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35 Cards in this Set

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Gradual change of a species overtime, caused by random genetic mutations in DNA

Negative mutations


Positive mutatioms

Live and are passed on to become adaptations

Lamarcks theory

Body parts that were used more were passed on *wrong* body structure changed by environment don't altar genes


Geologist that proved changed occurred slowly


Studied Galapagos discovered populations increase, struggle for existence, all organisms differ slightly, best adapted survive, favourable traits passed on (natural selection)

Adaptive radiation

Evolution of a number of divergent species from a common ancestor

EOE: Fossil Record

Shows evidence of life long ago, shows change through time, gives age for fossilized material, show evidence of diet/activities


Studies developing embryos, different animals look similar early on = similar dna

Homologous/vestigial structures

Homologous structures = similar body parts between organisms showing evidence of common ancestry eg bat wing and whale flipper, vestigial= body part ofittle to no use eg tailbone, appendix, body hair, wisdom teeth


Studies compare dna of different organisms, can show degree of relatedness, dna strands are more alike in similar organisms


Classification of living things

Dichotomous key

Tool to classify things, gets more specific the further you go, divides into 2 traits, can make a visual of "written key"

5 Kingdom method of classification

Things are classified in hierarchical order, from general to specific

Scientific name

Genus & species eg homosapians, allows addition of organisms, in Latin so everyone can use it, ordered, shows evolutionary relationships

Disruptive selection

When abnormal positive mutations have a high survival rate eg squirrel= tree + flying

Stabilizing selection

Non normal negative mutations are removed from the environment eg 1 leg duck

Artificial selection

Organisms are bread for favourable traits the benefit humans eg chickens or pigs

Accidental selection

Organism mutate to forms that harm Humans eg penicillin resistant bacteria

Mold & Cast

Organisms body deteriorate and leaves imprint in mud/soil which I'd filled with sediment as the soil turns to rock over time


Porous structures like bone/wood

Fill with minerals from soil and water as they disitinitgrate and become rock


Organic material becomes trapped in light sediment and h2, n2, and O2 escape leaving a carbon print on the rock

Original preservation

An organisms dies in sap or tar and their bodies and original makeup are preserved when it turns to amber/rock

Pre mating factors

Why they don't breed eg geologic, different habitat, behavioural differences, mating seasons, body size/structure

Post mating factors

If they breed why they don't produce offspring, no embryo development,, sterile offspring


Selects change doesn't cause it, organisms adapt to the conditions of the environment to survive and the environment t select which mutations are passed on

Directional Selection

A steady change through time e.x. horses


When non related organisms developed similar adaptations because they live in similar environments eg north America wolf and Tasmanian wolf

Relative Dating

Comparing the age of different things like fossils and organisms, fossils lower down in the earth are older

What type of rock are fossils formed in


Reproductive isolation

What keeps different species from interbreeding e.x pre & post mating factors

Mold and cast

When organisms die in soil/mud, their bodies deteriorate leaving an imprint. This imprint fills with materials and becomes hard, leaving a mold and cast


Organic materials become trapped in light sediment, h2, O2, n2 escape leaving carbon imprint


Porous objects such as bone or wood fill with minerals from soil/water as the disintegrate and become rock

Original preservation

Organisms die in tar, sap, or Amber and their bodies/original makeup are preserved