law, rights of citizens, absence of pretension, upright moral behavior, keeping ones word

what did man have absolute control over in roman culture

wife, kids, and slaves

what did Shihuangdi impose?

uniform system of weights, measures, currency, standardized cart lengths, and written form of Chinese

what did both the Chinese and Roman empires invest in heavily?

public works

both absorbed foreign religious tradition

china- Buddhism


china and Rome bot had what type of control over their vast empire?
