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48 Cards in this Set

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Cognitive theories emphasize

conscious thoughts.

The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to by Jeffrey Arnett as

The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to by Jeffrey Arnett as

Corey is participating in research. She is given an electronic pager, and a researcher "beeps" her several times a day to ask her what she is doing. The researcher is using which of the following methods?

experience sampling

Which of the following is a drawback to conducting observational research in a laboratory?

People who are willing to come to a laboratory might not be representative of the general population.

Measuring the levels of hormones in an adolescent's blood stream is an example of which type of measure of adolescent development?


Bronfenbrenner developed ______, a perspective that is receiving increased attention.

ecological theory

The "storm and stress" view of adolescence was postulated by

G. Stanley Hall

The term "adolescent generalization gap" refers to:

generalizations based on information about a limited group of adolescents.

Ann Masten and her colleagues found that emerging adults who overcame adversity and went on to become competent adults had all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

they were well-traveled.

Psychoanalytic theories emphasize that development is all of the following EXCEPT

primarily related to observable behavior.

Which of the following statements about using surveys to collect data is TRUE?

People answer in ways that they see as socially desirable.

Anthropologist Margaret Mead concluded that the basic nature of adolescence is


Research has shown that, given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep about how many hours each night?


Expression of a certain trait or characteristic is partly due to genetics and partly shaped by

life experiences.

Lucy has grown up in a home with her biological mother and father and enjoys a middle socioeconomic class lifestyle. Joan has grown up with her adoptive parents and, although her family is fairly wealthy, her father has struggled with alcoholism for years. Kathy's parents have a poor relationship, low socioeconomic status, and her father frequently leaves the home for weeks at a time. Which of these girls will probably experience puberty FIRST?


Brendan is 6 feet tall, and has red hair and green eyes. His cousin, Connor, is 5 feet, 6 inches tall, and has brown hair and brown eyes. Both boys are described as friendly and outgoing. These descriptions of genetic expression are known as their


Which of the following is a determinant of puberty?

All of these

Gonadarche is the period most people think of as:


High risk-taking behavior in adolescents has been linked to

hanging out with peers in unstructured contexts.

Starting school later for older adolescents has been shown to

improve test scores.

Behavior geneticist Sandra Scarr identified different ways in which heredity and environment correlate. Which of the following is NOT a pattern she described?


Judy and Justin are twins. Which of the following statements about their experiences with gonadarche is most likely to be TRUE?

Judy will begin gonadarche one to two years before her brother.

Kaylee, age 22, has a cup of coffee for breakfast, skips lunch on most days, and eats a huge dinner.She is slightly overweight but does not exercise. She admits to getting by with only a few hours of sleep on weeknights but insists that she makes up for this by "sleeping in" on the weekends. Kaylee's lifestyle is

fairly typical of someone in emerging adulthood.

Ben and Alex, ages 12 and 14, live with their biological parents in a middle-class neighborhood. This is an example of:

shared environment experience.

Michael is a successful business owner who can develop his ideas into productive enterprises. Although he was an average student in school, his great social skills and common sense indicate that Michael might score highly in what Sternberg calls _____ intelligence.


Martha states that "everyone is staring at my beetle brows" after her mother refuses to drive her to get her eyebrows waxed. Martha's belief is an example of what David Elkind calls the ______ of adolescence.

imaginary audience

What is the main difference between a myelinated cell process and a cell process without myelin?

Myelinated cell processes are more efficient at information processing than non-myelinated cell processes.

Which of the following statements regarding formal operational thought is TRUE?

Formal operational thought is more abstract than concrete operational thought.

Harry, age 24, was denied admission to graduate school because of a low grade point average. Harry is unwilling to accept this decision and plans to appeal based on the fact that he missed almost one semester of school due to illness. Harry's thinking is typical of someone in

postformal thought.

Peter is a landscape designer. Gardner would say that Peter's strength is in

naturalistic intelligence

Vygotsky stressed the role of _____ on cognitive development.

all of these

Mr. Bressler, an English literature teacher, wants to encourage his students' creativity. Which of the following activities will DISCOURAGE critical thinking?

giving the students rewards for creative ideas

Faith, age 16, and Maura, age 26, are likely to differ in their cognitive abilities. Which of the following differences is MOST likely?

Faith is more likely than Maura to view the world in absolute terms.

Lisa, age 18, finds that she cannot control her emotions when she becomes angry. She lashes out at those around her in an inappropriate way. Nelson and colleagues would say that Lisa's _____ is not able to handle the emotional intensity of her _____.

prefrontal cortex; amygdala

Increases in levels of dopamine can do which of the following?

all of these

Emily tells her friend Sarah, "Absolutely nobody in my family understands me. They are totally clueless!" Emily's feelings are an example of what David Elkind calls the

personal fable

Carl Rogers argued that a strong discrepancy between the real self and the ideal self is a sign of


What differences exist between the self-understanding of adolescents and that of emerging adults?

In emerging adulthood, self-understanding becomes more integrated.

Stacy has explored a number of careers that involve helping other people but she has not yet made a commitment to an identity. According to James Marcia, Stacy is in which identity status?

identity moratorium

During which stage do emotional highs and lows occur most frequently?

early adolescence

An individual's behavioral style and characteristic way of responding is known as the person's


The most powerful contributor to global self-esteem in adolescence is

physical appearance.

Erikson believed that _____ was the central issue for adolescents.


Which of the following statements regarding hormones and emotions is TRUE?

Environmental experiences may contribute more to emotions of adolescents than hormonal changes.

The BEST predictor of adjustment and competence in adolescents is

the emergence of conscientiousness.

Researchers have found that

ethnic identity increases with age.

It is extremely important to Sean, age 19, to make the Dean's List in college. His twin brother, Seamus, is more focused on being chosen for the rugby team. According to Susan Harter, Sean and Seamus have each identified their

domain important to the self.

Contemporary views on identity development suggest that

it evolves over the course of the life cycle.