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59 Cards in this Set

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A defense of native born people and a hostility to the foreign born, usually combined with the desire to stop or slow immigration.
Know Nothing Party
members of a movement that believed in banning Catholics or the foreign-born from holding public office, more restrictive naturalization laws and literacy tests for voting. ey were very secretive.
Erie Canal
a basic ditch forty feet wide and four feet deep with towpaths along the banks. It provided a route to the great lakes from New York.
B. & O. Railroad
the first railroad to begin operations which opened a thirteen mile stretch of track.
Lowell Textile Mill
relied on young, unmarried women to do run their factory while they were taken care of, had strict rules and required to attend church.
Commonwealth v. Hunt
the Supreme Court decided that labor Unions were lawful organization and that the strike was a lawful weapon.
Irish Potato Famine
Ireland came to the U.S. because of the potato famine in which more than 20% died of starvation and 20% came to the U.S. They worked very cheaply.
Oberlin College
the first college in America (Ohio) to accept female students.
Ostend Manifesto
the U.S. government wanted to seize Cuba by force, but when U.S. citizens discovered the plan, they charged the administration with trying to bring a new slave state into the Union.
“Joint Occupancy”
Great Britain and America, after coming to a compromise, allowed citizens from both nations to have equal access to the Oregon territory.
California Gold Rush
A man in Sutter’s Mill, California discovered gold where he was working and the news spread causing California to be flooded with gold miners, or the forty-niners.
Slave Rebellions
Gabriel Prosser gathered 1,000 slaves outside of Richmond to created an insurrection,but they were discovered. Vesey and his 9,000 followers planned a revolt, but word leaked out and they were discovered again. Nat Turner led a group of slaves with axes and guns to kill over 60 white people in Southhampton County, Virginia
Compromise of 1850
broke up the ominous bill, and introduced a series of separate measures that could be voted on one by one.
Brooke Farm
Shared education and labor, very artistic, and empowered women
had complex marriages, totally self-supporting and created Oneida Ltd.
they had a rule of celibacy and gender segregation as well. They grew rapidly due to adoption.
Eclectic First Reader
this was written by William McGuffey and it had a very Americanized tone for immigrants who were learning to read with it. 120 million of them have been sold and they are still used today.
San Antonio mission made famous as a "last stand" for Davy Crockett and others
and even worse fight than at the Alamo, almost no one survived
Mexican-American War
President Polk declares war. It was a war between America and Mexico from 1845 to 1848 that culminated with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in which the U.S. purchased Texas, California, and New Mexico.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
– this made the Rio Grande the border between Mexico and America, in
return America paid Mexico $15 million. The U.S. also assumes all of the debt, but Mexico lost half of its country
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Act that repealed the Missouri Compromise and introduced popular sovereignty as a means of determining whether states would enter the union as slave or free. It opened up
the territories west of Iowa and Missouri. It also created the Republican Party.
Bleeding Kansas
Name given to the battles between proslavery and abolitionist forces who tried to bring Kansas into the union as a slave or a free state, respectively.
Romantic Writers
James Fenimore Cooper who wrote The Last of the Mohicans; Herman Melville who wrote Moby Dick; also Ned Buntline and Mark Twain.
Romantic Painters
The Hudson River School: Thomas Cole (invented the style), Albert Bierstadt &
Thomas Moran
William Lloyd Garrison published the Liberator which was purchased by black Americans. He thought that slavery was the decimation of a culture and he was very radical when it came to racism and slavery. Frederick Douglass was a self-educated runaway slave who was known for his oratory skills; he also published the “North Star”
Free Soil Party
Belief that slavery must be kept out of the Western territories, for the sake of
preserving Northern free labor.
Abraham Lincoln
Illinois lawyer who became famous after his debates against Senator Stephen Douglas and was elected the 16th president of the United States; his election convinced the South that slavery would not survive in the U.S. and led them to secede.
Samuel Morse
invented the telegraph system and the Morse code
Horace Greely
editor and publisher of the NY Tribune who was elected by the Democrats as a candidate for the presidency; also founder of the Liberal Party.
Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin which helped turn America into a cotton nation
Daniel Webster
New Hampshire politician with a strong nationalist ideology; he opposed nullification by arguing that the people -- not the states -- created the federal government.
DeWitt Clinton
the Erie Canal was named “Clinton’s Big Ditch” after him
John Brown
Staunch abolitionist who led the Pottawatomie massacre and the raid on Harper's Ferry
Dred Scott
was a young slave to an Army surgeon who sued his owner for freedom because he had
taken him to a free state. The U.S. Supreme Court declared he had no rights as a black citizen which made the Missouri Compromise Unconstitutional
Brigham Young
Leader who took over the management of the Mormon society after Joseph Smith's
death and moved the community to Utah
Joseph Smith
wrote the Book of Mormon and founded the Latter Day Saints; also searched for the
“New Jerusalem” but was assassinated in 1844
Edward Jenner
created the Smallpox Vaccine
Louis Pasteur
created the method of pasteurization
Grimke Sisters
Quaker women who believed in the Doctrine of Equality; activist sisters who advocated abolitionism and women's rights
Harriett Beecher Stowe
wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Sojourner Truth
woman “Walk away” slave who was famous for her “Ain’t I a woman?” speech
Harriett Tubman
after escaping to the North, she assisted with sneaking more slaves over into the free nation. First woman to lead military assault in battle in South Carolina
Charles Sumner
was beaten severely by a southerner named Preston Brooks for speaking badly of his uncle about slavery
Andrew Butler
an outspoken defender of slavery; his nephew beat his opponent with a cane
Preston Brooks
after hearing Charles Sumner speak badly of his uncle Andrew Butler, Brooks gets even by surprising Sumner and beating him with a wooden cane which caused the politician to leave office for 4 years.
Stephen Douglas
Illinois Senator instrumental in the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska controversy; he promoted the theory of popular sovereignty.
Stephen Kearney
General who tried to create a white government in New Mexico despite 50,000 resident Hispanics.
Name a school for the blind
Perkins School for the Blind
What were various types of crops grown?
Corn, Tobacco, Cotton, Sugar Cane
Eli Whitney
Cotton Gin
John Deere
Steel Plow
Cyrus McCormick
Samuel Slater
Oliver Evan
Steam Engine
Court Citation on Labor
the Supreme Court decided that labor Unions were lawful organization and that the strike was a lawful weapon
Name a School for the Indians
Carlisle Indian School
Growth in Slave population
continues to increase despite their short life spans. Even
though the import of slaves is illegal, the states still remain trading between each other.
First College to admit women
Oberlin College