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18 Cards in this Set

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Competition between members of the same sex


Members of one sex attempting to impress members of the opposite sex

Female choice

Most frequent form of sexual selection where the female of the species gets to choose a mate and the male has to impress or seduce her

Runaway selection

A term coined by Fisher, indicating certain features that have evolved to attract a mate, rather than its original purpose

Parental investment

The effort a parent has to put in, in order for their offspring to survive

Handicap theory

A theory (Zahavi) that states that certain male adornments to attract mates are hard to survive with in order to promote their strength

Sexy sons theory

Male features not a direct indication of their genetic superiority due to female choice selection

Parasite theory

Male adornments or features that show a lack of parasites

Honest signallers

Male adornments honestly showing a male's lack of parasites rather than only looking as if they have no parasites


Also known as a 'virgin birth', asexual production in multi-cellular organisms


The reproduction of unicellular organisms

Muller's ratchet

The argument by Hermann Muller that sex wins out over asexual reproduction because it helps remove negative mutations

Raffle analogy

Coined by George Williams, sexual reproduction gives an individual more chances or tickets to surviving offspring, increasing their fitness

Tangled bank theory

Proposed by Bell, aimed to explain the diversity that sex offers through the interaction between biotic entities and their abiotic environment, giving them an edge in the competition of survival

Red Queen theory

Proposed by Leigh Van Valen, the advantage of sex explained through the idea that parasites evolve faster than their hosts and to combat this, the hosts require to produce diverse offspring

Arms race

The evolution of both a host and its parasites or viruses to combat each other's goals, where parasites and such evolve faster than their hosts due to larger numbers and shorter lifespans


Members of your own species

