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15 Cards in this Set

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Define low decerebrate.
Preparation in which both the hindbrain and spinal cord of an animal remin intact.
Define high decerebrate.
Preparation in which an animal has an intact midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.
Define decerebrate rigidity.
Excessive tone in all muscles, producing extension of the limbs and dorsoflexion of the head because antigravity musculatur overpowers other muscles; caused by brainstem or cerebellar lesions.
Excessive tone
Define narcolepsy.
condition in which a person is overcome by uncontrollable, recurrent, brief episodes of sleep.
overcome by
Define superior colliculus.
Nucleus of the tectum in the midbrain that receives visual projections and controls whole-body reflexes to visual stimuli.
Define inferior colliculus.
Nucleus of the tectum of the midbrain that receives auditory projections and takes part in whole-body orientation to auditory stimuli.
Define voluntary movements.
Any movement that takes an animal from one place to another; can be elicited by lower-level sensory input or executed through lower-level sensory inut or executed through lower-level postural support and reflex systems. aka appetitive, instrumental, purposive, or operant movement.
one place to another
Define automatic movements.
Spontaneous or involuntary movements.
Define sham rage.
Distinguished from directed rage of the normal cat; as affective behavior that is inappropriately displayed--lasing the tail, arching the trunk, making limb movements, displaying claws, snarling, and biting.
Define spiny and aspiny neurons.
spiny - class of neurons that have dendritic spines; most are excitatory.
aspiny - class of inhibitory neurons that do not have dendritic spines
Define column and module.
column - hypthetical unit of cortical organization; believed to represent a vertically organized intracortical connectivity that is assumed to be a single functional unit (used as synonym for module)
module - hypthetical unit of cortical organization, believed to represent a vertically organized intracortical connectivity that is assumed to correspond to a single funtional unit (used as synonym for column).
hypethetical unit
Define blobs.
Staining in the cortex with cytochrome oxidase, which shows areas of high metobolic activity by staining mitochondria, cusing the visual cortex appears spotted (these spots are known as blobs).
staining in the cortex
Define barrels.
Pattern of spots on the cortex that occur when the primary somatosensory cortex is stained with succinic dehydrogenase. Each barrel corresponds to one of the vibrissae on the face of the rat.
spots on the cortex
Define multiple representation.
In most mammals, the neocortex represents the sensory field of each modality (i.e. vision, hearing, touch, small, or taste) not once but a number of times. How many times a representation occurs depends on the species of animal
Most mammals
Define paralimbic cortex.
Area of three-layered cortex that is adjacent to the classically definded limbic cortex and has a direct connection with the limbic cortex--for example, the cingulate cortex.