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60 Cards in this Set

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What type of selection is clutch size in birds and why?
It is stabilizing selection because the average number of eggs produced to favor the bird's clutch size.

After selection, the average number of eggs laid will stabilize to the optimal number of young that the parent can provide enough food/resources for with the average clutch size.
disruptive selection:
When phenotype intermediates are selected against and a bimodal distribution phenotype value is produced. It INCREASES phenotypic variation in a population
What type of selection relates to phenotypic fur color?
Disruptive selection. Occurs when mice end up clonizing in two different enviornments that require different colors of camouflage in order to avoid preation. It increases phenoytypic varation.
What type of selection relates to the mimaism moth?
Disruptive selection-- the low polution areas have lighter moths to blend into the trees and the high pollution areas have darker moths to blend in to the polluted darker trees.
Frequency dependent selection
The fitness of a phenotype depends on its frequency in the population. Usually occurs if there is selective pressure against a host by a particular pathogen. If pathogens are more adapted to a particular genotype-- than that genotype is slected against, and the rare genotype will have the advantage.

Population mean value will oscillate to keep population mean fitness stable.
Why are oscillations in genotypes of a frequency-depenant selection required to
stabilize population mean fitness at its maximum level?
What type of selection increases phenotypic variation among a population?
disruptive selection. This occurs often in patchy environments, when mice average colors or something provides no benefit to camouflage. It can even result in speciation if the two different environments are so different that the mice will stop interacting.
What type of selection is the African fish that attack the sides of other fish?
Frequency depenetn selection. Because the fish that does not attack the same side of the other fish... will be able to sneak attack on the prey's learned defensive response.
the _______ of ineffectively traits of the ______ will change in response to the rare genotypes having an ____ and will push the ______ into a _____ pattern.
requency of
infectivity traits of the
pathogen will change
in response to the rare geneotypes having an advnatage, _pushing
the hosts into
oscillating pattern
canalizing selection
important traits are stablizied by mulitple factors in the genome so population mean value will stay the same with almost no variation.
Why do genotypes that have more or less kidneys than 2 have have a large coefficient of selection against them?
Due to the canalizing selection theory-- that the optimal number of kdiness is so important that kidneys have evolved to be resistant to change. Also the theory predicts that there might be variation in the mechanisms but there were be other mechanisms to mitigate the physical effects of that variation-- so any new variation will remain hidden from selection.
3 hypothesis of hamilton and zuk
1. Parasites reduce host fitness
2. no coevolution between hosts and parasites, and hosts evolve genetic resistance to their parasites
3. the hosts with higher resistance are in general better health and have stronger sexual displays
Examples of Selection that can cause speciation and Why?
1. Runaway selection
Innate female fondness for the same traits as the brother, decreases genetic diversity?
2. Disruptive selection
If the 2 habitats of the same species are so different and cause phenotypic variation that prevents the one phenoytype from moving to other habitats to mate with the other phenoytpe;
What is migration implicitly recognized as?
On an _______ level, ________ engage in a type of locomotory activity that is "______,"_______ and ____ __"
An adaptation.Migration is based on transitory availability and location of resources like space, food, climate, shelter, mates.
Can migration lead to redistribution?
Yes- as populations, organisms may exhibit movement leading to redistribution within a spatially extended population.
On an _______ level, ________ engage in a type of locomotory activity that is "______,"_______ and ____ __"
On an individual level organisms engage in a type of locomotory activity that is undistracted, persistent and straighten out.
Why do grasshoppers turn into locusts at a certain threshold?
At first, grasshopers are solitary living in greater distances between scarce vegetation and are cryptically colored green to blend in.

There is a density dependent response of the ( vegetation of the other grasshoppers) during which the grasshopper's antenna will touch another grasshoppers leg receptor and cause a physiological change into a gregarious locust.
What is the genetic combination of locus interaction?
Gene Flow
What is gene flow?
Gene flow is the transfer of alleles of genes from one population to another. Gene flow introduces new alleles to a population and makes the 2 separate populations more similar.
The change in alele frequency due to migration within a population depends on 2 things?
1. The proportion of immigrants
2. The Difference in allele frequencies between the 2 populations
What is the frequency of allele A in island population after migration?
Pm= (1-m)pi + m (pc)
(1-m)= fraction of island that is native
pi= frequency of A allele on island
m= fraction of island that is immigrants
Pc= frequency of A allele on continent
What is the CHANGE in frequency of the A allele in island population after migration?
Delta P= m( pc- pi)

m= fraction of island that is immigrant
Pc= frequency of A allele on continent ) the original
Pi=Frequency of A allele on island ( the new)
When delta P is negative?
The change in the A1 allele frequency is negative means that the relative number of A1 alleles is decreasing due to the introduction of the q alleles.
What is the only source of new variation?
MUTATION. it is the only source of genetic variation.
Single nuclotide polymorphism ( point mutation to the duplication of an entire genome) GENOME DUPLICATION CAN CREATE NEW SPECIES
chromosomal inversion
alleles inside the inversion are likely to be transmitted together. mutation
point mutation
causes new alleles
What has the highest and lowest rates of mutations?
highest 10^2= viroids
lowest 10^-11= higher eukaryotes

The more complicated you are the least amount of mutations you have
how do selection and mutation relate?
Selection acts to eliminate deleterious mutations from populations. While mtuation creates genetic variation over time, because most of the mutations are neutral and even non- neutral mutations are deleterious-- unlesss they are peristed over time .
How can harmful recessive alleles be maintained in the population?
mutation rate and selection against the mutation are in equilibrium of q hat.
What is the selection coefficient agianst the gene for cystic fibrosis
the selecitve fitness is 1- YOU WILL DIE
If the calculated mu or mutation rate is significantly lower than it should be to maintain the mutation selection balance..
Then something else must be keeping q in the population-- the heterozygote advantage.

CF hetrozygotes are resistant to CTFr typohoid fever somehow.
q hat for mutation-selection balance=
square root of ( u/s)

u= mutation rate
s= selection coefficient
R A fisher and his contribution to evolutionay synthesis
In general populations are "large" and slection is efficient
sewall wrigtht and his contribution to evolutionary synthesis
-Populations may be “subdivided”, and
drift may reduce the efficiency of selection
- populations occurred in small isolated units: reduces efficiency of selection
genetic drift
Chance events can come to dominate the allele frequency in small populations
what needs to happen for genetic drift to occur
there must be a small population
allele frequencies have to change on the basis of chance alone
and if there are no other evolutionary forces then genetic drift can result in gene fixation
Founder effect:
loss of genetic variation when a small population is made from a small.

This is an exampe of genetric drift
genetic drift in humans example
founder effect:

d. Humans: porphyria is a genetic disorder that disrupts haem metabolism. Found in population in Afrikaan- speaking south Africans ( 1/300)
i. A C-T transition in the protoprophyinogen PPo geneThe allele is not in British
ii. Studies have suggested that most carriers in South Africa descend from a single couple from the Netherlands who married in Cape Town in 1688
What happens in large populations and genetic drift

verus small populations
genetic drift can affect the trajetory of allele frequency chagne but not the eventual fate of the allele.

In small populationsdrift is more powerful than selection and drives evolution to fix alleles that are not favored by selection Fishecer did not except this.
b. Snake: Natrix tesellata
example of founder effects in animals:

endangered snake that occurs in natural and introduced populations
c. Two natural and two introduced populations were studied for genetic variation using 8 microsatellite loci
What is the probability of an alleles fixation in genetic drift?
the probability of the fixation of an allele is equal to its initial frequency only if the population is SMALL and genetic drift is the ONLY evolutionary froce
How does flipping a coin show how chance events can dominate the allele frequency in small populations?
The more tosses you have, the deviations become less and less likely, but the probability of it being 50% heads/ 50% hands, the more likely occur
• Example: if you only do 1 trial the probability of have 50% heads is 1
Dobhanzky fly experiment
Genetic drift v flow
Flow: the spreading of alleles across space
Movement of genetic variation in space across populations
Drift: only can occur in small populations! Allele fixation is due to a poor sample size
Wallace vs. Darwin
Never agreed on the role of “sexual selection”
Wallace only believed in natural selection
Darwin beleieves that sexual selection is not due to survival but about reproduction.
These traits that increase mating success, if heritable, will cause natural selection.
parental investment
the energy and time expended in constructing an offspring and caring for it.
-increase the reproductive success of the offspring
Decrease the reproductive success that the investing parent may achieve in the future through additional offspring

In general : females invest more in offspring than males, the eggs are large full of nutrients an expensive to produce. So females a more maternally invested in offspring than males who only donate dna sperm
What are the limits of female and male reproduction?
Female reproductive success is limited by the number of eggs, the energy investment but not by partners

Male reproductive success is Limited by number of females he can convenience to mate with him
Limited by competition.
Male fitness determined by access- so the major dynamic among males is

The mate with a greater parental investment an be more cchoosey.
3 main ways of male competition
1. direct combat: access to mating
2. sperm competition: access to eggs
3. Infanticide: removal of other males offspirngs
The male iguana is bigger because...
of sexual selection of direct combat larger indivudals are better at head bobbing which is good for
1. visual display
2. holding larger territories ( which result in more copulation and more reproductive success)
Visual display of male direct combat example
i. The female red-winged blackbird are attracted to red eppletes and aerial displays and their songs
ii. Experiment: in 7 control birds, they maintained territory, but the ones that lost their red color due to painting did not maintain territory
example of sperm competition in rodents
relative size of the testes were proportional to the amount of offspring that were sired.
Sperm competition among fruit flies
ii. Fruit flys: when raised in the prescence of other males- they will produce more sperm than when raised in isolation
Mating plugs/anti-aphrodisiacs/sperm scoops
sperm competition:

i. Sperm plugs:
ii. Butterfly Antiaphrodisiacs in Heliconius
iii. Males produce chemicals that they transfer to females during copulation
iv. The active chemical ((E)-β-Ocimene) makes females unattractive to subsequent males
v. These males interrupt mating before sperm transfer
plugs: bettles have spines on penis that use to remove the sperm from other males
Mate gaurding example
In many species, such as the Seychelles warbler, female birds seek extra-pair copulations.
Males guard females during most fertile period, until female lays an egg.
Study compared 20 pairs in which there were normal levels of mate guarding with 20 pairs in which mate guarding was reduced by placing a fake model egg in the nest
Control males spent 53% of their time near their mates. Experimental males spent 8% of their time near their mates.
a. Important and different: highlights the nature of evolutionary fitness .
i. Be better in terms of reproduction
ii. Or make everyone else BAD
b. Lion, males take over prides let by other males then kill nursing cubs.
c. Direct positive fitness advantage by reducing the success of the other male.
d. This results in a faster return to breeding condition of females
When does W bar go to 1?
under directional selection- the alleles will be displayed in a way to maximiaze evolutionary fitness
Q hat=
The value when allele frequencies stop changing when the population is at MAX fitness or when the w bar is zero. If q hat is not equal to the q we have no we are not at mix fitness.

Q hat you're at w max
delta q=0
delta q = q1-q0
delta q is how we can predict the q in the next generation.

occurs the maximum amount of fitness.
Selection coefficient

A huge S means heterozygote disadvantage