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50 Cards in this Set

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suggested explanation, open to falsification, testable-scientific method
negative controls
expect to fail. controls for false positives
positive controls
expect to succeed controsl for false negativest
RNA to protien
1. dna unwinds
2. RNA polymerase binds to promotor
3. RNA polymerase "reads" base and inserts nucleotides
4. RNA polymerase "slides down" the DNA chain
5. repeat 3-4 until it hits end and falls off.
1. ribosomes binds to RNA start codon
2. ribosomes reads one codon triplet
3. one amino acid is added to teh amino acid in the chian
4. ribosome "slides down" the chain
5. repeat 2-4 until the stop codon
deoxyribonucleic acid-base, sugar(deoxyribose), phosphate group. stores information becuase: -stable, its able to store infomration, compact, editable, able to dupicat, regulation mechanisms
chain of nucleotides; g, c, a, t
AUCG evolved from early life, more control, RNA does a lot of things too
basic physical and functional unit of heredity, instructions to make protiens, made of DNA, inherited
recognized by RNA polymerae, serves several functions: where to start, when to make it, how much/ how fast to make, under what conditions to make it
total set of genes carried by a cell/ individual
self replication genetic structures which contain cellular DNA
lightly packed
tightly packed
certain sugars bind to inhibitor and pulls off inhibitor allowign the bactieria to make enzymes allowing the body t metabolize allowing the sugars
negative feedback
blocks the process of trasncription or translation so it cant finisha nd create a cell
changes in base pair sequence
-germline- happens early on
-somatic-damaged DNA eg. sunburn
sexual reproduction
meiosis: forms gametes
fertilization: form zygote
homologus pairs
not identical
sister chromatid
are identical
non-sister chromotids
not identical
bacterial conjugation
not really sexual reproduction, dna shared through pilus, can result in tranfser of antibiotic resistance virulence
pieces of chromosome switch
chromosome piece breaks and flips
makes mroe chromosome than necessary
polygenic disorders
multiple genes, environmental factors, heart disease, high blood presure, alzheimers disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and obesity
mitochondrial disorders
caused by mutation in mitochondrial DNA
blending model
offspring are a blend of the parents, the blend of characterisitcs is passed on to the next geneartion, variation is washed out over time.
principles of inheritance (mendel)
1segregation, pairs of alleles segregate into seperate gametes, each gametes contributes 1 alleles, phenotype is dominate trait
2independent assortment, alleles contribute 1 trait, all alleles are independent
incomplete dominance
intermediate phenotype
blood type, A, B, I bother alleles are expressed at on etime
multiple alleles
alleles with multiple on one chromosome both expressed
one gene cotnrols multiple traits
ex. albinism. one gene indirectly affects another
one form or coding of a gene
site on a chromsoome where agene is located
two alleles, one is dominate one is recessive, genotype directs phenotype
observable trait, cannot always determine denotype by observing phenotype
rule of multiplication
probability of two or more independent events occuring together, "and", slimmer chance
rule of addition
probabily of events occuring if there are multiple ways of succeeding, "or", "better chance"
autosomal dominant
DD and Dd have disease phenotype, only dd genotypes are disease free, assumes no new mutations( for all, not just A dom), affected offspring never born to unaffected parents
autosomal recessive
only 'rr' gentotypes are affected, typically not seen in every generation. affected offspring can be born to unaffected parents
lamarack theory
simplest forms of life arose spontaneously. progressive change- a ladder or scale of nature. need drove change. inheritance of aquird characterisitcs
natural selection
left unchecked, members of any species increase in number, as numbers increase resources are consumed, scarcity and competition, survival of the few- individuals bearing favorable charactiristics
survival or mortality selection, mating success or sexual selction, family size or fecundity selection
stablizing selection
favors intermediate phenotype, extremes are disadavation, birth weight
directional selection
favors one end of phenotype, usually during environmental change, pepper moth
diversifying selection
favors borth extremes, usually during environmental changes,
balancing selection
maintians balance between advantagesous and disadvantageous alleles, sickle cell anemia
frequency dependence selection
type of frequence dependent on selction. postiive fitness increases as population increases, negative- fitness decreases as it becomes common
spontaneous, abiotically production of organic molucules, concentrate molecules to allow chemical reaction such as polymarization